Binance Square
Decimal main news New videos on Youtube  and TikTok We made a complete guide, to explain step by step, everything about Decimal console. And we also talk about the first children's cartoon made to teach Bitcoin to kids. [Decimal & Makarovsky's AMA session on Binance Live](undefined) On Thursday, April 11, a live broadcast with the MAKAROVSKY project took place on Binance. Dmitry Makarovskiy answered the questions of the viewers in detail and talked about his project. The live broadcast was attended by more than 500 viewers. You can also join the show. The recording is available in Russian on the Binance live website. [Analytics](undefined) 5 new coins created: ASTRONAUTS  (CRR 50%), FAIRCOIN (CRR 60%), PEPELKA  (CRR 40%), NOTCOIN  (CRR 35%), CHUSHPAN  (CRR 50%)..Total tokens: 348. Total validators: 84. New wallets: +217.

Decimal main news

New videos on Youtube  and TikTok

We made a complete guide, to explain step by step, everything about Decimal console. And we also talk about the first children's cartoon made to teach Bitcoin to kids.

[Decimal & Makarovsky's AMA session on Binance Live](undefined)

On Thursday, April 11, a live broadcast with the MAKAROVSKY project took place on Binance. Dmitry Makarovskiy answered the questions of the viewers in detail and talked about his project. The live broadcast was attended by more than 500 viewers. You can also join the show. The recording is available in Russian on the Binance live website.


5 new coins created: ASTRONAUTS  (CRR 50%), FAIRCOIN (CRR 60%), PEPELKA  (CRR 40%), NOTCOIN  (CRR 35%), CHUSHPAN  (CRR 50%)..Total tokens: 348. Total validators: 84. New wallets: +217.

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. وهذه ليست نصيحةً مالية. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
استكشف المُحتوى المُعد من أجلك
أنشِئ حسابًا الآن للتمتّع بفرصةٍ لكسب 100 USDT من المُكافآت!
أنشِئ حساب شركات
تسجيل الدخول
مُنشِئ مُحتوى ذو صلة

استكشف المزيد من مُنشِئ المُحتوى

Thank you for your understanding and support of the project. Team Decimal appreciates your contribution to the blAn update that addresses Decimal’s blockchain infrastructure. Decimal is constantly striving to improve and optimize. And as part of this process, it has decided to move from a monolithic backend architecture that collects, stores and transfers blockchain data to a microservices-based architecture in early 2024 to improve the performance and reliability of blockchain services. This change will allow for better scaling and adaptation to the future needs of the project and the Decimal community. In particular, a new microservice for award data processing was launched in the Production environment two months ago. The Decimal team successfully integrated this microservice and it now fully provides data for all blockchain products, including Observer and Console. To ensure your products continue to run smoothly and with maximum efficiency, please upgrade to the new microservice for rewards data. To do so, you will need to: ● Switch to the new API for requests related to award data. You can find detailed documentation on the new API and examples of usage at: ● Test the integration with the new API to ensure your applications work correctly; ● Conduct testing to ensure that the transition to the new API does not affect the functionality of your products. The cutoff date for the old functionality from the main backend is 22.04.2024. After this date, award data will no longer be available through the old API. The development team is making every effort to make the transition as smooth as possible for all parties and is available to answer any questions, as well as assist you in the migration process to the new API: Sincerely, Decimal Team

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