Binance Square
#HotTrends $BTC Next Move of #BTC There might be a fake breakdown soon, leading to a shift in the nearby direction. If this happens, the price will switch from aiming at a lower point to aiming higher. The targets could be around 69K and 74K. Support levels: 62600, 61450, 60300, 59300 Resistance levels: 65450, 68100, 69000 Right now, it's smart to consider trading within the current range while the overall trend is upwards. We could see a test of strong support followed by a change in direction. There aren't any clear reasons for the price to move out of this range just yet. #Eshajee

#HotTrends $BTC

Next Move of #BTC

There might be a fake breakdown soon, leading to a shift in the nearby direction. If this happens, the price will switch from aiming at a lower point to aiming higher. The targets could be around 69K and 74K.

Support levels: 62600, 61450, 60300, 59300 Resistance levels: 65450, 68100, 69000

Right now, it's smart to consider trading within the current range while the overall trend is upwards. We could see a test of strong support followed by a change in direction. There aren't any clear reasons for the price to move out of this range just yet.


إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. وهذه ليست نصيحةً مالية. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
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