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🔥Uniswap is set to deploy on Polkadot through the Moonbeam parachain. Uniswap V3 is soon launching on Polkadot through the Moonbeam parachain following a governance vote conducted by the Blockchain community in Michigan. Uniswap will soon be available on Moonbeam, a parachain of Polkadot, as per the proposal approved on May 17th on the exchange's governance forum. The proposal was put forth by the Blockchain Education group in Michigan and received near-unanimous support with 99.99% of the votes in favor. #UNISWAP #Uni

🔥Uniswap is set to deploy on Polkadot through the Moonbeam parachain.

Uniswap V3 is soon launching on Polkadot through the Moonbeam parachain following a governance vote conducted by the Blockchain community in Michigan.

Uniswap will soon be available on Moonbeam, a parachain of Polkadot, as per the proposal approved on May 17th on the exchange's governance forum.

The proposal was put forth by the Blockchain Education group in Michigan and received near-unanimous support with 99.99% of the votes in favor.


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