$SAGA /USDT Analysis:

Long Entry: $2.95

Short Entry: $2.90

Stop Loss Long: $2.88

Stop Loss Short: $3.00

The price action shows consolidation between $2.90 and $2.95, indicating a potential breakout or breakdown. A breakout above $2.95 suggests bullish momentum with a target toward $3.05. Conversely, a break below $2.90 could lead to a bearish move targeting $2.85.

$BTC /USDT Analysis:

Long Entry: $68,650

Short Entry: $68,200

Stop Loss Long: $68,000

Stop Loss Short: $69,000

BTC is showing a small pullback after reaching $69,000. If it reclaims $68,650, expect a bullish rally toward $69,500. However, if it breaks below $68,200, it could target $67,800 in the short term.

Both markets show consolidation patterns, suggesting explosive moves once these ranges break!#TeslaTransferBTC #SCRSpotTradingOnBinance #USRetailSalesBoost #BNBRisesTo600 #CanaryLitecoinETF