**News Flash: KPMG and Cryptio Join Forces to Enhance Crypto Accounting Compliance**

Big Four accounting firm KPMG has teamed up with Cryptio, a crypto accounting software provider, to help U.S. crypto firms comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

**Key Points:**

- The alliance aims to establish robust controls within crypto firms for better asset accounting.

- Brian Consolvo of KPMG highlighted the importance of streamlined digital asset accounting and regulatory compliance.

- Cryptio's CEO, Antoine Scalia, believes this partnership will set a new standard for regulated institutions adopting digital assets.

**Why It Matters:**

- A recent KPMG survey shows rising institutional interest in crypto, with nearly 40% of investors having exposure to digital assets in 2023.

- Improved market maturity and custody infrastructure are driving this increased demand.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this partnership will shape the future of crypto accounting and compliance.