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New Whale Alert: $WLFI Power Move! 🐋💰 Just 2 hours ago, a new address made waves in the market by spending a whopping $3M USDC to scoop up 200M #WLFI tokens from Trump's worldlibertyfi. Could this be the beginning of a bullish run, in #WLFiToken or just a strategic move by a smart investor? 👀 Wallet Address: 0x57930B2FBC0B7471E5Fc58323D886620bE37Bb80
New Whale Alert: $WLFI Power Move! 🐋💰
Just 2 hours ago, a new address made waves in the market by spending a whopping $3M USDC to scoop up 200M #WLFI tokens from Trump's worldlibertyfi. Could this be the beginning of a bullish run, in #WLFiToken or just a strategic move by a smart investor? 👀
Wallet Address:
في #خبر_هام بالنسبة لمحبي العملات الجديدة(#WLFI ) أعلن الرئيس الأمريكي السابق دونالد ترامب عن إطلاق عملة رقمية جديدة تحمل اسم "WLFI"، وهو اختصار لـ "World Liberty Financial". من المقرر أن تكون هذه العملة متاحة للبيع ابتداءً من يوم 15 يناير 2025. تهدف عملة WLFI إلى تعزيز الحرية المالية على مستوى العالم، وتأتي في سياق اهتمام ترامب المتزايد بالعملات الرقمية والتكنولوجيا المالية. من المتوقع أن تسهم هذه العملة في تعزيز دور الولايات المتحدة في سوق العملات المشفرة العالمي، خاصة مع التوجهات السياسية الجديدة التي تدعم تبني الأصول الرقمية. يجدر بالذكر أن العملات المشفرة شهدت ارتفاعات ملحوظة في قيمتها عقب فوز ترامب في الانتخابات الرئاسية الأخيرة، حيث ارتفعت قيمة البيتكوين إلى مستويات قياسية تجاوزت 90 ألف دولار. مع إطلاق عملة WLFI، يُتوقع أن تشهد الأسواق المالية اهتمامًا متزايدًا ومتابعة حثيثة لتأثير هذه العملة على الاقتصاد العالمي وسوق العملات الرقمية. #WLFI #BTC
في #خبر_هام بالنسبة لمحبي العملات الجديدة(#WLFI )

أعلن الرئيس الأمريكي السابق دونالد ترامب عن إطلاق عملة رقمية جديدة تحمل اسم "WLFI"، وهو اختصار لـ "World Liberty Financial". من المقرر أن تكون هذه العملة متاحة للبيع ابتداءً من يوم 15 يناير 2025.

تهدف عملة WLFI إلى تعزيز الحرية المالية على مستوى العالم، وتأتي في سياق اهتمام ترامب المتزايد بالعملات الرقمية والتكنولوجيا المالية. من المتوقع أن تسهم هذه العملة في تعزيز دور الولايات المتحدة في سوق العملات المشفرة العالمي، خاصة مع التوجهات السياسية الجديدة التي تدعم تبني الأصول الرقمية.

يجدر بالذكر أن العملات المشفرة شهدت ارتفاعات ملحوظة في قيمتها عقب فوز ترامب في الانتخابات الرئاسية الأخيرة، حيث ارتفعت قيمة البيتكوين إلى مستويات قياسية تجاوزت 90 ألف دولار.

مع إطلاق عملة WLFI، يُتوقع أن تشهد الأسواق المالية اهتمامًا متزايدًا ومتابعة حثيثة لتأثير هذه العملة على الاقتصاد العالمي وسوق العملات الرقمية.

吃完香蕉,孙宇晨转身去买“官”了🔥🔥🔥 在群众们还在消化孙宇晨“吃香蕉”的震撼时,他又以3000万美元投资了特朗普家族支持的加密项目WLFI,直接成为了这个项目的顾问。 要知道,这个项目是号称“去中心化金融”(DeFi)领域的创新先锋,目标是通过加密技术赋权“被遗忘的社区”。但实际上,这个项目的代币发行一度遇冷,市场反应平平。 孙宇晨的加入就像一剂“强心针”,就像是一颗重磅炸弹,瞬间引爆了DeFi(去中心化金融)领域的想象力。WLFI的代币总销售额因此飙升至5200万美元,这个数字本身就是一个强有力的信号。在此之前,该平台仅仅售出了2100万美元的代币。 于是项目方在社交媒体上直接表扬了他的“远见”和“经验”,更是期待他的到来能推动项目“持续创新”。孙宇晨自己也不忘给这事儿“升华”一波,在社交平台上表示:“投资WLFI是因为看好其技术潜力,与政治无关。” 可谁都知道,这事儿就是在买“政治影响力”啊! 这背后,蕴含的意义绝不简单! #孙宇晨吃香蕉 #WLFI #puppies一个具备千倍基因的币 #AI与GameFi市场表现 #孙割钞能力 $BNB $WLD $PNUT






#孙宇晨吃香蕉 #WLFI #puppies一个具备千倍基因的币 #AI与GameFi市场表现 #孙割钞能力 $BNB $WLD $PNUT
阿布扎比BTC高峰會震撼来袭!9999美元与川普次子面对面,这波操作值不值?Mlion的朋友们,你们听说了吗?阿布扎比BTC高峰會即将震撼登场,而更让人意想不到的是,美国候任总统川普的二儿子Eric Trump竟然也会现身,并且还将与币安创始人赵长鹏、波场创始人孙宇晨等大佬进行一场仅限“巨鯨”参加的VIP对谈!但想参加这场对谈,得花9999美元购买“巨鯨”通行证,这波操作,你们觉得值不值? 想象一下,与川普家族的成员面对面交流,聆听他们对加密货币的看法和未来规划,这机会可是千载难逢啊!Eric Trump不仅会在峰会上发表主题演讲,还会在VIP贵宾室与各位大佬深入交流。这不仅仅是一场简单的对谈,更是一次了解加密货币未来走向的绝佳机会! 而且,Eric Trump对加密货币可是相当看好。他表示,中东国家已经投入数十亿美元来发展加密货币和数位科技,如果美国不跟进,就会被抛在后头。他还透露,川普家族正在积极参与中东地区的开发案,并支持美国成为全球加密货币中心。这消息一出,是不是让各位币圈的战友们更加兴奋了呢? 不过,也有人对这场VIP活动持怀疑态度。毕竟,9999美元可不是小数目,这笔钱花得值不值得呢?但换个角度想,能与这么多大佬面对面交流,还能深入了解加密货币的未来走向,这机会可是用钱都买不来的! 更何况,这场VIP活动或许还与川普家族在9月推出的DeFi项目World Liberty Financial有关。据悉,川普是该平台的首席加密货币倡导者,而Eric Trump和他的兄弟们则担任大使。这意味着,参加这场VIP活动,或许还能获得与World Liberty Financial相关的独家信息哦! 除了Eric Trump外,还有其他众多演讲嘉宾也将亮相阿布達比BTC高峰會。他们不仅与World Liberty Financial有密切关联,还在加密货币领域有着举足轻重的地位。他们的到来,无疑将为这场峰会增添更多看点! 想关注阿布扎比BTC高峰會,深入了解加密货币的未来走向?可以尝试一下Mlion(体验请访问:🤖👉。作为Web3领域的AI投研助手,Mlion将实时新闻与AI深度分析结合,为你提供精准的市场洞察和投资建议。无论是币价预测、项目研报,还是快速捕捉市场热点,Mlion都能帮助你提前把握机会。Mlion平台现在推出了全新功能——ML SWAP,可以实现一键跨链交换,方便快捷。支持50多条链,40多种插件钱包,SOL、BTC链都能轻松搞定。特别是BTC链,别的平台做不到的合约跨链交换,Mlion帮你实现! 更棒的是,ML SWAP 还在进行限时活动! 🚀双重奖励+500 USDT大奖等你来拿!别犹豫了,快来抓住这次机会吧!更多新闻快讯分析、币价实时分析和预测、SWAP跨链兑换请访问:🤖👉访问 以上内容仅供信息分享,不构成任何投资建议!投资有风险,入市需谨慎! 关注我,每天为您分享更多行情资讯。 #特朗普 #WLFI #加密货币社区 #BTC☀


Mlion的朋友们,你们听说了吗?阿布扎比BTC高峰會即将震撼登场,而更让人意想不到的是,美国候任总统川普的二儿子Eric Trump竟然也会现身,并且还将与币安创始人赵长鹏、波场创始人孙宇晨等大佬进行一场仅限“巨鯨”参加的VIP对谈!但想参加这场对谈,得花9999美元购买“巨鯨”通行证,这波操作,你们觉得值不值?
想象一下,与川普家族的成员面对面交流,聆听他们对加密货币的看法和未来规划,这机会可是千载难逢啊!Eric Trump不仅会在峰会上发表主题演讲,还会在VIP贵宾室与各位大佬深入交流。这不仅仅是一场简单的对谈,更是一次了解加密货币未来走向的绝佳机会!
而且,Eric Trump对加密货币可是相当看好。他表示,中东国家已经投入数十亿美元来发展加密货币和数位科技,如果美国不跟进,就会被抛在后头。他还透露,川普家族正在积极参与中东地区的开发案,并支持美国成为全球加密货币中心。这消息一出,是不是让各位币圈的战友们更加兴奋了呢?
更何况,这场VIP活动或许还与川普家族在9月推出的DeFi项目World Liberty Financial有关。据悉,川普是该平台的首席加密货币倡导者,而Eric Trump和他的兄弟们则担任大使。这意味着,参加这场VIP活动,或许还能获得与World Liberty Financial相关的独家信息哦!
除了Eric Trump外,还有其他众多演讲嘉宾也将亮相阿布達比BTC高峰會。他们不仅与World Liberty Financial有密切关联,还在加密货币领域有着举足轻重的地位。他们的到来,无疑将为这场峰会增添更多看点!
想关注阿布扎比BTC高峰會,深入了解加密货币的未来走向?可以尝试一下Mlion(体验请访问:🤖👉。作为Web3领域的AI投研助手,Mlion将实时新闻与AI深度分析结合,为你提供精准的市场洞察和投资建议。无论是币价预测、项目研报,还是快速捕捉市场热点,Mlion都能帮助你提前把握机会。Mlion平台现在推出了全新功能——ML SWAP,可以实现一键跨链交换,方便快捷。支持50多条链,40多种插件钱包,SOL、BTC链都能轻松搞定。特别是BTC链,别的平台做不到的合约跨链交换,Mlion帮你实现!

更棒的是,ML SWAP 还在进行限时活动! 🚀双重奖励+500 USDT大奖等你来拿!别犹豫了,快来抓住这次机会吧!更多新闻快讯分析、币价实时分析和预测、SWAP跨链兑换请访问:🤖👉访问
#特朗普 #WLFI #加密货币社区 #BTC☀
World Liberty 的大手笔投资是近期加密市场的亮点,同时也为未来的市场趋势提供了重要信号。 首先,这种规模的投资表明机构对优质加密资产的需求依然旺盛。尽管市场短期波动较大,但主流资产凭借其生态地位和实际应用,仍然是资本青睐的对象。 其次,市场对美国政策信号的敏感性不容忽视。当前,美国的监管框架尚未完全明确,但任何利好政策的出台都可能引爆市场情绪。从历史经验看,政策的支持性表态往往是推动主流资产价格上涨的催化剂。 再次,World Liberty 此次投资的资产选择,也许为未来的市场趋势提供了方向性参考。投资者可以密切关注以太坊的技术升级、Chainlink 的数据服务扩展以及 AAVE 在 DeFi 领域的创新,捕捉潜在的投资机会。#DeFi全线飙升 #比特币战略储备 #wlfi
World Liberty 的大手笔投资是近期加密市场的亮点,同时也为未来的市场趋势提供了重要信号。



再次,World Liberty 此次投资的资产选择,也许为未来的市场趋势提供了方向性参考。投资者可以密切关注以太坊的技术升级、Chainlink 的数据服务扩展以及 AAVE 在 DeFi 领域的创新,捕捉潜在的投资机会。#DeFi全线飙升 #比特币战略储备 #wlfi
WLFI, a DeFi project supported by Trump, is collaborating with Ethena Labs.Will the collaboration with Ethena Labs support the future growth of the World Liberty Finance project after the previous lackluster token sale? The DeFi project WLFI, which former President Donald Trump has publicly expressed support for, has just announced a partnership with Ethena Labs through the integration of the sUSDe token into its ecosystem. According to information from WLFI, sUSDe is being considered as the first collateral asset on the platform and will leverage Aave's infrastructure. This integration is expected to bring significant benefits, helping WLFI attract more Total Value Locked (TVL) from Ethena’s ecosystem and expand its user base. However, the decision to integrate sUSDe will depend on the governance vote from the WLFI community, which is expected to take place this week. If the proposal is not approved, both parties have confirmed that they will continue to explore other partnership opportunities to build a long-term relationship. The WLFI project has gained significant attention since Donald Trump’s re-election in November. Another strategic move by the project is the appointment of Justin Sun, founder of Tron, as an advisor. WLFI has also received a $30 million investment from HTX, a cryptocurrency exchange linked to Sun. These moves demonstrate WLFI’s efforts to build a strong partner network, aimed at driving growth and solidifying its position in the DeFi market. Since its integration into Aave in mid-November, the sUSDe token has reached a total supply value of $1.2 billion. Integrating sUSDe into the WLFI ecosystem not only boosts the amount of stablecoins deposited on the platform but also maximizes the potential of the token as collateral to borrow popular stablecoins such as USDC and USDT. In addition to the partnership, WLFI has invested in Ethena by purchasing 600,000 ENA tokens, demonstrating confidence in the long-term growth of its partner. According to Zak Folkman, co-founder of WLFI, this is a crucial step in democratizing financial tools, enhancing the user experience, and expanding global accessibility. Launched in September and starting its public token sale in October, WLFI quickly became a focal point in the DeFi space. Notably, former President Donald Trump’s public support for the project marked a turning point in his views on the digital asset industry. He even committed to reducing regulations on the crypto sector to foster growth. However, despite strong backing, WLFI’s token sale did not meet expectations. After more than two weeks, the project raised only around $14.5 million, or 4.3% of the target token sale amount. The primary reasons for this underperformance include: Limited investor pool: Only accredited investors in the U.S. or non-residents were allowed to participate, significantly reducing the reach.Overvaluation: WLFI’s valuation was seen as unrealistic relative to its actual potential, especially in a highly competitive and saturated DeFi market. Despite backing from the Trump family, WLFI still lacks a competitive edge in the DeFi market. To make a breakthrough, the project needs to address issues related to its valuation and expand its investor base. Additionally, it must develop unique features to attract new users and differentiate itself in the crowded DeFi space. #Debate2024 #WLFI #TrumpCryptoSupport

WLFI, a DeFi project supported by Trump, is collaborating with Ethena Labs.

Will the collaboration with Ethena Labs support the future growth of the World Liberty Finance project after the previous lackluster token sale?

The DeFi project WLFI, which former President Donald Trump has publicly expressed support for, has just announced a partnership with Ethena Labs through the integration of the sUSDe token into its ecosystem.

According to information from WLFI, sUSDe is being considered as the first collateral asset on the platform and will leverage Aave's infrastructure. This integration is expected to bring significant benefits, helping WLFI attract more Total Value Locked (TVL) from Ethena’s ecosystem and expand its user base.
However, the decision to integrate sUSDe will depend on the governance vote from the WLFI community, which is expected to take place this week. If the proposal is not approved, both parties have confirmed that they will continue to explore other partnership opportunities to build a long-term relationship.
The WLFI project has gained significant attention since Donald Trump’s re-election in November. Another strategic move by the project is the appointment of Justin Sun, founder of Tron, as an advisor. WLFI has also received a $30 million investment from HTX, a cryptocurrency exchange linked to Sun. These moves demonstrate WLFI’s efforts to build a strong partner network, aimed at driving growth and solidifying its position in the DeFi market.

Since its integration into Aave in mid-November, the sUSDe token has reached a total supply value of $1.2 billion. Integrating sUSDe into the WLFI ecosystem not only boosts the amount of stablecoins deposited on the platform but also maximizes the potential of the token as collateral to borrow popular stablecoins such as USDC and USDT.

In addition to the partnership, WLFI has invested in Ethena by purchasing 600,000 ENA tokens, demonstrating confidence in the long-term growth of its partner. According to Zak Folkman, co-founder of WLFI, this is a crucial step in democratizing financial tools, enhancing the user experience, and expanding global accessibility.
Launched in September and starting its public token sale in October, WLFI quickly became a focal point in the DeFi space. Notably, former President Donald Trump’s public support for the project marked a turning point in his views on the digital asset industry. He even committed to reducing regulations on the crypto sector to foster growth.
However, despite strong backing, WLFI’s token sale did not meet expectations. After more than two weeks, the project raised only around $14.5 million, or 4.3% of the target token sale amount. The primary reasons for this underperformance include:
Limited investor pool: Only accredited investors in the U.S. or non-residents were allowed to participate, significantly reducing the reach.Overvaluation: WLFI’s valuation was seen as unrealistic relative to its actual potential, especially in a highly competitive and saturated DeFi market.

Despite backing from the Trump family, WLFI still lacks a competitive edge in the DeFi market. To make a breakthrough, the project needs to address issues related to its valuation and expand its investor base. Additionally, it must develop unique features to attract new users and differentiate itself in the crowded DeFi space.
#Debate2024 #WLFI #TrumpCryptoSupport
#WLFI 孙宇晨投资特朗普不是为了买什么?一方面是赚钱,另一方面是支持特朗普对加密货币的开放性政策,这个时候是时候表现出自己的态度,有了特朗普这个保护伞,不担心会成为下一个赵长鹏
#WLFI 孙宇晨投资特朗普不是为了买什么?一方面是赚钱,另一方面是支持特朗普对加密货币的开放性政策,这个时候是时候表现出自己的态度,有了特朗普这个保护伞,不担心会成为下一个赵长鹏
📈Shape a New Era of Finance Be DeFiant🚀🌕 💹The DeFi platform by Donald J. Trump. 🤵‍♀️Owned by The President of the US, The Most Powerful Person in the World🌎 🐂$WLFI Tokens could be one of the Best Investments of Our lifetime, Buy $WLFI Tokens while it's still possible! ✅Shape the future of decentralized finance by owning WLFI Tokens. #Pump #WLFI #DeFi #News2024 #Altcoin $BTC ,$ETH ,$DOGE 📈🚀🌕 ⬆️Follow, Like and Share for more posts and updates✅ {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(ETHUSDT) {spot}(DOGEUSDT)
📈Shape a New Era of Finance Be DeFiant🚀🌕
💹The DeFi platform by Donald J. Trump.
🤵‍♀️Owned by The President of the US, The Most Powerful Person in the World🌎
🐂$WLFI Tokens could be one of the Best Investments of Our lifetime, Buy $WLFI Tokens while it's still possible!
✅Shape the future of decentralized finance by owning WLFI Tokens.

#Pump #WLFI #DeFi #News2024 #Altcoin $BTC ,$ETH ,$DOGE 📈🚀🌕

⬆️Follow, Like and Share for more posts and updates✅
#WLFI what is the launch date?
#WLFI what is the launch date?
川普集团已经给出了方向,LINK ,AAVE,直线起飞,未来方向还是要看老美那边给的信号,加密监管,政策支持,站台币,都会起飞,wlfi目前虽然看着没有价值,但是未来应该会被呈现出来,#WLFI #WLFi代币
川普集团已经给出了方向,LINK ,AAVE,直线起飞,未来方向还是要看老美那边给的信号,加密监管,政策支持,站台币,都会起飞,wlfi目前虽然看着没有价值,但是未来应该会被呈现出来,#WLFI #WLFi代币
兑换WLFI的都去投票了吗?#WLFi代币 $WLFI
Trump-backed World Liberty Financial (WLFI) invested $5M in ETH, LINK, and AAVE: 2,631 $ETH at $3,801 41,335 $LINK at $24.2 3,357 $AAVE at $297.8. #WLFI will use these assets to support its DeFi platform. #WorldLibertyFinancial #Trump
Trump-backed World Liberty Financial (WLFI) invested $5M in ETH, LINK, and AAVE:
2,631 $ETH at $3,801
41,335 $LINK at $24.2
3,357 $AAVE at $297.8.
#WLFI will use these assets to support its DeFi platform.
#WorldLibertyFinancial #Trump
The Donald Trump effect kept that altcoin afloat: New highs on the way! The #Ethena ($ENA ) price has risen by 10 percent in the last 24 hours, challenging the crypto market and reaching $1.20. This rise was achieved thanks to the increased purchases of ENA whales and the collaboration with the crypto project World Liberty Financial (#WLFI ), supported by the Trump family. Despite the pullback in cryptocurrencies, the ENA price increased by 10 percent today, reaching $1.20. Daily trading volume increased by 174 percent, exceeding $1 billion. Coinglass data shows that open positions increased by 20 percent to $700 million, and traders are positive towards Ethena. Onchain data platform Spot On Chain shared data showing that crypto whales are eager to buy ENA. A newly created wallet purchased 5.29 million tokens from Binance at an average of $1.12. Trump’s World Liberty Financial (WLFI) project purchased 231,726 ENA for 250,000 USDC just 20 minutes ago, following the announcement of a partnership with Ethena Labs. Ethena Labs recently officially announced a partnership with the Trump family-backed World Liberty Financial (WLFI) project. The partnership aims to increase USDe liquidity and improve user rewards on WLFI’s decentralized finance (#DeFi ) platforms. The announcement states that a governance proposal will be presented that includes integrating Ethena’s sUSDe synthetic dollar as the underlying collateral asset of WLFI’s Aave-based lending and borrowing platform. The development stands out as one of the major reasons behind today’s surge in Ethena’s price.
The Donald Trump effect kept that altcoin afloat: New highs on the way!

The #Ethena ($ENA ) price has risen by 10 percent in the last 24 hours, challenging the crypto market and reaching $1.20. This rise was achieved thanks to the increased purchases of ENA whales and the collaboration with the crypto project World Liberty Financial (#WLFI ), supported by the Trump family.
Despite the pullback in cryptocurrencies, the ENA price increased by 10 percent today, reaching $1.20. Daily trading volume increased by 174 percent, exceeding $1 billion. Coinglass data shows that open positions increased by 20 percent to $700 million, and traders are positive towards Ethena.
Onchain data platform Spot On Chain shared data showing that crypto whales are eager to buy ENA. A newly created wallet purchased 5.29 million tokens from Binance at an average of $1.12.
Trump’s World Liberty Financial (WLFI) project purchased 231,726 ENA for 250,000 USDC just 20 minutes ago, following the announcement of a partnership with Ethena Labs.
Ethena Labs recently officially announced a partnership with the Trump family-backed World Liberty Financial (WLFI) project. The partnership aims to increase USDe liquidity and improve user rewards on WLFI’s decentralized finance (#DeFi ) platforms.
The announcement states that a governance proposal will be presented that includes integrating Ethena’s sUSDe synthetic dollar as the underlying collateral asset of WLFI’s Aave-based lending and borrowing platform. The development stands out as one of the major reasons behind today’s surge in Ethena’s price.
Donald Trump’s World Liberty Financial just splashed another $250K $USDC on 231,726 $ENA —hours ago! 🕒 That’s right, frens, since November 30, they’ve been on a buying spree, dropping $45M across six crypto assets. For #ENA alone, they've spent a cool $750K scooping up a total of 741k ENAs! Clearly, ENA’s hype train is full steam ahead! 🚂💨 But before you FOMO your way onto the tracks, remember: every project has its risks. DYOR first and tread carefully! 🧐 Stay sharp, frens. Peace ✌️ and happy trading! 🚀 #WLFI
Donald Trump’s World Liberty Financial just splashed another $250K $USDC on 231,726 $ENA —hours ago! 🕒 That’s right, frens, since November 30, they’ve been on a buying spree, dropping $45M across six crypto assets.

For #ENA alone, they've spent a cool $750K scooping up a total of 741k ENAs!

Clearly, ENA’s hype train is full steam ahead! 🚂💨 But before you FOMO your way onto the tracks, remember: every project has its risks. DYOR first and tread carefully! 🧐

Stay sharp, frens. Peace ✌️ and happy trading! 🚀 #WLFI
World Liberty Financial(WLFI)和 Ethena Labs 宣布建立长期合作关系,此次合作将从引入 Ethena 的收益代币 sUSDe 开始。WLFI 是一个新兴的去中心化金融(DeFi)平台,而 sUSDe 是一种被 Aave 市场支持的代币,用作借贷和抵押工具。这一合作将增强 WLFI 的生态系统,扩大其稳定币存款,并借助 Ethena 的庞大用户群和总锁仓量(TVL)。如果提案未获治理批准,两家公司仍将探索其他整合机会。这标志着 WLFI 向民主化金融迈出的重要一步,提升其对全球用户的吸引力。 #WLFI $WLFI
World Liberty Financial(WLFI)和 Ethena Labs 宣布建立长期合作关系,此次合作将从引入 Ethena 的收益代币 sUSDe 开始。WLFI 是一个新兴的去中心化金融(DeFi)平台,而 sUSDe 是一种被 Aave 市场支持的代币,用作借贷和抵押工具。这一合作将增强 WLFI 的生态系统,扩大其稳定币存款,并借助 Ethena 的庞大用户群和总锁仓量(TVL)。如果提案未获治理批准,两家公司仍将探索其他整合机会。这标志着 WLFI 向民主化金融迈出的重要一步,提升其对全球用户的吸引力。
$XRP $RSR $BTC #wlfi nicemooon 🎉
$XRP $RSR $BTC #wlfi nicemooon 🎉
$ONDO hits $2.14 after #trump backed #WLFI buys $250K in tokens. Trading volume is up 120%, with a 17% price rally. #RWAs are booming at $21.8B, and #ONDO may hit $2.51 soon. 🚀 Investors are keeping a close eye on what happens next. But overbought signals show risks. Big potential ahead, could this be the start of a long term trend.. 👀📈
$ONDO hits $2.14 after #trump backed #WLFI buys $250K in tokens.

Trading volume is up 120%, with a 17% price rally.

#RWAs are booming at $21.8B, and #ONDO may hit $2.51 soon. 🚀

Investors are keeping a close eye on what happens next.

But overbought signals show risks.

Big potential ahead, could this be the start of a long term trend.. 👀📈
#trx #wlfi 😳 Джастин Сан занес 30,000,000$ в проект Дональда Трампа – World Liberty Financial 
#trx #wlfi

😳 Джастин Сан занес 30,000,000$ в проект Дональда Трампа – World Liberty Financial 
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