Binance Square
جميع المُحتوى
market down #dot up
market down
#dot up
Polkadot Network
🔦✨ Spotlight on: Phala Network As AI and blockchain technology converge, the need for scalable, interoperable and secure platforms capable of supporting AI's computational needs becomes more apparent. 🌐 In this context, Polkadot emerges as a key infrastructure, providing the necessary robust, secure, and quality blockspace but also the framework to address these challenges. It is already being leveraged by various notable projects to innovate within the AI + crypto space: • Origin Trail: Decentralizing knowledge for AI models • Bittensor: Facilitating decentralized AI through peer-to-peer learning ❓But what about the missing AI execution layer? Starting as a decentralized cloud infrastructure that offers secure and scalable computing for Web3, @PhalaNetwork now emerges as an AI co-processor. This enables AI to understand and interact with blockchains, positioning it as the execution layer for the development of concrete dApps with improved user experiences. It ensures AI agents act as an intelligent interface to blockchain, aligning their actions with their intended behaviors without being misled or compromised. For users, this means delegating operations to AI agents who execute instructions seamlessly. 💡 Understanding AI Agents: AI agents are similar to language models that process and communicate information, but they also perform tasks and solve complex issues methodically. These agents, unlike typical AI projects, are specifically designed to securely execute smart contract operations autonomously, making Phala distinct in the landscape. 🔗 Evolution of Phala Network: Transitioning from Phat Contracts—which facilitated trustless connections between off-chain data and smart contracts—Phala has now pioneered AI-Agent Contracts. This pivoting reflects their commitment to fully integrating AI into Web3, to establish Phala as a central hub for autonomous, value-generating AI agents in a decentralized manner. As an AI co-processor, Phala prioritizes connecting AI services to dApps beyond traditional training models, fostering democratic governance and decision-making for these services. AI agents serve as a user-friendly interface for blockchain technology, simplifying the blockchain’s complexity for users and thereby enhancing the user experience. 👾 To explore the tokenomics of such AI agent, Phala has introduced #AgentWars—an experiment that integrates tokenomics with AI agent contracts. This allows anyone to create their own AI agent, defined by the historical posts of an 𝕏 account and equipped with built-in tokenomics to reward improvements. Agent Wars includes two components: • Agent Managements: Agent ownership, usage rights, and updates. • Agent Hosting: Involves the costs of running the agent. Over 1300+ AI Agent Contracts have already been deployed by users. To participate in shaping the future of AI and Web3, join the waitlist on Phala's website.
$DOT Market update $DOT Macro update. Bull Market Targets Since $DOT finally reached my Aggressive Buy Zone, let’s now point out the upside targets: 🎯 Target 1 - $24 🎯 Target 2 - $45 (Main Target) 🎯 Target 3 - $70-88 (Bull Market Top / Optimistic Scenario) #Polka #DOT
$DOT Market update
$DOT Macro update. Bull Market Targets
Since $DOT finally reached my Aggressive Buy Zone, let’s now point out the upside targets:
🎯 Target 1 - $24
🎯 Target 2 - $45 (Main Target)
🎯 Target 3 - $70-88 (Bull Market Top / Optimistic Scenario)

#Polka #DOT
$DOT Market update
$DOT Macro update. Bull Market Targets

Since $DOT finally reached my Aggressive Buy Zone, let’s now point out the upside targets:

🎯 Target 1 - $24
🎯 Target 2 - $45 (Main Target)
🎯 Target 3 - $70-88 (Bull Market Top / Optimistic Scenario)

#Polka #DOT
#dot 🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️
Binance News
Polkadot's DOT Token Predicted to Surge in Value
According to CryptoPotato, Polkadot's DOT token, currently valued at $6.5, has been predicted by analysts to experience a short-term price increase, with some forecasts suggesting a rise to $15 due to positive market dynamics. Some traders have projected even higher future valuations, with predictions reaching up to $100 in a bull market scenario and a summer peak of $20.

Polkadot's native token, DOT, has been trading within a relatively narrow range over the past week, but it remains significantly down on a monthly scale. Data from CoinGecko indicates that the token's value has dropped by almost 30% over the past 30 days. Despite this, many analysts have outlined bullish predictions for the short term. Notably, Ash Crypto, a popular trader with over one million followers, has expressed optimism about the token's prospects, suggesting a potential price increase to a two-year high of $15.

Other crypto enthusiasts, including Thomas Kralow and FLASH, have also shared their predictions. Kralow has forecasted that DOT's valuation could reach a staggering $100 during the bull market, while FLASH believes that the token is primed for a substantial rally.

Previous predictions from other analysts have also suggested a bright future for Polkadot's cryptocurrency. CRYPTOWIZARD, for example, has suggested that a 'volcanic eruption' could be imminent if DOT overcomes the major resistance level of $9.60. CryptoYoddha has predicted that the asset's price could jump to $20 this summer, arguing that many more altcoins are poised to pump in the following months. Other prominent traders, such as Michael van de Poppe and FLASH, have also expressed their belief in the token's potential, arguing that Polkadot has shown 'fundamental progress' over the years.
جمعة مباركة وصباح ارتفاعات بعد قليل يرجى تجهيز مقاعدكم للإقلاع #dot
جمعة مباركة
وصباح ارتفاعات بعد قليل يرجى تجهيز مقاعدكم للإقلاع

"Polkadot: The Coin $DOT That Could Make You a Millionaire in the Mega Bull Season!"

Polkadot! It's a coin that has a lot of potential, and many people believe it could make some serious gains in the upcoming bull season.

Some predictions even suggest it could reach around $250! The market seems to be favoring Polkadot, and there's buzz in the news about it being the next gem on the bull track.

It's always important to do your own research and make informed decisions, but it's definitely an exciting time for Polkadot!

#polkadotupdate #Memecoins #BTC
#DOT 24 H then to the moon الحدث الاضخم للعمل وسترى مضاعفة راس مالك 100%
24 H
then to the moon

الحدث الاضخم للعمل وسترى
مضاعفة راس مالك 100%
Polkadot Network
🚨 Just one day until the special edition Polkadot Coretime 𝕏 Space! Join us and hear @BillLaboon, @seunlanlege, @ph_lux, @alice_und_bob & @itsbirdo_ discuss everything from what Coretime is and how it will impact the eco, to blockspace marketplaces & more. 🔔 Set a reminder:
$DOT #Binance

جاڤن وود: عبقرية وراء إيثريوم# وبولكادوت


يُعرف الكثيرون فيتاليك بوتيرين كمؤسس إيثريوم، لكن قلة من الناس يدركون الدور المحوري الذي لعبه جاڤن وود في تأسيس هذا المشروع الرائد وتطويره.

مساهمات جاڤن وود في إيثريوم:

أحد مؤسسي إيثريوم: كان جاڤن وود أحد الأعضاء المؤسسين الرئيسيين لإيثريوم، وشغل منصب المدير التقني (CTO) للمشروع في مراحله المبكرة.

مبتكر لغة Solidity: صمم وود لغة برمجة Solidity، وهي اللغة الأساسية لكتابة العقود الذكية وتطبيقات لامركزية على إيثريوم.

مطوّر الآلة الافتراضية لإيثريوم (EVM): ابتكر وود الآلة الافتراضية لإيثريوم (EVM)، وهي البيئة الحاسوبية التي تُنفذ عليها العقود الذكية على إيثريوم.

جاڤن وود: مؤسس بولكادوت:

بعد مغادرة إيثريوم، أسس جاڤن وود شركة Parity Technologies وابتكر منصة Polkadot.

مشروع Polkadot:

رؤية جديدة لسلسلة الكتل: تهدف Polkadot إلى ربط سلاسل الكتل المختلفة معًا، مما يخلق شبكة إنترنت لامركزية من سلاسل الكتل.

تنفيذ رؤية إيثريوم الأصلية: يعتقد وود أن Polkadot هي تجسيد لرؤية إيثريوم الأصلية لـ "حاسوب واحد لكوكب الأرض بأكمله".

لماذا يعتبر جاڤن وود شخصًا هامًا؟

رؤية ثاقبة: أظهر وود قدرة استثنائية على التنبؤ باتجاهات تكنولوجيا سلسلة الكتل وتطوير حلول مبتكرة.

#DOT #Polkadot $DOT
Crypto Daily™
Polkadot Teases JAM Protocol As Replacement for Relay Chain
Polkadot founder Gavin Wood has introduced the Gray Paper that outlines the upcoming Join-Accumulate Machine (JAM) upgrade for the network.

Wood made the announcement during his presentation on Polkadot’s future at the Token2049 crypto conference in Dubai. 

The Future Of Polkadot

According to Wood, JAM is a groundbreaking protocol that merges elements from Polkadot and Ethereum. In a post on X, Polkadot stated that the unveiling, coming a decade after the release of the Yellow Paper, is a significant evolution that will eventually replace Polkadot’s existing Relay Chain with a more modular and minimalistic design. 

“Earlier today @gavofyork unveiled the JAM Gray Paper. JAM is a protocol combining elements of both Polkadot and Ethereum. It is a prospective path to replace the Relay Chain with a more modular, minimalistic design.”

The entity behind Polkadot, Web3 Foundation, also announced a 10 million DOT prize pool to help foster greater diversity within the development of the JAM protocol. 

“The JAM Implementer’s Prize is designed to catalyze this by funding and supporting projects that contribute to the development of JAM implementations from the outset.”

A Decentralized Hybrid System 

JAM can be described as a decentralized hybrid system that is designed to offer secure and scalable smart contract functionalities by combining features from Ethereum within Polkadot’s architectural framework. 

“JAM is a protocol combining elements of both Polkadot and Ethereum. It is a prospective path to replace the Relay Chain with a more modular, minimalistic design.”

The Web3 Foundation further added that JAM would enable Polkadot to run generic “services” smart contract logic to process execution results on cores. A parachains service will also run on existing Substrate-based parachains. This will allow developers to still use Substrate to develop and deploy blockchains. JAM provides a global permissionless object environment similar to Ethereum’s smart contract environment and secure sideband computation parallelized over a scalable node network. According to one supporter, the JAM upgrade will allow Polkadot to become a true multi-core world computer that can handle any app or service without facing scalability, efficiency, or security issues. 

“[Polkadot] has already become a multi-core processor, but this was limited to parachains. The idea is to generalize this even further, to be utterly unopinionated about what and how things are deployed, turning all parachains, aka rollups, into an application layer service, with Polkadot transforming into something akin to cloud service infrastructure.”

The upgrade will continue to use Polkadot’s DOT token. After the announcement, DOT was able to buck its downward trend to a certain extent, rising by around 3%.

Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not offered or intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.
#Dot to the MOOOOOOOON🔥🔥🔥🔥✈️✈️✈️✈️
to the MOOOOOOOON🔥🔥🔥🔥✈️✈️✈️✈️
تغريدة الان : الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Bitwise يقول أن البيتكوين سترتفع إلى 100 ألف دولار بعد halving

SOOON 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Polkadot Network
The evolution of Polkadot continues with JAM, a candidate design for a future iteration of the Polkadot Relay. 8 years after authoring the Polkadot Whitepaper, @gavofyork's distilled his vision for the future of the network in the Gray Paper.
Polkadot Co-founder Gavin Wood Teases Revolutionary JAM Upgrade
The goal of this upgrade is to completely change Polkadot’s trajectory going forward.

JAM is a decentralized hybrid system that combines elements from Ethereum and Polkadot.

Earlier on Thursday, Polkadot co-founder Gavin Wood teased the release of the Join-Accumulate Machine (JAM) update on X. The goal of this proposal is to completely change Polkadot’s trajectory going forward.

At the Token2049 crypto conference in Dubai, Wood introduced the JAM Gray Paper and gave insights about the revolutionary technology that combines elements from Polkadot and Ethereum. The current Relay Chain will be superseded by a newer, more modular, and less cluttered version with this upgrade.

Supersede the Relay Chain

Previously, the Polkadot Relay Chain was designed to be compatible with other systems, such as PARSIQ, which tracks data and automation on many blockchains. With the launch of JAM, Polkadot offers a fresh viewpoint. The protocol is laying the groundwork for a future in which a simpler, more modular architecture will supersede the relay chain.

The co-founder brought attention to the fact that the Jam Gray Paper was released 10 years subsequent to Wood’s Yellow Paper in his X post. The team behind Polkadot, the Web3.0 Foundation, also announced a prize fund of 10 million DOT. The goal of this reward is to encourage more diverse perspectives while working on the JAM protocol.

According to the blueprint, JAM is a decentralized hybrid system that combines elements from Ethereum and Polkadot, providing users with scalable and secure smart contract capabilities.

It incorporates a permissionless object environment for global singletons, similar to Ethereum’s smart contract ecosystem. Polkadot, the interoperability superpower, also introduced the idea of a scalable node network parallelizing secure sideband computing.

Among JAM’s many claims to fame is its compatibility with Substrate, making it an ideal choice for developers already familiar with the platform for blockchain projects. Existing Substrate-based parachains are able to take use of this crucial functionality thanks to parachain services.

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JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon Continues Criticism of Bitcoin
افتحو الرابط واحصلو على 10 دولار
افتحو الرابط واحصلو على 10 دولار
#Dot توقعات سعر Polkadot: هل سيصل إلى 90 دولارًا؟ رؤى المحللين ندرة Polkadot، مع 1.4 مليار كحد أقصى للعرض و1.3 مليار للتداول، تدعم إمكانية ارتفاع الأسعار. يؤدي تخصيص Grayscale بنسبة 14% لـ Polkadot إلى تعزيز ثقة المستثمرين وتوقعات توزيع الأرباح. يشير التحليل الفني إلى زخم صعودي، مع هدف قصير المدى عند 15 دولارًا واختراق 90 دولارًا بحلول عام 2024. أثارت عملة Polkadot (DOT)، وهي العملة المشفرة التي تحتل المرتبة الرابعة عشرة في السوق الحالية وفقًا لبيانات CoinMarketCap، اهتمام المحللين والمستثمرين على حدٍ سواء بآفاقها المشرقة. ينبع هذا التفاؤل من عوامل أساسية مختلفة ومؤشرات فنية والتطورات الأخيرة داخل نظام Polkadot البيئي. يعد إدراج Polkadot في صندوق الدخل الديناميكي الخاص بـ Grayscale تطورًا حديثًا أثار التفاؤل. يتم تداوله حاليًا عند 6.65 دولارًا أمريكيًا، ويدعم التحليل الفني التوقعات الصعودية لـ Polkadot. تشير أنماط الرسم البياني، مثل تشكيل نمط الرأس والكتفين، إلى تحركات محتملة في الأسعار للأعلى. يتوقع المحللون أن يختبر Polkadot مستوى 15 دولارًا على المدى القريب، مع مقاومة محتملة عند 30 دولارًا وهدف اختراق عند 90 دولارًا بحلول عام 2024. ويعزز تحديد الاتجاهات الصعودية على الرسم البياني لكل 4 ساعات، بما في ذلك الزيادات الملحوظة في حجم الشراء، هذه المشاعر الإيجابية..
توقعات سعر Polkadot: هل سيصل إلى 90 دولارًا؟ رؤى المحللين
ندرة Polkadot، مع 1.4 مليار كحد أقصى للعرض و1.3 مليار للتداول، تدعم إمكانية ارتفاع الأسعار.
يؤدي تخصيص Grayscale بنسبة 14% لـ Polkadot إلى تعزيز ثقة المستثمرين وتوقعات توزيع الأرباح.
يشير التحليل الفني إلى زخم صعودي، مع هدف قصير المدى عند 15 دولارًا واختراق 90 دولارًا بحلول عام 2024.
أثارت عملة Polkadot (DOT)، وهي العملة المشفرة التي تحتل المرتبة الرابعة عشرة في السوق الحالية وفقًا لبيانات CoinMarketCap، اهتمام المحللين والمستثمرين على حدٍ سواء بآفاقها المشرقة. ينبع هذا التفاؤل من عوامل أساسية مختلفة ومؤشرات فنية والتطورات الأخيرة داخل نظام Polkadot البيئي.
يعد إدراج Polkadot في صندوق الدخل الديناميكي الخاص بـ Grayscale تطورًا حديثًا أثار التفاؤل.
يتم تداوله حاليًا عند 6.65 دولارًا أمريكيًا، ويدعم التحليل الفني التوقعات الصعودية لـ Polkadot. تشير أنماط الرسم البياني، مثل تشكيل نمط الرأس والكتفين، إلى تحركات محتملة في الأسعار للأعلى.
يتوقع المحللون أن يختبر Polkadot مستوى 15 دولارًا على المدى القريب، مع مقاومة محتملة عند 30 دولارًا وهدف اختراق عند 90 دولارًا بحلول عام 2024. ويعزز تحديد الاتجاهات الصعودية على الرسم البياني لكل 4 ساعات، بما في ذلك الزيادات الملحوظة في حجم الشراء، هذه المشاعر الإيجابية..
DOT# 🔥🔥🔥
DOT# 🔥🔥🔥
#dot 🔥🔥🔥🔥
We are in full bull mode in the market despite indicators showing caution. For now most important levels are only monthly levels. Weekly and daily are irrelevant for macro now.
Enjoy while it last hope we get our altseason as i am over exposed to altcoins. Would be amazing to see ath before halving.

$UNFI Zoom in 📈 Super Bullish Target $10 / $12 / $15 Support above $6 Stop loss $5.5 Bookmark✨ if you find in beneficial
$UNFI Zoom in 📈
Super Bullish
Target $10 / $12 / $15
Support above $6
Stop loss $5.5
Bookmark✨ if you find in beneficial
استكشف المُحتوى المُعد من أجلك
أنشِئ حسابًا الآن للتمتّع بفرصةٍ لكسب 100 USDT من المُكافآت!
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