Binance Square
🔥Hot off the press! DMM Bitcoin, a Japanese crypto exchange, got hit by a hack, losing a whopping 4,502.9 BTC ($305 million)! 😱 But don't panic, they've assured to cover the full amount stolen. Spot buys are on hold for now, and yen withdrawals might take longer than usual. This marks the second-largest loss in the region after Coincheck's 58 billion yen hack in 2018. What's your take on this? How can exchanges better secure assets? Let's discuss! #CryptoNews #DMMBitcoin #CryptoHack

🔥Hot off the press! DMM Bitcoin, a Japanese crypto exchange, got hit by a hack, losing a whopping 4,502.9 BTC ($305 million)! 😱 But don't panic, they've assured to cover the full amount stolen.

Spot buys are on hold for now, and yen withdrawals might take longer than usual. This marks the second-largest loss in the region after Coincheck's 58 billion yen hack in 2018.

What's your take on this? How can exchanges better secure assets? Let's discuss! #CryptoNews #DMMBitcoin #CryptoHack

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