Binance Square
Future Trading Expert - Tamil Nadu
Good Morning everyone $BTC 15m chart Latest Update: 1️⃣ 👉 In the last update, I gave a bullish update while BTC was trading at 69040. It rose to 70750 but then dropped and discontinued the bullish trend. BTC has now entered #bearishmomentum, so everyone can open a short position. 👉 #BTC is anticipated to drop to these levels: ⭐ 67100 ⭐ 66400 ⭐ 65700 👉 Please note that #BTC is currently trading in the 70k zone, where a $700 price range fluctuation represents a 1% market change. Understand the market risk and trade with sufficient funds. Always keep your liquidation price at $6000. If you cannot tolerate profits or losses, consider leaving this community. 👉 Those who have profited from our analysis can show support to the author by sending tips from their profits. This support motivates us to provide more accurate trading information. #BTC is currently trading at 68700 Thanks for your support and love ❤️. Author : @KingofBTC2024 (For All) BXT For Altcoins trading information 👆

Good Morning everyone

$BTC 15m chart Latest Update: 1️⃣

👉 In the last update, I gave a bullish update while BTC was trading at 69040. It rose to 70750 but then dropped and discontinued the bullish trend. BTC has now entered #bearishmomentum, so everyone can open a short position.

👉 #BTC is anticipated to drop to these levels:

⭐ 67100

⭐ 66400

⭐ 65700

👉 Please note that #BTC is currently trading in the 70k zone, where a $700 price range fluctuation represents a 1% market change. Understand the market risk and trade with sufficient funds. Always keep your liquidation price at $6000. If you cannot tolerate profits or losses, consider leaving this community.

👉 Those who have profited from our analysis can show support to the author by sending tips from their profits. This support motivates us to provide more accurate trading information.

#BTC is currently trading at 68700

Thanks for your support and love ❤️.

Author : @KingofBTC2024 (For All) BXT

For Altcoins trading information 👆

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