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#DXY UPDATE📊 : #DXY moved very correctively to the upside and retested the resistance again. Index formed the resistance now, and expected the drop from here. A Drop will lead in good market movement to the upside. Alternatively, A Daily Candle Closure, will lead the good correction in the market. #ETHETFsApproved #FIT21 #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #PEPE‏ #btc70k


#DXY moved very correctively to the upside and retested the resistance again. Index formed the resistance now, and expected the drop from here. A Drop will lead in good market movement to the upside. Alternatively, A Daily Candle Closure, will lead the good correction in the market. #ETHETFsApproved #FIT21 #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #PEPE‏ #btc70k

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. ليست نصيحةً مالية. يُمكن أن تحتوي على مُحتوى مُمول. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
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استكشف المزيد من مُنشِئ المُحتوى

From $1500 to a $1.2million portfolio in 4 years – no magic, just dedication. If I did it, so can you. My 4 years of experience, all in one post . Specially for new traders ⬇️ ♦️Over the years, I've explored different ways to earn in crypto – airdrops, NFTs, arbitrage, ICOs, and meme trading. It's been a challenging journey with highs and lows, but each experience has enriched me. Lets start : 1️⃣ . Always (DYOR) when Investing Choose due diligence criteria like Team, Marketing, Roadmap, Community, Narrative. If you have a small portfolio, focus on researching lowcaps for the best risk/reward opportunities. 2️⃣. Don't ignore trending narratives Early adoption brings benefits, but understanding the full story upfront can be challenging. Thorough research helps identify emerging trends at the start. Embrace their potential instead of overlooking them. 3️⃣. Don't micromanage your portfolio Here's your winning strategy: 1) Long-term: Hold for a year or more, sell when the market is greedy. 2) Mid-term: Ride the hype wave. 3) Risky bets: Roll the dice on meme coins or small-caps with money you can afford to lose.' 4️⃣. Avoid engaging in futures trading If future trading isn't your strength, consider avoiding futures. If you dive into it, focus on mastering risk management, discipline, and mental resilience. 5️⃣. Follow those who knows more than you in this field . How to find them ? 1. (X) formerly twitterr. ( i used often ) 2. Reddit.. 3. Linkedin.. 6️⃣. Always you must Up to dated with latest news . Crypto news is very very important . To get news on Real time you can use Twitterr or (X) . Unfortunately i made this mistakes at begining . Asap i correct When i learned that my friend avoid Luna crush 100$ to 0$ because of Twitterr news in 2022 . 7️⃣. How to know which coin will pump ? Ans : I dont know also . But my friend told me in 2020 theres a guy called #BsJoeBiden . Who is expert & trustworthy . At first i didn't beleived in those twitterr expert . But the result with @BsJoeBiden is awesome.
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