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DTCC Lists Blackrock's Spot Ethereum ETF. BlackRock's spot Ethereum exchange- traded fund (ETF) has been listed by the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation under the ETHA ticker. On Thursday, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission greenlit 19b-4 forms from several Ethereum ETFs from such issuers as BlackRock, Fidelity, VanEck, and other firms. the SEC was widely expected to shoot down these funds just a week ago. However, the agency made a last-minute U-turn in a truly shocking move. Now that the SEC has approved 19b-4s listing requests, it is now engaging with potential issuers over S-1 registration statements. For Ethereum ETFs to begin trading, each corresponding S - 1 registration statement is also approved. Hence, it is now clear when these ETFs will actually start trading. "This does not mean they will begin trading tomorrow. This is just 19b-4 approval. Also needs to be an approval on the S-1 documents which is going to take time. We're expecting it to take a couple weeks but could take longer. Should know more within a week or so!" James Seyffart said on the X social media network. Sell the news? After experiencing a massive rally, the ETH price has now pared some gains, currently trading at $3,629 on the Bitstamp exchange. Prominent trader John Bollinger recently warned that Ethereum's rally was overextended.

DTCC Lists Blackrock's Spot Ethereum ETF.

BlackRock's spot Ethereum exchange- traded fund (ETF) has been listed by the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation under the ETHA ticker.

On Thursday, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission greenlit 19b-4 forms from several Ethereum ETFs from such issuers as BlackRock, Fidelity, VanEck, and other firms.

the SEC was widely expected to shoot down these funds just a week ago. However, the agency made a last-minute U-turn in a truly shocking move.

Now that the SEC has approved 19b-4s listing requests, it is now engaging with potential issuers over S-1 registration statements.

For Ethereum ETFs to begin trading, each corresponding S - 1 registration statement is also approved. Hence, it is now clear when these ETFs will actually start trading.

"This does not mean they will begin trading tomorrow. This is just 19b-4 approval. Also needs to be an approval on the S-1 documents which is going to take time. We're expecting it to take a couple weeks but could take longer. Should know more within a week or so!" James Seyffart said on the X social media network.

Sell the news?

After experiencing a massive rally, the ETH price has now pared some gains, currently trading at $3,629 on the Bitstamp exchange. Prominent trader John Bollinger recently warned that Ethereum's rally was overextended.

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Huge Airdrop Alert! Claim Your Share of 455K HOTCOIN Before It's Too Late!💎💵. Calling all crypto enthusiasts! Get ready to grab a piece of the pie with this massive airdrop from NEAR Wallet. They're giving away a whopping 455K HOTCOIN tokens, each potentially worth over $10! Think about it: that's like free money just for participating. Here's why you shouldn't miss this: Backed by giants: Binance Labs, Near Protocol, and are all on board, adding legitimacy and potential for growth. Trading like wildfire: HOTCOIN is already making waves on major exchanges like Binance, OKX, and This is your chance to get in early before it explodes! Free mining, no investment needed: Simply use the NEAR Wallet and "mine" HOTCOIN every 2 hours. It's that easy! Next-gen Telegram wallet: NEAR Wallet is a secure and innovative way to manage your crypto. Plus, it's integrated with Telegram for added convenience. Don't wait! Secure your share of this airdrop before it's gone: How to get this Airdrop. ✅FOR Register:  Put this link on google browser Follow the simple steps to create your NEAR Wallet and start mining HOTCOIN. Save your 12-digit phrase: This is crucial for accessing your tokens. Claim your HOTCOIN every 2 hours: Don't forget to collect your free tokens! Boom project. Don't miss out! Disclaimer: Prior to engaging in any airdrop initiative, it is strongly advised to conduct thorough research (DYOR). Keep in mind that airdrops are entirely free, and sending fees to receive airdrop tokens is unnecessary. Your financial security is of utmost importance. Kindly show your support by following, liking, sharing, and commenting.
12.4 Billion Dogecoin (DOGE) in 24 Hours, Price Reacts. Dogecoin (DOGE) is yet to recover from the tribute Elon Musk paid to Kabosu, the dog that inspired the creation of the meme coin. Since Musk's posts relating to DOGE are a major growth booster, the coin has seen a bump in some of its key metrics. At the time of writing, Dogecoin is changing hands for $0.167, up by 3.67% in the past 24 hours, growth coming at a time when Bitcoin's price has entered consolidation mode, however, with a 2.67% surge to $69,218.58. The Dogecoin growth over the past week has not followed a uniform pattern. In this time span, the coin has soared 7.72% despite seeing a slip in its trading volume. At the moment, DOGE boasts of a 37.3% slip in trading volume to $2,026,640,330. This traded volume implies a total of 12.4 billion DOGE changing hands in a day. Despite the slight slump in this metric, the positive price reaction shows the hidden hunger in the price. Dogecoin remains highly susceptible to posts from Elon Musk and other influencers to rally. This has been showcased prominently throughout its lifespan as Dogecoin saw a massive uptick when Elon Musk changed the X logo at some point to the DOGE mascot. Amid the sustained legacy of Dogecoin, one crucial expectation is that the proposed X Payments will integrate DOGE payments and provide a unique utility for the coin across the board. While neither Elon Musk nor the platform has officially confirmed this, the affinity the billionaire has for the coin might make him enlist DOGE should crypto payments feature in the everything app he is building. Amid the growing push in the DOGE ecosystem, the ultimate price expectation is that Dogecoin will return back to the $0.2 price mark in the midterm and $0.7 in the longer term.
Cardano Founder Drops Surprising Dogecoin, Bitcoin Insight. In an homage to the beloved Shiba Inu Kabosu, who recently passed away, Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson has posted a memetic statement that resonates deeply within the crypto community. In a tweet, Hoskinson posted a GIF image that captioned "I have been and will always be your friend," to which he wrote, "Doge to Bitcoin." The Cardano founder was responding to a post on the passing of Kabosu. Kabosu, the face of Dogecoin and the iconic "Doge" meme, left a paw print on the hearts of many. Her passing has been felt across the internet, uniting diverse communities in remembrance of the joy she brought to the world. The Japanese Shiba Inu inspired a generation of online jokes after her skeptical glance became a symbol of internet humor in 2010. The recent comment by the Cardano founder not only pays tribute to Kabosu's legacy but also highlights the camaraderie that exists within the crypto space. The Cardano founder's memetic statement would be essentially true considering the relationship between Dogecoin and Bitcoin. In 2013, two software programmers, Jackson Palmer and Billy Markus, were inspired by the simplicity of Bitcoin to create Dogecoin, a parody cryptocurrency. Given that DOGE was originally a joke copy of Bitcoin, and used a significant portion of Bitcoin's source code, the two cryptocurrencies share a lot in common. For example, both Bitcoin and Dogecoin use a proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism involving miners. Transactions on a proof-of-work blockchain are stored in blocks. Once a block is full, a group of devoted users regarded as miners start to validate it. However, several changes have been implemented throughout time, causing Dogecoin and Bitcoin to differ more than they might appear at first.

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