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Kevin Cryptonomist
MANTRA, a Layer 1 blockchain focused on Real World Assets (RWA), has secured a strategic investment from Nomura's digital asset division, Laser Digital. This investment aims to propel MANTRA's goal of becoming the top RWA blockchain solution in the Middle East and Asia. The partnership with Laser Digital is expected to bring significant expertise and resources to MANTRA, particularly in RWA tokenization. Laser Digital's robust presence in the Middle East, as demonstrated by its acquisition of key licenses from Dubai’s Virtual Asset Regulatory Authority and the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Abu Dhabi Global Market, places the collaboration in a strong position to drive digital finance innovations in the region. MANTRA's mission is to revolutionize the RWA market by promoting the adoption of tokenized real-world assets. As a regulatory-ready blockchain platform, MANTRA aims to tap into the estimated $16 trillion RWA economy's vast potential. The platform offers a permissionless chain that provides developers and institutions with sophisticated technology modules, compliance mechanisms, and cross-chain interoperability. This strategic partnership with Laser Digital signifies a major advancement in the tokenization of Real World Assets across the Middle East and Asia. It combines MANTRA's innovative Layer 1 blockchain technology with Laser Digital’s financial expertise and established market presence. This partnership is poised to unlock the potential of the massive RWA economy and bolster MANTRA's position as a leader in digital finance innovations.

MANTRA, a Layer 1 blockchain focused on Real World Assets (RWA), has secured a strategic investment from Nomura's digital asset division, Laser Digital. This investment aims to propel MANTRA's goal of becoming the top RWA blockchain solution in the Middle East and Asia.

The partnership with Laser Digital is expected to bring significant expertise and resources to MANTRA, particularly in RWA tokenization. Laser Digital's robust presence in the Middle East, as demonstrated by its acquisition of key licenses from Dubai’s Virtual Asset Regulatory Authority and the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Abu Dhabi Global Market, places the collaboration in a strong position to drive digital finance innovations in the region.

MANTRA's mission is to revolutionize the RWA market by promoting the adoption of tokenized real-world assets. As a regulatory-ready blockchain platform, MANTRA aims to tap into the estimated $16 trillion RWA economy's vast potential. The platform offers a permissionless chain that provides developers and institutions with sophisticated technology modules, compliance mechanisms, and cross-chain interoperability.

This strategic partnership with Laser Digital signifies a major advancement in the tokenization of Real World Assets across the Middle East and Asia. It combines MANTRA's innovative Layer 1 blockchain technology with Laser Digital’s financial expertise and established market presence. This partnership is poised to unlock the potential of the massive RWA economy and bolster MANTRA's position as a leader in digital finance innovations.

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