Binance Square
Bitcoin Bulls "Warm Up" as $1.5 billion is poured into spot exchange-traded funds in only two weeks! When looking at price movement in shorter time periods, Bitcoin prices are still choppy, even after the upsurge in the middle of the week. At current spot prices, the currency is challenging $66,000, but market participants believe the breakout has been validated and are predicting that Bitcoin prices will go up to $70,000. The cryptocurrency has been steadily declining since March, when it surged to all-time highs, as seen on the daily chart. Analyst Reports High Bitcoin Liquidity Despite Accumulation So, in an effort to assuage market anxiety, Bitcoin on-chain expert Willy Woo is predicting that the currency will see significant price increases in the next days. Despite the fact that prices have fallen from their all-time highs and seem to be trapped in a consolidation, the expert remains optimistic, stating that the currency is still in its "warm-up" period. Woo elaborates by saying that, because to the comparatively large liquidity, the long-term risk is minimal during the present consolidation phase. The researcher has concluded that Bitcoin prices are expected to skyrocket based on a comparison to previous price movements. New money pours into the market when "the floodgates open," driving up prices but also increasing danger. Are We Seeing the Beginning of the Bitcoin Uptrend? Crypto analytics platform creator Ki Young Ju has backed Woo's stance. X was informed by Ju that Bitcoin is now experiencing a bull cycle. As evidence for this position, the creator cited the fact that the market valuation of Bitcoin has been increasing at a quicker rate than its actual market cap. Based on their most recent trading price, the realized cap attempts to estimate the entire market worth of all coins in circulation. Over the last two years, this pattern has continued. The bull market may finish in April 2025 if current trends continue. #BTC #buythedip #CMEBitcoinSpotTrading #MemeWatch2024 $BTC

Bitcoin Bulls "Warm Up" as $1.5 billion is poured into spot exchange-traded funds in only two weeks!

When looking at price movement in shorter time periods, Bitcoin prices are still choppy, even after the upsurge in the middle of the week. At current spot prices, the currency is challenging $66,000, but market participants believe the breakout has been validated and are predicting that Bitcoin prices will go up to $70,000.

The cryptocurrency has been steadily declining since March, when it surged to all-time highs, as seen on the daily chart.

Analyst Reports High Bitcoin Liquidity Despite Accumulation

So, in an effort to assuage market anxiety, Bitcoin on-chain expert Willy Woo is predicting that the currency will see significant price increases in the next days.

Despite the fact that prices have fallen from their all-time highs and seem to be trapped in a consolidation, the expert remains optimistic, stating that the currency is still in its "warm-up" period. Woo elaborates by saying that, because to the comparatively large liquidity, the long-term risk is minimal during the present consolidation phase.

The researcher has concluded that Bitcoin prices are expected to skyrocket based on a comparison to previous price movements. New money pours into the market when "the floodgates open," driving up prices but also increasing danger.

Are We Seeing the Beginning of the Bitcoin Uptrend?

Crypto analytics platform creator Ki Young Ju has backed Woo's stance. X was informed by Ju that Bitcoin is now experiencing a bull cycle.

As evidence for this position, the creator cited the fact that the market valuation of Bitcoin has been increasing at a quicker rate than its actual market cap. Based on their most recent trading price, the realized cap attempts to estimate the entire market worth of all coins in circulation.

Over the last two years, this pattern has continued. The bull market may finish in April 2025 if current trends continue.

#BTC #buythedip #CMEBitcoinSpotTrading #MemeWatch2024 $BTC

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. ليست نصيحةً مالية. يُمكن أن تحتوي على مُحتوى مُمول. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
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A 10% Increase in Massive Holdings as Cardano Whales Return to the Table Recent evidence suggests that Cardano (ADA) whales' faith in the crypto currency may have been renewed, bringing them back into the spotlight. Assuming this is true, it will have a tremendous impact on ADA, which may soon see substantial price increases in response to this news. Large Cardano Investors Increase Their Holdings Cardano "whales," or holders of 100 million to 1 billion ADA, have seen an 11% increase to their holdings over the last 30 days, according to a recent X (previously Twitter) post by the market information platform IntoTheBlock. This group of investors now owns 6.71 percent of all Cardano coins. Whale stockpiling is a positive sign for Cardano since it indicates that these investors are getting ready for a possible price rise. Prices are rising because of these "whales," or large-scale buyers, who have the ability to propel the value of any cryptocurrency token to new heights. There are a lot of retail investors in Cardano as well as whales. According to IntoTheBlock's data, ADA is looking good due to the positive bid-ask volume imbalance. Most of these investors are presently making money since the 'In The Money' measure has also become positive for Cardano. In general, people are starting to have more faith in the Cardano ecosystem. According to DeFiLlama's data, the network's Total Value Locked (TVL) has climbed more than 5% in the last week. The trade volume on the Cardano network has also recently increased significantly, suggesting that people are actively trading on the platform. The crypto token's breakout has already been verified, and it is going toward the expected price goals, therefore crypto expert World of Charts said that Cardano may soon undergo a big rise. If the breakthrough occurs, the expert had anticipated that Cardano's price would reach $1 within the next several weeks. #altcoins #cardano #ada $ADA #buythedip
Notcoin (NOT) was claimed by 5 million people in the first 36 hours after its listing According to the Notcoin (NOT) team, 5 million individuals have claimed Notcoin (NOT) during the first three days after listing Five million tokens were claimed in the first 36 hours after Notcoin (NOT) was listed, according to the company behind the cryptocurrency. With a market valuation of about $1 billion, NOT began trading on May 16 after being listed on numerous exchanges. Five million users claimed NOT in the first 36 hours after listing, according to the team behind the famous project that rocked the crypto sector, Notcoin. They made the announcement via their X account. ON May 16th, NOT was added to several exchanges' listings, including as Binance, OKEx,, Bitfinex, Bitget, and many more. When it first went live, the token's market cap was over $1 billion. Five million tokens have been claimed, according to the release. The project team also said that four million tokens have been staked or transferred to exchanges, and one million have been claimed on-chain. Notcoin has five million claims in the first three-quarters of an hour after its listing. Staking tokens was another way the Notcoin team thanked those who had shown their support and faith. Some of the project's future intentions were also disclosed by them. Campaigns, items, and deals that are due to come in the next week are all part of this category. After the staking time finishes, customers will get one additional week of the given Level at no extra cost. The same article also states that allocations for future launches will be available to Gold and Platinum levels. Also, the company let users know that Notcoin is completely voluntary, so they may unstake their coins whenever they want and withdraw them on-chain. #notcoin #MemeWatch2024 #BinanceLaunchpool #buythedip $NOT
Is the $67K milestone going to be a confirmation of a structural shift in the bitcoin market? The cryptocurrency market saw liquidations totaling over $120 million. Today, options on Bitcoin and Ethereum valued at $2.1 billion are set to expire. If the market remains constant over $67K, it suggests a shift in the market's structure. Even as the market gets ready for the weekend, the price of Bitcoin (BTC) keeps showing strength. Following Wednesday's publication of the April CPI and a slew of reports suggesting that both retail and institutional investors are interested in buying Bitcoin (BTC) via exchange-traded funds (ETFs), the pioneer cryptocurrency is finishing the week on a positive note. With increases of 10% in the last seven days, the price of Bitcoin is trading with a positive bias. It is quite an accomplishment, especially for the crypto king, to have a 2.2% increase in the last day. Worldwide, the value of all cryptocurrencies has increased by 2.8% to $2.43 trillion as altcoins have followed suit. Due to the rise, positions worth more than $120 million have been sold off in the market. Almost $40 million is in long positions while $83 million is in short positions. Final sales On the other hand, today is the expiration date for options valued up to $2.1 billion in Bitcoin and Ethereum. With a put-call ratio of 0.63, options on 18,000 BTC are scheduled to expire. With a theoretical value of $1.2 billion, the highest possible pain point is $63,000. In layman's terms, a large number of contracts involving bitcoin derivatives have expired on the same day. To purchase or sell a certain quantity of Bitcoin or Ethereum at a fixed price at a future date is the right, but not the duty, conferred by these options contracts. When a huge number of options contracts expire, it can cause the bitcoin market to become more volatile. The expiration of contracts causes traders to either reduce their holdings or change their approach. In the near run, it may potentially affect market mood and movement. #CMEBitcoinSpotTrading #BTC $BTC

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