Binance Square
ETH/USDT Daily Chart Analysis Current Pattern: #ETH  is forming a bullish flag pattern, indicating a potential continuation of the upward trend. Resistance: The resistance zone around $3200 is crucial. Support: Watching the 200-day EMA around $2632.22 for potential support. 🔹 There's been a recent fakeout near the resistance. 🔹 Price is currently consolidating, waiting for a breakout from the bullish flag. Before Breakout $ETH  could test $2500 support level. #Ethereum #Binance #Layer2 #solana $BTC $SOL $ETH

ETH/USDT Daily Chart Analysis

Current Pattern: #ETH  is forming a bullish flag pattern, indicating a potential continuation of the upward trend.

Resistance: The resistance zone around $3200 is crucial.

Support: Watching the 200-day EMA around $2632.22 for potential support.

🔹 There's been a recent fakeout near the resistance.

🔹 Price is currently consolidating, waiting for a breakout from the bullish flag.

Before Breakout $ETH  could test $2500 support level.

#Ethereum #Binance #Layer2 #solana $BTC $SOL $ETH

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