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#Bitcoin dominance explained. It reflects the proportion of Bitcoin's market capitalization relative to the total market capitalization of all other cryptocurrencies. An increase in dominance suggests a shift towards the security of Bitcoin. While a decrease indicates a growing interest in alternative cryptocurrencies, known as altcoins. A decline in #BTC dominance is often seen as the beginning of the #Altseason , a period during which altcoins outperform both against the dollar and Bitcoin. In contrast, an increase in dominance often signifies strong performance by Bitcoin, potentially diverting investments from #altcoins . $BTC

#Bitcoin dominance explained.

It reflects the proportion of Bitcoin's market capitalization relative to the total market capitalization of all other cryptocurrencies.

An increase in dominance suggests a shift towards the security of Bitcoin.

While a decrease indicates a growing interest in alternative cryptocurrencies, known as altcoins.

A decline in #BTC dominance is often seen as the beginning of the #Altseason , a period during which altcoins outperform both against the dollar and Bitcoin. In contrast, an increase in dominance often signifies strong performance by Bitcoin, potentially diverting investments from #altcoins .


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