Binance Square
The market is falling, and with the market comes dominance. What would I like to draw your attention to? More often than not, when we see panic in the market, dominance grows with it, where the cue ball feels more confident than the violas. Now, on this last drop, we see that we have the opposite situation, where the violas are more stable compared to the cue ball. The alt-market continues to hold above the latest loyalties, while the cue ball has updated them for a long time and has gone much lower. We see a strong ether, we see the alta, which is holding up well, as well as the dominance, which is falling. There is only one conclusion. There is a transfer of funds from the cue ball to the alt-market / ether. Perhaps the big guy is rebalancing his positions, buying back at cheap prices and gaining altos in his bags. Time will show.

The market is falling, and with the market comes dominance.

What would I like to draw your attention to?

More often than not, when we see panic in the market, dominance grows with it, where the cue ball feels more confident than the violas. Now, on this last drop, we see that we have the opposite situation, where the violas are more stable compared to the cue ball.

The alt-market continues to hold above the latest loyalties, while the cue ball has updated them for a long time and has gone much lower. We see a strong ether, we see the alta, which is holding up well, as well as the dominance, which is falling.

There is only one conclusion. There is a transfer of funds from the cue ball to the alt-market / ether. Perhaps the big guy is rebalancing his positions, buying back at cheap prices and gaining altos in his bags. Time will show.

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. وهذه ليست نصيحةً مالية. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
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