Binance Square
Alameda executed a transfer of 7.44 million 1INCH tokens ($3.2M) to Wintermute approximately 6 hours ago, possibly indicating an intention to sell 1INCH tokens through Wintermute. This transaction mirrors a previous transfer made on April 8, when Alameda sent 7 million 1INCH tokens ($4.3M) to Wintermute, coinciding with a period of high 1INCH prices. The associated address for these transactions is 👇 0x4B178154cbC37230a177bd21a2b6068546FD7033. #1inch #alameda #Wintermute

Alameda executed a transfer of 7.44 million 1INCH tokens ($3.2M) to Wintermute approximately 6 hours ago, possibly indicating an intention to sell 1INCH tokens through Wintermute.

This transaction mirrors a previous transfer made on April 8, when Alameda sent 7 million 1INCH tokens ($4.3M) to Wintermute, coinciding with a period of high 1INCH prices.

The associated address for these transactions is 👇


#1inch #alameda #Wintermute

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