Binance Square
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๐Ÿฆ Coinbase leases larger New York office, abandons Hudson Yards workspace Coinbase is relocating to a new office in New York, abandoning its Hudson Yards workspace in the process, a source familiar with the matter told The Block. According to the real estate trade publication, the exchange this month signed an eleven-year lease for a 67,208-square-foot space at One Madison in Manhattan's Flatiron District. A source informed The Block that Coinbase will not retain its office at 55 Hudson Yards, which has been leased since 2021. ๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn more :

๐Ÿฆ Coinbase leases larger New York office, abandons Hudson Yards workspace

Coinbase is relocating to a new office in New York, abandoning its Hudson Yards workspace in the process, a source familiar with the matter told The Block. According to the real estate trade publication, the exchange this month signed an eleven-year lease for a 67,208-square-foot space at One Madison in Manhattan's Flatiron District. A source informed The Block that Coinbase will not retain its office at 55 Hudson Yards, which has been leased since 2021.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn more :

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