🎁 Found 0.5 BTC after 8 Years — Should I HODL, Sell, or Trade?

I just discovered that I have 0.5 BTC, which I completely forgot about! I had them in an old wallet that was thankfully still active. The key was in an email draft from years ago; thank God I had access to that email account. I stopped using it a long time ago.

The story is: I got them in June 2016. A friend and I did a small project together. We earned 1 BTC and then split it between us. BTC wasn’t worth much back then, so I didn’t really care at the time. I almost assumed I had lost them. Now, I’ve just bought a Ledger wallet to keep them safe!

I feel a bit sad too because if I had discovered them earlier, I might have made some good money by now. The price was higher in the past than it is now. But here I am, wondering what to do next.

I know a lot of people say HODL, but how long should I hold on to them? It’s been 8 years—should I keep holding, sell them, or try trading? I’ve never traded before, so I’m worried I might lose it all if I try. Maybe put some part of it in Alt Coins?

Another question is, are they even worth holding? It’s not like 20 BTC that could buy me a house with a swimming pool. or Am I undervaluing 0.5 BTC HODL?

Source: Reddit User

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