現貨 DCA
什麼是現貨 DCA 以及它如何運作?

什麼是現貨 DCA 以及它如何運作?

2023-05-24 11:08

什麼是 DCA?

Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) is a strategy that involves buying an equal amount of the asset in tokens at regular intervals. It aims to achieve a better average price for the selected trading pair and reduce the impact of market volatility.


交易機器人是為了協助用戶在預定時間區間內買賣加密貨幣而設計的自動化軟體,旨在創造收益。欲了解更多資訊,請前往 什麼是加密貨幣交易機器人?它們如何運作?

什麼是現貨 DCA 機器人?

Binance Spot DCA bot lets you set how much to buy, when to buy, and when to sell. Based on your parameters, it can help you to:
  • Buy more as the price dips
  • Sell more as the price increases
In the Buy mode, the bot aims to achieve a lower average buy price by placing more buy orders when the market price falls below your initial trade. This continues until the market price goes above your take-profit percentage, triggering the bot to initiate a sell order. This process is repeated as long as you have sufficient funds in the wallet. 
提示:如果您的初始投資是報價資產 (例如 USDT),請選擇購買模式。 
In the Sell mode, the bot aims to achieve a higher average sale price by placing more sell orders when the market price goes above your initial trade. This continues until the market price goes below your take-profit percentage, and the bot will initiate a buy order. This process is repeated as long as you have sufficient funds in your wallet. 
提示:如果您的初始投資是基礎資產 (例如 BTC),請選擇出售模式。
 *Risk Warning: The above parameter settings and calculations are for reference only. The effectiveness of a price difference, i.e., the trigger for a Spot DCA order, may vary depending on the trading pair you choose. The information presented here does not constitute financial or investment advice by Binance. All trading strategies are used at your discretion and at your own risk. Crypto trading carries a substantial risk and the possibility of both significant profits and losses. Binance shall not be liable to you for any loss that might arise from your use of Spot DCA. We strongly recommend you set stop-trigger orders in advance to prevent uncontrollable market movements from causing irreparable losses.

定投、現貨網格與現貨 DCA 的差異

策略以固定金額和頻率自動下買單,類似平均成本法Automate buy and sell orders at preset intervals within a price range (a grid)
交易/訂單原理僅持續進場 每次進場皆搭配單一退場多次進場,單一退場
1. Time-based, consistent order frequency regardless of the market condition
2. Depends on the recurring cycle you set
1. Price-based, more orders when the market is more volatile
2. Depends on the number of grids you set between the interval upper and lower limits
3. In the arithmetic mode, each grid has an equal price difference 
4. In the geometric mode, each grid has an equal price difference ratio
1. Price-based, more orders when the market moves against your initial price
2. Depends on the number of DCA orders triggered by the price deviation percentage

如何設定現貨 DCA 交易機器人?

1. 登入您的幣安帳戶並點擊 [交易] - [交易機器人]
Click the down triangle to expand the list of available trading bots, then select [Spot DCA].
If you are using the Binance App, go to [Trade] - [Bots].
Tap [Trading Bots] - [More bots], and select [Spot DCA].
2. You will be then redirected to the Spot DCA trading interface. Select a trading pair, for example, BTC/USDT. 
接著前往右側的參數方塊。選擇 [購買代幣 A] [出售代幣 A] 模式。
Important Note: The token displayed will change depending on the trading pair selected. Since we’re using BTC/USDT as an example, Token A is BTC and you’ll see [Buy BTC] and [Sell BTC].
2.1. 若您選擇 [購買代幣 A] 模式,您的投資將為報價資產 (USDT) 形式。您的現貨錢包內需有足夠 USDT 餘額以建立交易機器人。
2.2. If you choose the [Sell Token A] mode, your investment will be in the form of the base asset (BTC). You’ll need a sufficient BTC balance in your Spot Wallet to create the trading bot. 
3. Enter a price deviation percentage per order and a take-profit percentage. You may also select [Fix] or [Trailing] for your take-profit percentage. 

4. Next, enter your investment amount for both base and DCA order sizes and the number of max DCA orders. 
  • 價格變動:觸發 DCA 訂單的價格變動百分比。
  • 止盈:根據平均價格 (在每一回合停止前) 計算的目標獲利百分比。
    • 預設選擇 [固定]。當交易機器人達到止盈百分比時,將觸發止盈單並開始新的回合。
    • If you select [Trailing], it will lock the profit by enabling the trading bot to remain open and continue to profit as long as the price moves in the selected direction and mode. When the trading bot moves in the opposite direction by a specific percentage, it will trigger a sell order and start a new round. Note: [Trailing] may not be available for certain trading pairs. 
  • 基礎訂單:不會超出的初始投資金額上限。
  • DCA 訂單:不會超出的後續投資金額上限。
  • 最大 DCA:每回合能下單的最大 DCA 訂單數量。
Important Note: You may also set up advanced parameters, such as a trigger price, price deviation multiplier, DCA order size multiplier, cooldown between rounds, lower and upper price range, and stop loss.
  • Trigger Price: Price of the token that will trigger the trading bot to start.
  • Price Deviation Multiplier: The Price Deviation Multiplier determines how the price deviation percentage is multiplied for each subsequent DCA (Dollar-Cost Averaging) order after the initial entry.
  • 此參數預設為 1,表示每筆後續訂單有相同的價格變動百分比 %。
  • If the multiplier is set to a value greater than 1, it takes effect from the second DCA entry.
  • 例如,您以 30,000 美元的價格購買並開設 BTC/USDT 交易對的多頭倉位,價格變動為 1%,價格變動乘數為 2。
  • 基礎訂單 = 30,000 美元
  • DCA #1 = 基礎訂單 - 1% = 29,700 美元
  • DCA #2 = DCA #1 - 1% * 2 = 29,100 美元 (基礎訂單 - 3%)
  • DCA #3 = DCA #2 - 1% * 2 * 2 = 27,900 美元 (基礎訂單 - 7%)
  • DCA Order Size Multiplier: Multiply the subsequent DCA Order investment amount(s). By default, this parameter equals to 1, which means each additional entry will equal the DCA Order amount. Otherwise, the multiplier will take effect from the second DCA order onwards (The first DCA order remains default after the bot has started).
    For example, your DCA order is 1,000 USDT, and your DCA Order Size Multiplier is set to 2. When the price reaches the designated price deviation, each additional entry will be multiplied.
  • DCA #1 = 1,000 USDT = 1,000 USDT
  • DCA #2 = 1,000 USDT * 2 = 2,000 USDT
  • DCA #3 = 1,000 USDT * 2 * 2 = 4,000 USDT
  • 回合間冷卻時間:每回合執行之間的休止期間。回合之間預設的冷卻時間為 60 秒。
  • 價格範圍上下限:所選代幣的基礎訂單價格範圍,交易機器人只會在這個範圍內執行。請注意:後續回合中執行的基礎訂單可能會因市場波動而偏離價格範圍。
  • 止損:觸發交易機器人停止並終止操作的止損百分比。
5. 仔細確認訂單詳情後再點擊 [確認]

如何查看您的現貨 DCA 交易機器人?


1. 若欲查看您的現貨 DCA 訂單和歷史記錄,前往 [執行中][歷史記錄] 標籤頁。
2. 點擊訂單旁的訂單圖示以查看更多詳情。
3. You’ll be then redirected to the details page. Here you can view your profit, parameters, current DCA round, and trade history.
4. To view your trading bots, go to [Assets] - [Trading Bots].


Go to the [All Orders] tab on the Spot DCA page and you will be able to see your current and past orders.

1. 現貨 DCA 與定投之間的差異為何?

While both Spot DCA and Auto-Invest are designed to achieve a better average price for the selected token, Spot DCA is a trading bot that helps you buy or sell selected tokens. Auto-Invest only helps you buy the selected token regularly, it does not facilitate the selling of the tokens (i.e., trading). 

 2. What parameters can I customize in a Spot DCA trading bot?

如需進一步了解,請前往幣安現貨 DCA 參數

3. 現貨 DCA 是否收取任何手續費?

Spot DCA follows the spot trading fee rates. There are no additional fees. For BNB fee deduction history, please visit Fees Return History.

4. 現貨 DCA 會使用哪個錢包?

現貨 DCA 會將資產自您的現貨錢包轉移至您的交易機器人錢包,維持交易機器人的運行。

5. 我可以編輯或暫停我的現貨 DCA 交易機器人嗎?

不可以,您無法編輯或暫停您的 DCA 交易機器人。

6. 我可以在結束日期之前,提前結束我的現貨 DCA 交易機器人嗎?

Yes, you can end your DCA trading bots anytime. Go to the [Running] tab and click [End] next to the bot to terminate it.

7. 現貨 DCA 結束時會發生什麼事?

當您手動取消現貨 DCA 訂單時,您可以選擇保留您的基礎資產。

8. 若我手動取消或關閉現貨 DCA,將如何計算收益?

All profits will be settled immediately at market price. Profits will be calculated based on the difference between the average price and market prices without deducting the trading fees. 
現貨 DCA 收益類型
總收益 (總收益 / 總投資)
[購買代幣] 模式
  • 計算方式:(目前基礎資產 - 起始基礎資產) * 最新價格 + (目前報價資產 - 起始報價資產)
[Sell Token] mode
  • 計算方式:(目前基礎資產 - 起始基礎資產) + (目前報價資產 - 起始報價資產) / 最新價格
總收益 % = 總收益 / 總投資 (2 d.p.) (不限何種模式)
DCA 收益 (DCA 回合收益總和)
  • 單位:[購買代幣] 模式的報價資產,[出售代幣] 模式的基礎資產
DCA 收益 % = DCA 收益 / 總投資 (2 d.p.)
浮動收益 = (總收益 - DCA 收益)
  • Unit: Quote Asset for [Buy Token] mode, Base Asset for [Sell Token] mode
DCA 收益 % = 浮動收益 / 總投資 (2 d.p.)
[購買代幣] 模式 (單位:報價資產)
  • 計算方式:(總止盈 - 手續費) - 總 DCA 訂單 - 總基本訂單
[出售代幣] 模式 (單位:基本資產)
  • 計算方式:(已執行止盈 - 手續費) - 已成交 DCA 訂單 - 已成交基本訂單
To view your Spot DCA profit breakdown, please click [Running/History] and then click the details page. 

9. 為什麼我設定了止盈單,但回合收益是負數? 

有時候您的資產利得可能不會計入現貨 DCA 的回合收益。在某些情況下,每回合的資產利得可能會記錄為浮動收益,導致回合收益為負數。 
For example, you bought 0.021 BNB, of which 0.000021 BNB was deducted as a trading fee, so you’ll only get 0.020979 BNB. When you sell the 0.020979 BNB in a take profit order, you could only sell 0.02 BNB as the 0.000979 BNB is too small to be sold (based on the Trading Rules). This remaining 0.000979 BNB will be recorded as floating profit, which may cause your round profit to be negative.
Please note that in the [Buy Token] mode, round profit refers to the quote asset, whereas in the [Sell Token] mode, it refers to the base asset.

10. 為什麼我的現貨 DCA 被終止或取消?

  • You created too many strategies. Please note that currently you can only create 1 DCA strategy for each trading pair and the maximum number of strategies you can create is 20.
  • The market price has hit the stop-trigger price you set
  • The coin in your trading bot is delisted or will be delisted soon
  • The product is no longer available in your region
  • There was a violation of the Terms of Use

11. 策略會下什麼類型的訂單?

The strategy would place limit orders, with the order price set to either the current market price or the trigger price you entered (under advanced settings).

12. 為什麼單一回合之中「止盈」訂單隨後會追加「Close_position」訂單?

單一回合的止盈訂單成交後,部分成交 DCA 訂單收到的剩餘資產也需進行結算。 
To clarify, take-profit orders process assets from fully-filled order(s). Therefore, any remaining assets from partially-filled order(s) will be processed by a subsequent close-position order to finalize the round.
  • 基礎訂單已成交:0.2 BNB
  • 2 筆 DCA 訂單已完全成交:每筆 0.1 BNB
  • 1 筆 DCA 訂單已部分成交:0.05 BNB
[購買代幣]:止盈訂單將出售收到資產的總數量(0.2 + 0.1 + 0.1 = 0.4 BNB)。一旦成交,系統會下一筆「Close_position」訂單,以出售剩餘的 0.05 BNB。
[出售代幣]:在出售代幣時,止盈訂單運作方式亦雷同。系統購回總共 0.4 BNB(0.2 + 0.1 + 0.1)後,系統將下一筆「Close_position」訂單,以購買剩餘的 0.05 BNB。
* 請注意,範例僅供說明之用,未扣除交易手續費。