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Web3 Daily Research
Hey dudes! We are Web3 Daily. Here, we will discuss all the fun stuff related to Blockchain, Web3, and BNB Chain.|
擁抱Notcoin的潛力。不要回避 Notcoin 的力量。這個令人興奮的項目提供了盈利潛力,以下是您應該考慮加入社區的原因。 NOT COIN,不只是一枚硬幣。他是TON生態系統之王。 1.什麼是Notcoin? Notcoin 是一款基於 TON 生態系統的引人入勝的“點擊賺錢”遊戲。這個雄心勃勃的區塊鏈項目源於 Pavel @durov 的 Telegram 平臺,有望實現顯著增長。 2. Notcoin 的迅速崛起: 以下是 Notcoin 在過去 3 個月中令人印象深刻的吸引力:


不要回避 Notcoin 的力量。這個令人興奮的項目提供了盈利潛力,以下是您應該考慮加入社區的原因。
NOT COIN,不只是一枚硬幣。他是TON生態系統之王。


Notcoin 是一款基於 TON 生態系統的引人入勝的“點擊賺錢”遊戲。這個雄心勃勃的區塊鏈項目源於 Pavel @durov 的 Telegram 平臺,有望實現顯著增長。
2. Notcoin 的迅速崛起:

以下是 Notcoin 在過去 3 個月中令人印象深刻的吸引力:
Binance Vietnam
#Binance 很榮幸擁有迪拜數字資產監管局 (VARA) 頒發的數字資產服務提供商 (VASP) 許可證。
繼 2023 年 7 月獲得第一個最低可行產品 (MVP) 許可證後,該許可證對於幣安和全球虛擬資產行業來說是一個重要的里程碑。
從 MVP 許可證到 VASP 許可證的過渡使幣安 FZE 能夠將其產品範圍擴大到個人投資者以及機構和合格投資者。零售客戶現在可以訪問廣泛的數字資產產品和服務,例如現貨交易、保證金交易和質押——目前僅在阿聯酋乃至全球範圍內提供的最廣泛的受監管虛擬資產服務。
瞭解有關此授權活動的更多信息 Ở ĐÂY
Binance Square Official
幣安廣場功能更新 – 2024 年 5 月 2 日
我們很高興地宣佈,幣安廣場的最新更新現已在應用程式版本 2.82 中上線。爲了獲得更流暢、更有效率的瀏覽體驗,我們建議更新您的應用程式。以下是我們最新功能的詳細介紹:
觸手可及,體驗即時市場情緒。造訪代幣市場頁面上的「方形」選項卡,進行每日投票 - 看漲或看跌,並與社區分享您寶貴的預測和見解。
RENZO 是幣安新幣池的下一個重新質押項目。Renzo Protocol($REZ):這是一個基於 EigenLayer 構建的流動性質押平臺,專注於以太坊。它允許用戶質押他們的以太坊(ETH),並通過質押和重新質押獲得獎勵。 該平臺還提供一種名爲 ezETH 的流動性質押代幣,可用於各種 DeFi 應用。Renzo 於 2023 年推出,其總鎖定價值 (TVL) 已增長至 33 億美元以上。他們的原生代幣 REZ 用於 Renzo 協議中的治理。 除了核心質押功能之外,下面深入探討一下 Renzo 協議($REZ)的實用功能:

RENZO 是幣安新幣池的下一個重新質押項目。

Renzo Protocol($REZ):這是一個基於 EigenLayer 構建的流動性質押平臺,專注於以太坊。它允許用戶質押他們的以太坊(ETH),並通過質押和重新質押獲得獎勵。
該平臺還提供一種名爲 ezETH 的流動性質押代幣,可用於各種 DeFi 應用。Renzo 於 2023 年推出,其總鎖定價值 (TVL) 已增長至 33 億美元以上。他們的原生代幣 REZ 用於 Renzo 協議中的治理。
除了核心質押功能之外,下面深入探討一下 Renzo 協議($REZ)的實用功能:
Web3 Daily Research
普通人可能會購買新鞋,但加密貨幣愛好者會選擇投資更多 $BTC

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#HalvingwithBinanceVN #BitcoinHodlers #bitcoinhalvingn #bitcoin #HalvingComingSoon
Binance Vietnam
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⭐ B1:關注、點贊和分享這篇文章
⭐ B2:在幣安上創建任何內容:關於在幣安擁有或瞭解比特幣一週年的文章、照片、視頻(不限於)(例如:餘額照片、幣安擁有的 BTC 數量等),併發布 #HalvingwithBinanceVN到您的 Square 帳戶
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⭐ 時間:4月18日-4月24日
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Omni NetworkWe just went through 2023 with a lot of layer 2 blockchains emerging. Many of these networks use Roll-up technology to package transactions onto the main network like #Ethereum or #BNBChain. They help reduce gas fees for users and provide a user-friendly experience as well as fast transaction speeds. However, the challenge lies in the fact that there are too many layer 2 blockchain roll-up networks, and interacting between them is extremely difficult. The Omni Network was born with the goal of making Ethereum a unified and complete ecosystem on a global scale once again. Let's figure out. Omni Network Definition: As defined by the white paper, "Omni is a natively secured, externally verified interoperability network that establishes a new precedent in security, performance, and global compatibility for the future of Ethereum’s modular ecosystem." Omni Network: Connecting the Ethereum Ecosystem Omni Network is a blockchain specifically designed to connect different rollups on the Ethereum network. Here's a breakdown of the key concepts: Blockchains and Ethereum: A blockchain is a digital ledger that securely records transactions. Ethereum is a popular blockchain that allows for the creation of decentralized applications (dApps). Rollups: Rollups are a type of scaling solution for Ethereum that helps process transactions faster and cheaper. However, different rollups can become isolated ecosystems, which isn't ideal. Omni Network aims to solve this problem by creating a bridge between these rollups. This allows for: Interoperability: Users can easily transfer assets and data between different rollups on the Ethereum network. Unified Network: By connecting rollups, Omni helps create a more cohesive and interconnected Ethereum ecosystem. Here are some key features of Omni Network: Layer 1 Blockchain: Omni is its own blockchain, separate from the Ethereum mainnet. Security: Omni leverages the security of #Ethereum through a process called restaking. EVM Compatibility: Omni's virtual machine is compatible with Ethereum's Virtual Machine (#EVM), making it easy for developers to deploy existing dApps on Omni. Overall, the Omni Network aims to create a more efficient and user-friendly experience for developers and users within the Ethereum ecosystem. And here is my favorite part. - Omni can Solve Fragmentation in the Ethereum Ecosystem While Ethereum's rollups are effective in reducing transaction costs and increasing speed, they introduce a new challenge - fragmentation. Each rollup operates as a siloed ecosystem. This splits users, assets, and application functionality across these isolated networks. Fragmentation creates issues such as: Limited Liquidity: Assets locked in one rollup aren't readily available in others, hindering overall liquidity. Fragmented User Base: Developers have to choose a specific rollup for their dApps, limiting their user reach. Inconvenient User Experience: Users need to manage assets and interact with applications on separate rollups. Omni's Interoperability Bridge The Omni Network tackles fragmentation by acting as an interoperability bridge between rollups. It achieves this through: Modular Architecture: As a separate layer 1 blockchain, Omni can aggregate state information (relevant data) from various rollups. This allows developers to build applications that work across these rollups. Restaking Security: Omni leverages Ethereum's security through a process called restaking. Validators on the Omni network monitor roll-up activity and stake their Ethereum ($ETH) to ensure its validity. This eliminates the need for a separate, potentially less secure, token for Omni. Benefits of Omni's Solution Unified User Experience: Users can interact with applications and assets seamlessly across different rollups. Increased Liquidity: Assets become accessible across the entire Ethereum rollup ecosystem, enhancing overall liquidity. Wider User Reach: Developers can build applications that tap into the broader user base across all rollups. Simplified Development: The modular architecture and EVM compatibility make it easier for developers to deploy existing dApps on Omni and reach a wider audience. Overall, the Omni Network aims to create a more interconnected and user-friendly Ethereum environment by fostering interoperability between rollups. And what about the Omni Token? The Omni Token ($OMNI) is the native token of the Omni Network. Here's what we know about it and some factors to consider before investing: Role of OMNI Token: Governance: OMNI token holders will likely have voting rights on network upgrades and proposals in the future. Fees: The token might be used for network fees associated with transactions or using applications built on Omni. Staking: There might be opportunities to stake OMNI tokens to contribute to network security and earn rewards. Potential Benefits of Holding OMNI: Increased Value with Network Adoption: If the Omni Network gains traction and becomes widely adopted, the value of the OMNI token could increase. Governance Rights: Holding OMNI grants you a say in the future direction of the network. Is OMNI a Good Investment? This depends on your risk tolerance and investment goals. Here are some factors to consider: New Project: The Omni Network is a relatively new project, and its long-term success is uncertain. Market Volatility: The cryptocurrency market is inherently volatile, and the price of OMNI could fluctuate significantly. Competition: There are other projects aiming to solve the fragmentation issue in the Ethereum ecosystem. In addition, the OTC price of $OMNI is about $40 for now. You can join the Binance Launchpool for OMNI Tokens. Potential Benefits: Early Access: By participating in Launchpool, you can acquire OMNI tokens before they are widely available on exchanges, potentially benefiting from any price increase after listing. Free to Stake: Staking existing holdings of $BNB or $FDUSD on #Binance to earn $OMNI doesn't require any upfront investment. [Read more]( $ETH #etf #BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving #OMNILAUNCHPOOL

Omni Network

We just went through 2023 with a lot of layer 2 blockchains emerging. Many of these networks use Roll-up technology to package transactions onto the main network like #Ethereum or #BNBChain. They help reduce gas fees for users and provide a user-friendly experience as well as fast transaction speeds.

However, the challenge lies in the fact that there are too many layer 2 blockchain roll-up networks, and interacting between them is extremely difficult.

The Omni Network was born with the goal of making Ethereum a unified and complete ecosystem on a global scale once again.

Let's figure out.

Omni Network Definition:

As defined by the white paper, "Omni is a natively secured, externally verified interoperability network that establishes a new precedent in security, performance, and global compatibility for the future of Ethereum’s modular ecosystem."

Omni Network: Connecting the Ethereum Ecosystem

Omni Network is a blockchain specifically designed to connect different rollups on the Ethereum network. Here's a breakdown of the key concepts:

Blockchains and Ethereum: A blockchain is a digital ledger that securely records transactions. Ethereum is a popular blockchain that allows for the creation of decentralized applications (dApps).

Rollups: Rollups are a type of scaling solution for Ethereum that helps process transactions faster and cheaper. However, different rollups can become isolated ecosystems, which isn't ideal.

Omni Network aims to solve this problem by creating a bridge between these rollups. This allows for:

Interoperability: Users can easily transfer assets and data between different rollups on the Ethereum network.
Unified Network: By connecting rollups, Omni helps create a more cohesive and interconnected Ethereum ecosystem.

Here are some key features of Omni Network:

Layer 1 Blockchain: Omni is its own blockchain, separate from the Ethereum mainnet.
Security: Omni leverages the security of #Ethereum through a process called restaking.
EVM Compatibility: Omni's virtual machine is compatible with Ethereum's Virtual Machine (#EVM), making it easy for developers to deploy existing dApps on Omni.

Overall, the Omni Network aims to create a more efficient and user-friendly experience for developers and users within the Ethereum ecosystem.

And here is my favorite part. - Omni can Solve Fragmentation in the Ethereum Ecosystem

While Ethereum's rollups are effective in reducing transaction costs and increasing speed, they introduce a new challenge - fragmentation.
Each rollup operates as a siloed ecosystem. This splits users, assets, and application functionality across these isolated networks. Fragmentation creates issues such as:

Limited Liquidity: Assets locked in one rollup aren't readily available in others, hindering overall liquidity.

Fragmented User Base: Developers have to choose a specific rollup for their dApps, limiting their user reach.

Inconvenient User Experience: Users need to manage assets and interact with applications on separate rollups.

Omni's Interoperability Bridge

The Omni Network tackles fragmentation by acting as an interoperability bridge between rollups. It achieves this through:

Modular Architecture: As a separate layer 1 blockchain, Omni can aggregate state information (relevant data) from various rollups. This allows developers to build applications that work across these rollups.

Restaking Security: Omni leverages Ethereum's security through a process called restaking. Validators on the Omni network monitor roll-up activity and stake their Ethereum ($ETH ) to ensure its validity. This eliminates the need for a separate, potentially less secure, token for Omni.

Benefits of Omni's Solution

Unified User Experience: Users can interact with applications and assets seamlessly across different rollups.
Increased Liquidity: Assets become accessible across the entire Ethereum rollup ecosystem, enhancing overall liquidity.
Wider User Reach: Developers can build applications that tap into the broader user base across all rollups.
Simplified Development: The modular architecture and EVM compatibility make it easier for developers to deploy existing dApps on Omni and reach a wider audience.

Overall, the Omni Network aims to create a more interconnected and user-friendly Ethereum environment by fostering interoperability between rollups.

And what about the Omni Token?

The Omni Token ($OMNI) is the native token of the Omni Network. Here's what we know about it and some factors to consider before investing:

Role of OMNI Token:

Governance: OMNI token holders will likely have voting rights on network upgrades and proposals in the future.
Fees: The token might be used for network fees associated with transactions or using applications built on Omni.
Staking: There might be opportunities to stake OMNI tokens to contribute to network security and earn rewards.

Potential Benefits of Holding OMNI:

Increased Value with Network Adoption: If the Omni Network gains traction and becomes widely adopted, the value of the OMNI token could increase.
Governance Rights: Holding OMNI grants you a say in the future direction of the network.

Is OMNI a Good Investment?

This depends on your risk tolerance and investment goals. Here are some factors to consider:

New Project: The Omni Network is a relatively new project, and its long-term success is uncertain.
Market Volatility: The cryptocurrency market is inherently volatile, and the price of OMNI could fluctuate significantly.
Competition: There are other projects aiming to solve the fragmentation issue in the Ethereum ecosystem.

In addition, the OTC price of $OMNI is about $40 for now.

You can join the Binance Launchpool for OMNI Tokens.
Potential Benefits:

Early Access: By participating in Launchpool, you can acquire OMNI tokens before they are widely available on exchanges, potentially benefiting from any price increase after listing.
Free to Stake: Staking existing holdings of $BNB or $FDUSD on #Binance to earn $OMNI doesn't require any upfront investment.
Read more
$ETH #etf #BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving #OMNILAUNCHPOOL
Saga:簡化區塊鏈開發Saga 是一種協議,可自動配置特定於應用程序的區塊鏈(也稱爲 Chainlets)。它們處於重塑開發人員和用戶與區塊鏈技術交互方式的前沿。 通過共享安全、創新驗證器編排和自動化部署流程等功能,Saga 使啓動 Chainlet 變得像部署智能合約一樣簡單。這簡化了區塊鏈開發並促進了更廣泛的採用。 SAGA 的兩個版本 SAGA共發佈了兩個版本:


Saga 是一種協議,可自動配置特定於應用程序的區塊鏈(也稱爲 Chainlets)。它們處於重塑開發人員和用戶與區塊鏈技術交互方式的前沿。
通過共享安全、創新驗證器編排和自動化部署流程等功能,Saga 使啓動 Chainlet 變得像部署智能合約一樣簡單。這簡化了區塊鏈開發並促進了更廣泛的採用。
SAGA 的兩個版本
Ethena 是 Binance Launchpool 上第 50 個擁有 $ENA 代幣的項目。Ethena Labs 是一個專注於創建一種名爲 USDe 的穩定幣以及他們所謂的“互聯網債券”概念的項目。這是對 #Ethena! 的更深入研究 #EthenaLabs 引入了兩種新的加密資產概念,包括:穩定幣(#USDe)和互聯網債券概念 1. Ethena 的 USOf 穩定幣: 旨在成爲與美元掛鉤的穩定數字資產。他們通過使用以太坊抵押品的“德爾塔對衝”策略來實現這種掛鉤。這意味着他們使用衍生品來管理美元的價格波動。

Ethena 是 Binance Launchpool 上第 50 個擁有 $ENA 代幣的項目。

Ethena Labs 是一個專注於創建一種名爲 USDe 的穩定幣以及他們所謂的“互聯網債券”概念的項目。這是對 #Ethena! 的更深入研究
#EthenaLabs 引入了兩種新的加密資產概念,包括:穩定幣(#USDe)和互聯網債券概念

1. Ethena 的 USOf 穩定幣:

Web3 Daily Research
Web3 Daily AMA | Fizen & FUN Token

Web3 Daily AMA | Fizen & FUN Token

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Web3 Daily Research
Web3 Daily AMA | StarMeach - ERC404 Gaming on Avalanche

Web3 Daily AMA | StarMeach - ERC404 Gaming on Avalanche

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EtherFi:解鎖您質押的以太坊的更高回報!#Ethereum 區塊鏈徹底改變了金融業,但傳統的質押可能會受到限制。這就是 EtherFi 介入的地方,提#Liquid#Restake 解決方案,旨在最大限度地提高 $ETH 持股的回報。 賦予您控制權: 與託管質押不同,#EtherFi 是去中心化且非託管的。 這意味着您保留對私鑰的完全控制,確保您的資產在您自己的監督下保持安全。 雙倍獎勵: EtherFi 超越了基本的質押。質押您的 $ETH 即可獲得 eETH,一種流動質押代幣。然後,這個 eETH 就成爲通過合作伙伴 DeFi 平臺解鎖額外獎勵的關鍵。


#Ethereum 區塊鏈徹底改變了金融業,但傳統的質押可能會受到限制。這就是 EtherFi 介入的地方,提#Liquid#Restake 解決方案,旨在最大限度地提高 $ETH 持股的回報。

與託管質押不同,#EtherFi 是去中心化且非託管的。

EtherFi 超越了基本的質押。質押您的 $ETH 即可獲得 eETH,一種流動質押代幣。然後,這個 eETH 就成爲通過合作伙伴 DeFi 平臺解鎖額外獎勵的關鍵。
Web3 Daily Research
AEVO 專案 - Web3 每日研究近日,#Binance 宣佈啓動AEVO項目LaunchPool。那麼AEVO是什麼項目,項目的特色,USP,側面信息,$Token AEVO,最重要的是,我應該質押$BNB來接收$AEVO嗎? 1.什麼是AEVO? 根據該項目的白皮書 “Aevo 是一家去中心化衍生品交易所,專注於期權和 Perps。該交易所運行在 EVM Roll-up 系統上,直接與以太坊網絡交互。Aevo 通過鏈上支付任務運行鏈下訂單簿操作。這意味着,當訂單匹配後,交易將使用智能合約執行和結算。”

AEVO 專案 - Web3 每日研究

近日,#Binance 宣佈啓動AEVO項目LaunchPool。那麼AEVO是什麼項目,項目的特色,USP,側面信息,$Token AEVO,最重要的是,我應該質押$BNB來接收$AEVO 嗎?
“Aevo 是一家去中心化衍生品交易所,專注於期權和 Perps。該交易所運行在 EVM Roll-up 系統上,直接與以太坊網絡交互。Aevo 通過鏈上支付任務運行鏈下訂單簿操作。這意味着,當訂單匹配後,交易將使用智能合約執行和結算。”
Ready to Level Up? Enter the Portal to the Future of Gaming.Calling all gamers! Are you ready to step into the future of gaming? Look no further than @Portalcoin the revolutionary Web3 gaming platform poised to change the industry forever. Imagine an all-in-one gaming hub, similar to the giants like Steam, Xbox, and Playstation, but built on the cutting-edge power of blockchain technology. Portal offers a massive library of over 200 diverse games, all conveniently accessible in one place. So, what makes Portal unique? True ownership: Own your in-game items with confidence thanks to the power of NFTs.Transparent governance: Shape the future of Portal by participating in token-based voting.Seamless integration: Enjoy a smooth experience with popular platforms like Magic Eden. Ready to join the Portal universe? Dive into Crystal Dash: Earn $PORTAL tokens by participating in this exciting airdrop campaign. The more you participate, the higher your chance of scoring exclusive rewards!Become a Portal investor: Join the pre-sale and claim your airdropped tokens. Witness the project unfold and unlock amazing new features as Portal launches into the final phase. Unlock the benefits of the Portal ecosystem: Thriving partnerships: Portal collaborates with leading Web3 projects, fostering a vibrant and expansive network.Empowering developers: Portal supports game developers, unlocking their full potential and accelerating the growth of Web3 gaming.Bridging the gap: Portal seamlessly connects mainstream and Web3 players, creating a thriving and inclusive community.Data-driven experience: Portal personalizes your gaming journey, constantly adapting and improving based on user feedback.Content creator hub: Connect with other players, streamers, and KOLs, fostering collaboration and earning opportunities. Level up your experience with Portal nodes: Earn daily rewards: Own and operate nodes to passively earn $PORTAL tokens based on your contribution to the network.VIP access: Achieve a certain level of contribution and unlock exclusive VIP benefits and rewards. Explore the power of $PORTAL tokens: In-game purchases: Enhance your gameplay by using your tokens to buy and sell in-game items.Shape the future: Participate in project governance and have a say in the critical decisions that define Portal's future.Earn lucrative rewards: Stake your tokens and unlock attractive rewards offered by various partners within the Portal ecosystem.Secure NFT marketplace: Buy, sell, and trade NFTs with confidence, knowing your assets are safe from theft.Platform utilities: Utilize your tokens across various platforms like Magic Eden and beyond.Fuel the ecosystem: Portal uses a portion of its token revenue to purchase and operate nodes, further solidifying the ecosystem's foundation. Portal is your gateway to the exciting world of Web3 gaming. Join the revolution and experience the future of gaming today! Join [Binance Launchpool]( today to claim $PORTAL for free. #Portal #Launchpool #BNB‬ #FDUSD $FDUSD $BNB

Ready to Level Up? Enter the Portal to the Future of Gaming.

Calling all gamers! Are you ready to step into the future of gaming? Look no further than @Portals the revolutionary Web3 gaming platform poised to change the industry forever.
Imagine an all-in-one gaming hub, similar to the giants like Steam, Xbox, and Playstation, but built on the cutting-edge power of blockchain technology. Portal offers a massive library of over 200 diverse games, all conveniently accessible in one place.
So, what makes Portal unique?
True ownership: Own your in-game items with confidence thanks to the power of NFTs.Transparent governance: Shape the future of Portal by participating in token-based voting.Seamless integration: Enjoy a smooth experience with popular platforms like Magic Eden.

Ready to join the Portal universe?
Dive into Crystal Dash: Earn $PORTAL tokens by participating in this exciting airdrop campaign. The more you participate, the higher your chance of scoring exclusive rewards!Become a Portal investor: Join the pre-sale and claim your airdropped tokens. Witness the project unfold and unlock amazing new features as Portal launches into the final phase.
Unlock the benefits of the Portal ecosystem:
Thriving partnerships: Portal collaborates with leading Web3 projects, fostering a vibrant and expansive network.Empowering developers: Portal supports game developers, unlocking their full potential and accelerating the growth of Web3 gaming.Bridging the gap: Portal seamlessly connects mainstream and Web3 players, creating a thriving and inclusive community.Data-driven experience: Portal personalizes your gaming journey, constantly adapting and improving based on user feedback.Content creator hub: Connect with other players, streamers, and KOLs, fostering collaboration and earning opportunities.

Level up your experience with Portal nodes:
Earn daily rewards: Own and operate nodes to passively earn $PORTAL tokens based on your contribution to the network.VIP access: Achieve a certain level of contribution and unlock exclusive VIP benefits and rewards.

Explore the power of $PORTAL tokens:
In-game purchases: Enhance your gameplay by using your tokens to buy and sell in-game items.Shape the future: Participate in project governance and have a say in the critical decisions that define Portal's future.Earn lucrative rewards: Stake your tokens and unlock attractive rewards offered by various partners within the Portal ecosystem.Secure NFT marketplace: Buy, sell, and trade NFTs with confidence, knowing your assets are safe from theft.Platform utilities: Utilize your tokens across various platforms like Magic Eden and beyond.Fuel the ecosystem: Portal uses a portion of its token revenue to purchase and operate nodes, further solidifying the ecosystem's foundation.
Portal is your gateway to the exciting world of Web3 gaming. Join the revolution and experience the future of gaming today!
Join Binance Launchpool today to claim $PORTAL for free.
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