Binance Square
Victoria Flores-OriaOres
I write about blockchain technology.
RWA Inc. 和 E Money Network 聯手實現 RWA 代幣化現實世界資產 #RWA 是來自物理世界的有價值的東西,例如建築物、藝術品或貴金屬,它們通過區塊鏈轉化爲數字代幣。這使得它們可以輕鬆地在線買賣,使投資更簡單、更安全。這是購買一小部分現實世界資產並將其存放在數字錢包中最實用的方法! 但如何做到呢? 很簡單,RWA Inc. 是一家將現實世界的資產(例如房產和藝術品)轉換爲數字代幣的公司,以便讓更多人更容易投資這些資產。

RWA Inc. 和 E Money Network 聯手實現 RWA 代幣化

現實世界資產 #RWA 是來自物理世界的有價值的東西,例如建築物、藝術品或貴金屬,它們通過區塊鏈轉化爲數字代幣。這使得它們可以輕鬆地在線買賣,使投資更簡單、更安全。這是購買一小部分現實世界資產並將其存放在數字錢包中最實用的方法!


很簡單,RWA Inc. 是一家將現實世界的資產(例如房產和藝術品)轉換爲數字代幣的公司,以便讓更多人更容易投資這些資產。
Polygon 革命:探索新 $POL 代幣的力量及其對區塊鏈的影響歡迎來到新的一周,透過以下方式了解區塊鏈技術項目 。 9月4日是國家規定的日期 用於遷移 $POL 代幣的網絡,該代幣與去中心化一致,透過跨多個鏈的參與來創造價值,獎勵驗證者並支持社區金庫。 變化從 將代幣轉為 POL 是 Polygon 提高網路效率和功能策略的一部分。它可以在 Polygon 2.0 的路線圖中找到,該路線圖旨在增強鏈之間的可擴展性和互通性。

Polygon 革命:探索新 $POL 代幣的力量及其對區塊鏈的影響



用於遷移 $POL 代幣的網絡,該代幣與去中心化一致,透過跨多個鏈的參與來創造價值,獎勵驗證者並支持社區金庫。


將代幣轉為 POL 是 Polygon 提高網路效率和功能策略的一部分。它可以在 Polygon 2.0 的路線圖中找到,該路線圖旨在增強鏈之間的可擴展性和互通性。
Through $POL Polygon is moving towards its development towards an aggregated Blockchain network. With the 2% annual issuance rate and distribution for #POL , designed to drive sustained growth of #Polygon and divided into 2 categories: - Validator Rewards - Community Treasury.
Through $POL Polygon is moving towards its development towards an aggregated Blockchain network.

With the 2% annual issuance rate and distribution for #POL , designed to drive sustained growth of #Polygon and divided into 2 categories:
- Validator Rewards
- Community Treasury.
KAVA AI即將到來,連結去中心化人工智慧的力量。 $KAVA {spot}(KAVAUSDT)
KAVA AI即將到來,連結去中心化人工智慧的力量。 $KAVA
Victoria Flores-OriaOres
Victoria Flores-OriaOres
Polygon 革命:探索新 $POL 代幣的力量及其對區塊鏈的影響


用於遷移 $POL 代幣的網絡,該代幣與去中心化一致,透過跨多個鏈的參與來創造價值,獎勵驗證者並支持社區金庫。


將代幣轉為 POL 是 Polygon 提高網路效率和功能策略的一部分。它可以在 Polygon 2.0 的路線圖中找到,該路線圖旨在增強鏈之間的可擴展性和互通性。
幾天前,我發佈了關於這個主題 #RWA 的帖子,很高興看到 @DAOLabs 和 RWA Inc. 之間宣佈建立合作伙伴關係。在此處閱讀更多信息 👇 #SocialMining
幾天前,我發佈了關於這個主題 #RWA 的帖子,很高興看到 @DAO Labs 和 RWA Inc. 之間宣佈建立合作伙伴關係。在此處閱讀更多信息 👇 #SocialMining
DAO Labs
因此,我們很高興向您介紹 RWA HUB – DAO Labs 和 RWA 的社交挖礦 V1
和 RWA Inc. 最近推出了一款名爲“社交挖礦”的新平臺

旨在將零散資產納入 Web3 生態系統。這一舉措是


RWA HUB 是一個平臺,旨在推動在區塊鏈上發行資產支持代幣的過程,這些代幣包括股票和房地產等。這一過程旨在通過以前不太可能接觸區塊鏈技術的投資領域來改善區塊鏈技術體驗。社交礦工現在可以發現這些代幣化資產,他們可以通過發佈 RWA Inc. 產品的內容爲生態系統做出貢獻。
Meme Coin 和區塊鏈表情包爲社區提供了創作靈感,催生了同樣受歡迎的 #MemeCoin 。🪙 在本週通過#SocialMining 的研究中,我瞭解了Meme Coins。 我邀請您閱讀這篇文章,我相信您會像我一樣學到一些關於這個主題的知識。 Meme Coin 是高度不穩定的加密貨幣,本身價值很小甚至沒有價值。它們與主流加密貨幣不同 $BTC > $ETH > $BNB 。 它們受到其背後社區和影響者的青睞。投資者被 Meme Coins 所吸引,因爲它有可能獲得高收益。

Meme Coin 和區塊鏈

表情包爲社區提供了創作靈感,催生了同樣受歡迎的 #MemeCoin 。🪙
在本週通過#SocialMining 的研究中,我瞭解了Meme Coins。
Meme Coin 是高度不穩定的加密貨幣,本身價值很小甚至沒有價值。它們與主流加密貨幣不同 $BTC > $ETH > $BNB
它們受到其背後社區和影響者的青睞。投資者被 Meme Coins 所吸引,因爲它有可能獲得高收益。
萬神殿看起來是$WAXP 區塊鏈上的好遊戲#NFTGaming 可以留下一些利潤。 永遠是迪爾👇
萬神殿看起來是$WAXP 區塊鏈上的好遊戲#NFTGaming 可以留下一些利潤。
#Bitcoin 已經恢復。看起來好日子很快就要到來了。
今天,我要給熱愛遊戲的#Binance 讀者帶來好消息。
遊戲領域的領導者@WAX 和#NFT 推出了與其合作的新#web3 遊戲。我們也能理解他對這場比賽的期待有多高。 WAX也與@DAO Labs 合作,邀請#SocialMining 會員在其平臺上推廣遊戲併成爲Beta測試員。爲此發放了各種獎勵。我是這些 Beta 測試員之一。
WAX 是充分利用社交礦工的平臺之一...
區塊鏈遊戲是一種臭名昭著的體驗。區塊鏈遊戲是一種臭名昭著的體驗。 正如裹在繭中的蠕蟲變成蝴蝶一樣,Web2 上的遊戲也跨過了門檻,神奇地將它們傳送到 #Web3Gaming 並透過區塊鏈技術進行改造。 🦋 歡迎透過@DAOLabs '#SocialMining 進入知識的新篇章。 區塊鏈是標誌著個人電腦遊戲新時代的新技術。區塊鏈徹底改變了電玩產業,它帶來了一種注入力量和變革力量的轉變,其創新改變了遊戲以及人們與遊戲互動的方式。


正如裹在繭中的蠕蟲變成蝴蝶一樣,Web2 上的遊戲也跨過了門檻,神奇地將它們傳送到 #Web3Gaming 並透過區塊鏈技術進行改造。 🦋
歡迎透過@DAO Labs '#SocialMining 進入知識的新篇章。
宣佈 TON 將在幣安上市!8月8日是一個值得紀念的日子。這一里程碑的重要性在於以下幾個原因: - 流動性增強: 作爲最大的交易所,增加了投資者和交易者的興趣。 - 更好的可見性和信心:用戶可以買賣 更有效地在幣安的現貨市場上交易。 - 生態系統提升: 及其生態系統具有更高的可見性,這意味着投資者、交易者、開發商和最終用戶的興趣可能會增加。 - 價格穩定:最大化的交易和流動性有助於價格的穩定

宣佈 TON 將在幣安上市!


- 流動性增強:
- 更好的可見性和信心:用戶可以買賣

- 生態系統提升:

- 價格穩定:最大化的交易和流動性有助於價格的穩定
現實世界資產的代幣化區塊鏈技術專家每天都致力於創造對現實生活產生有益影響的工具,以促進鏈上技術的採用並通過使用加密貨幣(一種不同於傳統經濟體系)來改善經濟。 從在現實世界中產生效用的角度來看,現實世界資產應運而生,從現在起,我將用其首字母縮寫 RWA 來指代它們。這些 並不是新項目,它們已經存在有一段時間了,但是這個概念的傳播卻很少。



從在現實世界中產生效用的角度來看,現實世界資產應運而生,從現在起,我將用其首字母縮寫 RWA 來指代它們。這些

DAO Labs
Weekly Matic Price Analysis from Polygon Hub
Price analysis of the week for $MATIC from the #PolygonHub #SocialMining community

USA PPI and CPI data will be released this week and there is a high probability that they will be positive. If we see closes above the green box, the area I have indicated in blue may work as an intermediate resistance. With the gain of that region, we estimate that the 0.4495 - 0.45 regions will be where the retracement will end.
DAO Labs
TON Joins Istanbul Blockchain Week
The Open Network ( $TON ) looks forward to becoming a Diamond sponsor for the Istanbul Blockchain Week to be held in 2024. This major event, planned for August 14th, will focus on the detailed analysis of Web3 on the @Ton Network blockchain and the Crypto Revolution in Telegram. This is one of the best sessions of the event as it will be graced by some of the exceptional icons in the lineup.
While the session will include the main speakers, such as Ömür Çataltepe, the GBBD at #TON Foundation, Ekin Tuna, the COO of TON Society, Alena Shmalko, the Ecosystem Lead of TON Foundation, and Gleb Vorontsov, the Head of Telegram Mini Apps at TON Studio. The lines of experts bring out the different perspectives that will further shed light on how TON is changing the future of decentralised technology not to mention how it is connected with Telegram.
The participants will be able to learn about the role of TON in the early adoption of Web3 and the projects aimed at stimulating the activity of the community and creating valuable content through mining. This integration strengthens the positions of users and communities with the help of blockchain technology, making decentralized technology deeper and more effective.
Aside from extensive discussions of TON’s development, there will be extensive networking opportunities. This event offers an opportunity to get acquainted with leaders and experts, fans, and developers of the blockchain world. Social miners in TON should interact, share ideas as well as learn about the various ways and opportunities that they can be of help in the community.
In addition, the attendees will be able to get acquainted with the tendencies within the sphere of blockchain and how TON initiates the following wave of decentralization. So what is the issue that concerns Social Miners here? Having their #SocialMining platform called #TCHub , of course! On this platform, #DAOLabs described how the TON foundation is adopting new approaches that will allow users to actively earn an income and be involved in the ecosystem.
Do not miss the chance to hold a read more meaningful conversation about blockchain, Web3, and further development. Whether you are a software developer, financial investor or blockchain enthusiast – you should not miss the chance to become part of this discussion Geared up to be inspired and share your thoughts about how the Web3 revolution and the opportunities of TON social mining can be unfolded, book your seat right now.
For now, make sure that August 14th stands on your calendar and prepare to see that TON is a leading blockchain project in terms of development and community presence at the Istanbul Blockchain Week 2024!
DAO Labs
Weekly $KAVA Price Analysis from KavaHub
Weekly price analysis of $KAVA from #DAOLabs #KavaHub #SocialMining community
The negative weather felt in the entire crypto market due to the unstable weather and war threats has also created a hostile environment for #KAVA tokens.

When we observe bullish candles closing within the blue box, it indicates a potential upward movement towards the zone marked in red. The green box will provide a supportive floor if there's a pullback.
DAO Labs
Kava's Growth and Innovations in 2024: Key Highlights
Everstake has just published a comprehensive report on , a leading platform partnered by , and the results are impressive!

Here are the 5 key takeaways:

1️⃣Staking Surge: Kava’s total stake skyrocketed from 127.5M to 136.2M KAVA in the first half of the year. Delegators also increased from 65K to 68.8K, reflecting strong interest in Kava staking. 📈
2️⃣Stable Tokenomics: Kava transitioned to a non-inflationary model in 2024, making the KAVA token more stable and attractive for long-term investors. 💪
3️⃣Decentralization Win: With 19 validators having over 1K delegators, Kava's staking ecosystem is highly decentralized, ensuring security and fairness. 🌐
4️⃣USDT & WBTC Issuance: Kava became the third chain to issue both USDT and WBTC, reinforcing its position as a liquidity leader in the crypto space. 💸
5️⃣Strategic Upgrades: Kava’s Upgrade 16 enhanced EVM compatibility and cross-chain interoperability. The future is bright with Kavascan and more developments within the Cosmos ecosystem. 🌟
#Kava is clearly on a roll, with strong growth, strategic upgrades, and a solid foundation for future innovations. You can head out into #KavaHub, our #SocialMining platform dedicated to KAVA and know more about this amazing report. We will post a task regarding this—feel free to join us!
DAO Labs
WaxFusion: Unlock your Capital without losing Yield
Get ready for some fun, #WAXHub users! Fast forward to now, #WaxFusion has not only just released a liquid staking protocol, which is set to revolutionise. Now, it is possible to stake your $WAXP and have ready cash for the same assets in.

For the users of @WAX #SocialMining Hub, it is a triumph!  This applies to both staking and entering the Prize Provision Pool as well as leasing your CPU for proof-of-stake nodes and liquidity farming. Holding more treasury is a further sign of capability for WaxFusion and along with that, more returns are there for you. It is somewhat like a state of constant uninterrupted growth of your WAX!

Furthermore, You are likely to find a post about this news on WAX Hub powered by #DAOLabs ! Each new news means a new task for miners, so miners' eyes are flitting around the WAX news and following this news. This is where you can become proactive and help to contribute to the projects you wish to, and you gain some incentives.

WaxFusion and DAO Labs are all about providing WAX Hub customers with the best experience in the blockchain industry. With these new tools, you not only win, but you also contribute to the ecosystem, making it much more robust. Are you ready to find out how much WAX your smartphone will take? Glide and the next phases of development in these captivating lines of business are yours for the grabbing!
Ahora que $TON es en #Binance recomiendo a los usuarios DYOR sobre Nomis y su sistema de reputación recompensada, un buen comienzo es este artículo escrito hace unos días, construya su reputación a partir de la actividad de su billetera, obtenga un #NFT de prestigio y más. La publicación es informativa, no es consejo financiero. Detalles 👇
Ahora que $TON es en #Binance recomiendo a los usuarios DYOR sobre Nomis y su sistema de reputación recompensada, un buen comienzo es este artículo escrito hace unos días, construya su reputación a partir de la actividad de su billetera, obtenga un #NFT de prestigio y más.
La publicación es informativa, no es consejo financiero. Detalles 👇
Victoria Flores-OriaOres
Nomis rewards user activity in TON
Nomis rewards user activity in TON
Nomis's innovative system is the new way of rewarding the most active users in the @Ton Network ($TON) network.
Nomis is a web3 reputation system adopted in ecosystems, such as Blast, Scroll, Line, LayerZero, zkSync and @Polygon ($MATIC ) #zkEVM .
Imagine if Nomis, integrated into strong communities like #BTC and #ETH , would deliver excellent performance.
Curious fact: $TON is available in the futures trading section on #Binance

Advantages of the Nomis rewards system for the community in @Ton Network
By increasing the adoption of the reputation system by users, TON and Telegram communities will benefit from a stronger and strongest network.
1. Point -based rewards: NOMIS uses a point system that allows users to accumulate rewards.These points motivate users to be more active in the TON network.
2. Personalization of the reputation process: NOMIS allows adapting the reputation process according to the specific needs of each organization.
Nomis evolves the web3 reputation system in Blockchain, offers an effective way to recognize and motivate TON users, promoting commitment and productivity.
How does the Nomis score model work?
Promoted by AI and technological mathematical models, it collects infrastructure data connected to blockchain, TVL, block explorers and other data sources.
A greater activity in the chain, greater volume of the TVL and the ecosystem. Users are rewarded according to their contributions.
Activity data collected from the user wallet
- Number of intelligent contracts implemented
- Wallet balance
- The movement of funds in the wallet
- Total confirmed and rejected transactions in the wallet
- Time elapsed since the last transaction
- Value of All Holding Tokens
Users must remain active in the chain, thus obtain higher scores in TON.
To receive the rewards, you only need to be the holder of a TON Score and support the ecosystem, choose an offer available in the Scorefront and claim your reward.

How do you contribute to the reputation of users the SoulBound tokens (SBT) in Nomis?
Soulbound Tokens are unique and non -transferable active linked to people. They are used for personalized rewards, in fidelity programs to indicate achievements and unlock privileges.
In reputation systems, SBTs are like a badge that demonstrates user's reliability and credibility.
The Nomis Scores are SBTS and Nomis use them for the same purpose.
The activity in the chain is represented by the Nomis Score minted as an NFT in its portfolio.
Every time the Score increases due to its activity in the Chain, it must make a new mint, creating a new score and NFT.
Getting a Nomis Score means that he is a reliable and valuable taxpayer in Blockchain.
The TON TChub in @DAO Labs is a center with a user rewards system, similar to Nomis in TON.
Nomis rewards the user's activity, collecting activity of activity of his wallet, while the TCHUB rewards with $TON to the social mining for creating informative content about the TON project and the ecosystem.
Nomis uses a point system for the construction of the user's reputation and reward. The @DAO Labs TCHUB assigns the user based on the merit system in #SocialMining .
Social miners accumulate points for each activity carried out within the TCHUB and can be changed through the marketplace for the token $ TON when they have reached a minimum of 2,000 points.

The user's reputation is also acquired based on the quality and activity of the participant within the TCHUB. Reputation qualifies the social miner as a reliable and valuable user in the dissemination of the project and the ecosystem, creating awareness about it through their contributions in social networks and media.
Both Nomis and @DAO Labs each from their approach have created tools to motivate, value and reward the user for their active participation and the construction of communities in @Ton Network .
This is an informational post, not financial advice. DYOR
Source: Blog ton org - TON Innovators: Nomis
Zoe's article teaches us about Movement Labs and its integration with #Polygon 's AggLayer and something more like the support of #Binance Labs, read it 👇 $BNB $MATIC
Zoe's article teaches us about Movement Labs and its integration with #Polygon 's AggLayer and something more like the support of #Binance Labs, read it 👇
Polygon's Agglayer Integrates with MoveVM!
We as the @DAO Labs #SocialMining community always follow the continuously evolving cryptocurrency landscape, where our first focus is always on our own projects like $TON and $MATIC . In this article, we will take a look at what @Movement Labs MoveVM and @Polygon AggLayer integration will mean for the blockchain ecosystems.
In the blockchain space the two greatest hurdles that developers and users have to face are interoperability and liquidity, and the race is on to provide a better solution than the other operators. This Polygon Agglayer and MoveVM integration sets the stage for a quick and hiccup-free blockchain ecosystem. So, let’s look at what MoveVM is, how it integrates with Polygon's AggLayer, and what benefit is there for developers and end-users.

What is MoveVM?
MoveVM is an open-source, chain-agnostic smart contract execution engine (1). It was first developed for Meta’s Libra (now known as Diem, a cryptocurrency project that later shut down 2) The key principles of Move are default security features, runtime and Aptos-specific formal verification, and over all, simplicity (1).  For developers features such as unit testing, coverage tooling, IDE plugins, and on-chain decompilation, data model, upgradeability, cross-interaction, code storage and sponsored transactions are only some of the advantages that Move offers (1).

Polygon Labs, one of the DAOLabs supported projects, came up with its innovative “AggLayer” to provide hassle-free interoperability for various blockchains easily across Ethereum Layer 2 ecosystems.
How AggLayer Works
At its heart, AggLayer is simple and minimalist, relying on a pessimistic proof mechanism for safe transactions between different blockchains. (3)
Liquidity fragmentation is a key issue that creates speed bumps along the transaction highway, and the AggLayer solves this problem by aggregating liquidity across a number of blockchains.
The ZK (Zero Knowledge) EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) provides a wide array of chains to operate like a single chain, which makes it faster. (4)  

The Integration of MoveVM with AggLayer
When AggLayer integrates with MoveVM, it allows the MoveVM users the opportunity to access the blockchains operating within EVM. That means their reach will now be much wider, increasing their potential for adoption. It also hugely increases liquidity, provides better security for all involved and for the enduser, it makes switching, liquidating and tracking assets much simpler. Of course, it goes without saying this also means transaction fees will be lower!    

In conclusion, this integration between Polygon Agglayer and Movement Labs MoveVM is a win-win-win scenario – it benefits the blockchain space as a whole to have better connected, fast systems that allow for safe, secure liquidation and chains that can operate with minimal gas fees with less hassle and hiccups. That is also why we believe supporting our projects on their way to greatness through Social Mining. This DAOLabs innovation is an alternative that allows you to take part in this great paradigm shift, and earn through your own hard work and efforts towards building a community behind a project you believe in.

Disclaimer: All the information provided in this article are for informative and educational purposes, and are not intended as financial advice. Any trades bear the risk of partial or total financial losses and must be approached with utmost caution. DYOR!



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