The demand for Pi Network is experiencing exponential growth, surpassing that of Bitcoin due to several key factors:
1. Accessibility: Pi Network’s accessibility is unparalleled. Users can mine Pi effortlessly through their mobile devices, eliminating the need for high electricity costs or specialized equipment, as is the case with Bitcoin. This accessibility has attracted a substantial number of new users, significantly increasing demand.
2. Growing Community: Pi Network boasts a rapidly expanding community, with an increasing number of users joining and utilizing Pi as an alternative payment method. This community growth has contributed to the network’s demand.
On the supply side, the Pi Network’s supply is experiencing a more rapid decline compared to Bitcoin. This is primarily attributed to the network’s “halving” mechanism, which reduces the mining rate of Pi every time a predetermined number of users is reached. Consequently, the supply of Pi becomes scarcer at a faster pace, unlike Bitcoin, which undergoes halving every four years.
Furthermore, as Pi Network approaches integration with the Mainnet and gains practical applications in various products and services, users continue to accumulate and utilize their Pi, further reducing the supply in the market.
These factors collectively contribute to the growing demand for Pi Network while simultaneously causing its supply to decrease at a faster rate than Bitcoin. This dynamic situation has the potential to influence the network’s value in the future market.
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在場外交易 (OTC) 市場出售 Pi 幣可能是一個複雜的過程,因爲截至目前,Pi Network 的 Pi 幣仍處於封閉的主網階段。這意味着 Pi 幣尚未在交易所上市進行公開交易,並且 Pi 生態系統之外的交易受到限制。但是,如果您正在考慮場外交易選項,以下是 Pi Network 允許後需要採取的一些常規步驟: 1. 等待正式上線或主網開放 Pi 主網啓動:Pi Network 計劃轉向開放主網,Pi 幣可以在區塊鏈上自由轉移和交易。一旦發生這種情況,進行交易就會更安全。
“Pi Network 的百萬富翁地位:專家報告揭示主網潛力” “基於研究的見解和 Pi DApp 集成項目爲 1,000 名 Pi 幣持有者帶來了樂觀情緒” 隨着 Pi Network 主網發佈的臨近,專家報告和研究都聚焦於一個誘人的前景:持有 1,000 個 Pi 幣可以讓你成爲百萬富翁。本文彙集了來自領先的加密貨幣專家、研究公司和 Pi Network 自身發展的見解。