Binance Square
#etf #BTC🔥🔥 #BTCMove #BullishCross 我認爲現在只有 3 件事相關,這就是這 3 件事。 減半的到來是 100% 確定的。 據我所知,市場上大部#BTC的銷售都是比特幣礦工,他們必須出售比特幣才能支付電費、債務費用和營運費用。 因此,拋售壓力將在幾個月內減少一半,所以我們知道這一點即將到來。 然後我們知道現貨比特幣 ETF 即將到來,當它到來時,我們就會連接到華爾街和整個銀行系統。 最後,公允價值會計即將到來,當這種情況發生時,目標就會消失。 現在你要把這個當作對話引進數百個董事會會議室。 他們一週內不會搬家。它們每季都會進行一次調整,但在 12 個季度的過程中,您將開始看到一家又一家的公司關注這一問題,並且您將開始看到資產的重新分配。 歸根究底,公司只持有兩種資產。 他們持有現金和債券,因此如果比特幣可以作爲與債券同等的資產,那麼你會看到從債券到比特幣的重新分配。 然後在機構投資者方面,所有這些人都持有房地產、大宗商品、黃金、ETF 和標準普爾指數等。 如果他們開始重新分配,他們就會這麼做,1%、2% 和 5%。然後你將擁有世界歷史上從未發生過的事情,那就是你擁有稀缺商品的 ETF。 世界上所有其他 ETF 的資產並非稀缺,而是通膨。 你可以製造更多的建築物,你可以製造更多的房地產,你可以製造更多的黃金,你可以製造更多的商品。 任何這些東西你都可以賺到價值 40 億美元的錢。 基礎生產商生產更多的資產來壓低或貶值價格。
#etf #BTC🔥🔥 #BTCMove #BullishCross
我認爲現在只有 3 件事相關,這就是這 3 件事。
減半的到來是 100% 確定的。
然後我們知道現貨比特幣 ETF 即將到來,當它到來時,我們就會連接到華爾街和整個銀行系統。
他們一週內不會搬家。它們每季都會進行一次調整,但在 12 個季度的過程中,您將開始看到一家又一家的公司關注這一問題,並且您將開始看到資產的重新分配。
然後在機構投資者方面,所有這些人都持有房地產、大宗商品、黃金、ETF 和標準普爾指數等。
如果他們開始重新分配,他們就會這麼做,1%、2% 和 5%。然後你將擁有世界歷史上從未發生過的事情,那就是你擁有稀缺商品的 ETF。
世界上所有其他 ETF 的資產並非稀缺,而是通膨。
任何這些東西你都可以賺到價值 40 億美元的錢。
#etf #BTC🔥🔥 #BTCMove #BullishCross I think there are only 3 things relevant right now and here are the 3 things. The halving is coming with 100% certainty. And as far as I can see, most of the selling of #BTC    in the market is the bitcoin miners that have to sell in order to pay their electricity bills & pay their debt expenses & their operating expenses. So that amount of selling pressure is going to be cut in half in a few months, so we know that’s coming. And then we know there a spot Bitcoin ETF coming and when that comes we plug into Wall Street and the entire banking system. And then finally that fair value accounting is coming and when that happens the objective will go away. And now you’re going to introduce this as a conversation into hundreds of boardrooms. They will not move in a week. They move quarterly but over the course of 12 quarters, you’ll start to see company after company looking at this & you’ll start to see a reallocation of assets. At the end of the day, corporations only hold 2 assets. They hold cash and they hold bonds and so if Bitcoin is available as an asset pari passu to a bond, then you’ll see a reallocation from bonds to Bitcoin. And then in the institutional investor side, you’ve got all these people holding real estate, holding commodities, holding gold, holding ETF and S&P indexes and the like. And if they start to reallocate and they will, 1% and 2% and 5%. Then you’re going to have something that has never happened in the history of the world which is you’ve got an ETF on a commodity that is scarce. Every other ETF in the world is on an asset that is not scarce, it’s inflationary. You can make more buildings, you can make more real estate, you can make more gold, you can make more commodities. You can make $4 billion worth of any of any of those things. The underlying producers produce more of the asset to deflate or to depreciate the price.
#etf #BTC🔥🔥 #BTCMove #BullishCross
I think there are only 3 things relevant right now and here are the 3 things.
The halving is coming with 100% certainty.
And as far as I can see, most of the selling of #BTC    in the market is the bitcoin miners that have to sell in order to pay their electricity bills & pay their debt expenses & their operating expenses.
So that amount of selling pressure is going to be cut in half in a few months, so we know that’s coming.
And then we know there a spot Bitcoin ETF coming and when that comes we plug into Wall Street and the entire banking system.
And then finally that fair value accounting is coming and when that happens the objective will go away.
And now you’re going to introduce this as a conversation into hundreds of boardrooms.
They will not move in a week. They move quarterly but over the course of 12 quarters, you’ll start to see company after company looking at this & you’ll start to see a reallocation of assets.
At the end of the day, corporations only hold 2 assets.
They hold cash and they hold bonds and so if Bitcoin is available as an asset pari passu to a bond, then you’ll see a reallocation from bonds to Bitcoin.
And then in the institutional investor side, you’ve got all these people holding real estate, holding commodities, holding gold, holding ETF and S&P indexes and the like.
And if they start to reallocate and they will, 1% and 2% and 5%. Then you’re going to have something that has never happened in the history of the world which is you’ve got an ETF on a commodity that is scarce.
Every other ETF in the world is on an asset that is not scarce, it’s inflationary.
You can make more buildings, you can make more real estate, you can make more gold, you can make more commodities.
You can make $4 billion worth of any of any of those things.
The underlying producers produce more of the asset to deflate or to depreciate the price.
陪審團對所有 7 項指控裁定 SBF 有罪


當 SBF(曾掌管 FTX 的加密貨幣巨頭)站在法庭上時,判決的分量顯而易見,這與曾經出席行業會議的活力人物形成了鮮明對比。
Community Builders
BTC 將再次震撼世界
我認爲現在只有 3 件事相關,這就是這 3 件事。
減半的到來是 100% 確定的。
然後我們知道現貨比特幣 ETF 即將到來,當它到來時,我們就會接入華爾街和整個銀行系統。
W3LAB Crypto News IT and Marketing Agency
為什麼 MEME 代幣的價值增長了 20 倍以及接下來會發生什麼
我們的專家告訴我們爲什麼所有主要的加密貨幣交易所都支持 MEME 代幣。哪個“不代表任何用處或價值”以及是什麼激發了對其的需求
11 月 3 日,加密貨幣交易所開始交易 Memecoin (MEME) 代幣。 MEME費率固定爲0.02美元,比價格高出2000%。項目參與者在其官方網站上早些時候組織的預售中收到了代幣。
該代幣的發佈是由 Memeland 項目的開發商宣佈的。社區的參與者圍繞它形成,執行一系列特定的活動。並且可能會進入那些有權銷售 MEME 的人的名單上。據該項目網站稱,代幣銷售開始後短短 40 分鐘內,他們總共投資了 1000 萬美元。
比特幣躍升至 35,000 美元,期權頭寸表明價格還有進一步上漲的空間
Coinspeaker 比特幣躍升至 35,000 美元,期權頭寸表明價格還有進一步上漲的空間

在過去 16 個月內兩次試圖突破 31800 美元均未成功之後,比特幣 (BTC) 價格在過去 24 小時內突破並達到 35000 美元的高位。從現貨比特幣 ETF 熱潮來看,10 月的看漲勢頭加上機構投資者的高需求,幫助比特幣價格在過去 24 小時內飆升約 10%。在撰寫本文時,它的交易價格約爲 33900 美元。結果,大多數比特幣空頭交易者被清算,導致突然出現空頭擠壓。
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