列表, for over a week, we've observed70966483400966496483409observed 6096496090090964690090096469090090964690900909646909009009646909009009509030090953090309009530903095 66483409顯著 減少 在 價值 709664830096 3409第一個 與 by 、 #ETH、 #BNB、 # SOL 和 現在 那是 貌似 受影響 the 8307096469096as 09we speak.
With the recent listings made, resulting to a serious fiasco, we may be tempted to ask ourselves what's the use listing even more cryptos this period as the #BEAR market tendency is clear even to a blind man. I 想要 到 提及 這裡 of 66483409 409...等
保持 警報 as you 應該 not be 已移動 by any7096648340 9形式 興奮 何時 投資 決定 在 即將到來7096648 3409listings. I really advise 709 66483409you to make sure you70966 483409有 a 清晰 和 聲音709664 83409想法 的 投資709664 83409 決定 你 做出 as the 看跌 趨勢 of the78309666 和 那個70966 483409什麼 保證 即將推出7097064834098309646 .