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週一看漲!!! BTC 觸及 72-73 然後回撤至 68 或 65 這是加密貨幣領域歷史上不尋常的舉動,在 BTC 減半之前,市場仍然會再次看漲,但大家相信我,我們有一個看漲的週一,看漲的週二和看漲的週三,但不能說週四 所以這就是我要做的 這 3 天我要玩一些 meme 幣 不是爲了長期持有,而是爲了賺取一些利潤然後退出 如果你想在這 3 天內和我一起玩 meme 幣,只需 在評論部分發表評論

BTC 觸及 72-73

然後回撤至 68 或 65

這是加密貨幣領域歷史上不尋常的舉動,在 BTC 減半之前,市場仍然會再次看漲,但大家相信我,我們有一個看漲的週一,看漲的週二和看漲的週三,但不能說週四


這 3 天我要玩一些 meme 幣


如果你想在這 3 天內和我一起玩 meme 幣,只需

well well well !!! $BTC is consolidation in expected levels 65k to 68k 👀 But don't forget that $BTC rejected the resistance of 67500/ 67900 many time 👀 And accto fundamentals , news from all around the world really don't sounds good at all 🙄 $BTC is making unpredictable move at the moment , before taking long positions make sure the price is above 68k and holding that floor 👍🏻 And if you are taking short positions then make sure your stop loss is set on 67900 or 68400 👍🏻 As usual nothing is financial advice guy's always do your own research 👍🏻
well well well !!! $BTC is consolidation in expected levels 65k to 68k 👀
But don't forget that $BTC rejected the resistance of 67500/ 67900 many time 👀
And accto fundamentals , news from all around the world really don't sounds good at all 🙄
$BTC is making unpredictable move at the moment , before taking long positions make sure the price is above 68k and holding that floor 👍🏻
And if you are taking short positions then make sure your stop loss is set on 67900 or 68400 👍🏻
As usual nothing is financial advice guy's always do your own research 👍🏻
華爾街最後一位著名的空頭人士剛剛投降,轉而看好美國股市的前景。摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley) 的邁克爾威爾遜(Michael Wilson) 現在預計標普500 指數到2025 年6 月將上漲2%,這與他認為該基準指數到12 月將下跌15% 的觀點發生了重大轉變。 500 指數到年底將下跌20% 以上。
華爾街最後一位著名的空頭人士剛剛投降,轉而看好美國股市的前景。摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley) 的邁克爾威爾遜(Michael Wilson) 現在預計標普500 指數到2025 年6 月將上漲2%,這與他認為該基準指數到12 月將下跌15% 的觀點發生了重大轉變。 500 指數到年底將下跌20% 以上。
😱🇮🇷伊朗總統易卜拉欣·雷西去世:黃金、白銀和比特幣正在動向 當全世界都在談論伊朗總統易卜拉欣·雷西和外交部長侯賽因·埃米爾·阿卜杜拉希揚因昨天的伊朗直升機墜毀事件而死亡時,黃金、白銀和#比特幣的夜間時段卻一片繁忙。當黃金刷新紀錄時,白銀也繼續上漲。另一方面,比特幣先是經歷了下跌,然後又上漲。 當伊朗總統易卜拉欣·雷西和外交部長侯賽因·埃米爾·阿卜杜拉希揚在昨天的直升機墜毀事件中喪生時,人們也在熱切地等待這一事件對今天開市的市場產生的影響。 黃金和白銀正在上漲 最近幾天大幅上漲的黃金和白銀價格在事故消息傳開後繼續上漲。上週,白銀價格11年來首次突破$ 30,夜間也突破了$ 32。黃金價格也再次延續上漲勢頭,突破$ 2440,創下歷史新高。 比特幣先跌後漲 與黃金和白銀不同,意外消息的出現首先帶來了比特幣的下跌。最大的加密貨幣雖然交易價格在6.7萬美元上方,但隨着消息的傳出,跌至6.6萬美元。另一方面,比特幣在早上再次突破6.7萬美元。#BTC#binance #Iranian
最近幾天大幅上漲的黃金和白銀價格在事故消息傳開後繼續上漲。上週,白銀價格11年來首次突破$ 30,夜間也突破了$ 32。黃金價格也再次延續上漲勢頭,突破$ 2440,創下歷史新高。
與黃金和白銀不同,意外消息的出現首先帶來了比特幣的下跌。最大的加密貨幣雖然交易價格在6.7萬美元上方,但隨着消息的傳出,跌至6.6萬美元。另一方面,比特幣在早上再次突破6.7萬美元。#BTC#binance #Iranian
停止投資並學習 瞭解加密貨幣市場的心理!!! 如果您是加密貨幣領域的新手,這對您來說至關重要。專家預測,新的看漲趨勢將在 2025 年底達到頂峯,即今年減半後約 12-18 個月。可悲的是,許多人仍然會犯錯誤。讓我們來分析一下心理階段: 階段 1 - 積累 在此階段,加密貨幣鯨魚和早期採用者以低價購買。新項目出現,但懷疑仍然存在。這與去年 $BTC 跌至 15,000 美元時的情況類似。 階段 2 - 衝動 在這裏,價格上漲、修正並再次上漲。興奮感不斷增長,持有者興奮不已,FOMO 開始,山寨幣價值上漲。 階段 3 - 欣快 貪婪佔據上風,價格每日攀升,市場引起所有人的關注,並出現不尋常的行爲。小心騙局!當比特幣恐懼和貪婪指數達到 90 時,新手應該謹慎。 階段 4 - 崩盤 市場變紅。$BTC #notcoin#BinanceLaunchpool#BTC#bitcoinhalving $BTC
如果您是加密貨幣領域的新手,這對您來說至關重要。專家預測,新的看漲趨勢將在 2025 年底達到頂峯,即今年減半後約 12-18 個月。可悲的是,許多人仍然會犯錯誤。讓我們來分析一下心理階段:
階段 1 - 積累
在此階段,加密貨幣鯨魚和早期採用者以低價購買。新項目出現,但懷疑仍然存在。這與去年 $BTC 跌至 15,000 美元時的情況類似。
階段 2 - 衝動
在這裏,價格上漲、修正並再次上漲。興奮感不斷增長,持有者興奮不已,FOMO 開始,山寨幣價值上漲。
階段 3 - 欣快
貪婪佔據上風,價格每日攀升,市場引起所有人的關注,並出現不尋常的行爲。小心騙局!當比特幣恐懼和貪婪指數達到 90 時,新手應該謹慎。
階段 4 - 崩盤
市場變紅。$BTC #notcoin#BinanceLaunchpool#BTC#bitcoinhalving $BTC
Solana (SOL) Ready for $200? Enormous Breakthrough Evaluated. Solana has secured a serious breakthrough at $170 and lunged toward $180. With this price recovery, Solana might aim for a $200 price target and reach it in the foreseeable future. The latest price movement has been accompanied by a significant increase in trading volume, indicating strong buying pressure. The surge from $170 to $180 is notable because it overcame a local resistance level, suggesting that bulls are gaining control. This momentum could propel Solana to the much-anticipated $200 mark. A closer look at the chart reveals that Solana has moved above the 50-day and 200- day moving averages, which are critical indicators of a bullish trend. The recent break above these moving averages is a strong signal of an upward trajectory. Furthermore, the Bollinger Bands are widening, indicating increased volatility and the potential for further price gains. In addition to technical indicators, on-chain data supports the bullish outlook for Solana. The number of new addresses on the Solana network has been steadily increasing, reflecting growing interest and adoption. According to Hellomoon, the number of new addresses in May 2024 is ascending, suggesting that more users are joining the network. Moreover, the weekly transaction fee breakdown shows a rise in non-vote (priority) fees, indicating higher network usage and demand for transaction processing. This increase in network activity demonstrates the growing utility of Solana's blockchain. However, while the technical and on-chain metrics are encouraging, the market in general is far from euphoria, and the current state of things suggests that Solana and cryptocurrencies alike are unlikely to reach ATHs. Inflows are still far from even this year's top, not to mention 2021's and 2017's bull runs.
Solana (SOL) Ready for $200? Enormous
Breakthrough Evaluated.
Solana has secured a serious breakthrough at $170 and lunged toward $180. With this price recovery, Solana might aim for a $200 price target and reach it in the foreseeable future.
The latest price movement has been accompanied by a significant increase in trading volume, indicating strong buying pressure. The surge from $170 to $180 is notable because it overcame a local resistance level, suggesting that bulls are gaining control. This momentum could propel Solana to the much-anticipated $200 mark.
A closer look at the chart reveals that Solana has moved above the 50-day and 200- day moving averages, which are critical indicators of a bullish trend. The recent break above these moving averages is a strong signal of an upward trajectory. Furthermore, the Bollinger Bands are widening, indicating increased volatility and the potential for further price gains.
In addition to technical indicators, on-chain data supports the bullish outlook for Solana. The number of new addresses on the Solana network has been steadily increasing, reflecting growing interest and adoption. According to Hellomoon, the number of new addresses in May 2024 is ascending, suggesting that more users are joining the network.
Moreover, the weekly transaction fee breakdown shows a rise in non-vote (priority) fees, indicating higher network usage and demand for transaction processing. This increase in network activity demonstrates the growing utility of Solana's blockchain.
However, while the technical and on-chain metrics are encouraging, the market in general is far from euphoria, and the current state of things suggests that Solana and cryptocurrencies alike are unlikely to reach ATHs. Inflows are still far from even this year's top, not to mention 2021's and 2017's bull runs.
數字資產的投資流入量達到 9.32 億美元。儘管有所增長,但周交易量僅爲 105 億美元,而 3 月份爲 400 億美元。有趣的是,這些資金流入是對週三低於預期的消費者價格指數報告的直接反應,本週最後三個交易日佔總流入量的 89%。
數字資產的投資流入量達到 9.32 億美元。儘管有所增長,但周交易量僅爲 105 億美元,而 3 月份爲 400 億美元。有趣的是,這些資金流入是對週三低於預期的消費者價格指數報告的直接反應,本週最後三個交易日佔總流入量的 89%。
Altcoins such as #RAY , #ARB , #MANTA , #LDO , #COTI , ING, and others have seen their open interest rise by more than 20% in the last 7 days. Most of these positions are longs, indicating a bullish sentiment for these altcoins. By evaluating the Funding Rate Map, we observe altcoins such as $FTT , FLR , GNO, ANT, ZENT, and RACA with high levels, indicating significant exposure in long positions. This results in favorable rates for traders willing to take the opposite side, i.e., shorts. Meanwhile, altcoins like $BNB , $AXS , MANA, DGB, CYBER, and BLZ have negative funding rates, showing that traders are interested in short positions in these altcoins. Overall, about 85% of altcoins have a positive funding rate. Access this powerful screener for better decision-making at Dominando Cripto
Altcoins such as #RAY , #ARB , #MANTA , #LDO , #COTI , ING, and others have seen their open interest rise by more than 20% in the last 7 days. Most of these positions are longs, indicating a bullish sentiment for these altcoins.
By evaluating the Funding Rate Map, we observe altcoins such as $FTT , FLR , GNO, ANT, ZENT, and RACA with high levels, indicating significant exposure in long positions. This results in favorable rates for traders willing to take the opposite side, i.e., shorts. Meanwhile, altcoins like $BNB , $AXS , MANA, DGB, CYBER, and BLZ have negative funding rates, showing that traders are interested in short positions in these altcoins. Overall, about 85% of altcoins have a positive funding rate.
Access this powerful screener for better decision-making at Dominando Cripto
Want to make 1 million in this market? Here’s how: 1. **Investment Strategy**: Start with 100,000-200,000 yuan, convert it to USD, and deposit it in Binance. Buy one share monthly, like a fixed investment, splitting your 100,000-200,000 yuan into 50 shares. Purchase consistently every month: 25% in Bitcoin, 25% in ETH, 25% in BNB, and 25% in SOL. Then, go about your daily life without constantly checking your investments. In three to five years, you’ll likely find 1 million in your pocket. This method is simple and safe, with minimal competition. 2. **Technical Approach**: For airdrops, whitelists, and new listings, you need strong programming skills, experience with remote servers, fluency in English, and access to first-hand information for batch operations. This makes you a “scientist” in the crypto world, leveraging knowledge and technology to build wealth. This path requires continuous learning and skill development, but the rewards can be substantial once you succeed. 3. **Luck-Based Approach**: At the start of a bull market, use your foresight to pick a potential stock that can increase more than tenfold. This requires good judgment, evaluating traffic, concepts, and the key figures behind the platform. Avoid stocks managed by individuals like Sun Ge or Chinese investors, as they’re often risky. Network extensively, seek advice from experts, and enhance your understanding. When an opportunity arises, make decisive judgments and take action. Success could lead you to 1 million. $BTC #CMEBitcoinSpotTrading #notcoin #altcoins #MemeWatch2024
Want to make 1 million in this market? Here’s how:
1. **Investment Strategy**:
Start with 100,000-200,000 yuan, convert it to USD, and deposit it in Binance. Buy one share monthly, like a fixed investment, splitting your 100,000-200,000 yuan into 50 shares. Purchase consistently every month: 25% in Bitcoin, 25% in ETH, 25% in BNB, and 25% in SOL. Then, go about your daily life without constantly checking your investments. In three to five years, you’ll likely find 1 million in your pocket. This method is simple and safe, with minimal competition.
2. **Technical Approach**:
For airdrops, whitelists, and new listings, you need strong programming skills, experience with remote servers, fluency in English, and access to first-hand information for batch operations. This makes you a “scientist” in the crypto world, leveraging knowledge and technology to build wealth. This path requires continuous learning and skill development, but the rewards can be substantial once you succeed.
3. **Luck-Based Approach**:
At the start of a bull market, use your foresight to pick a potential stock that can increase more than tenfold. This requires good judgment, evaluating traffic, concepts, and the key figures behind the platform. Avoid stocks managed by individuals like Sun Ge or Chinese investors, as they’re often risky. Network extensively, seek advice from experts, and enhance your understanding. When an opportunity arises, make decisive judgments and take action. Success could lead you to 1 million.
$BTC #CMEBitcoinSpotTrading #notcoin #altcoins #MemeWatch2024
停止投資並學習 瞭解加密貨幣市場的心理!!! 如果您是加密貨幣領域的新手,這對您來說至關重要。專家預測,新的看漲趨勢將在 2025 年底達到頂峯,即今年減半後約 12-18 個月。可悲的是,許多人仍然會犯錯誤。讓我們來分析一下心理階段: 階段 1 - 積累 在此階段,加密貨幣鯨魚和早期採用者以低價購買。新項目出現,但懷疑仍然存在。這與去年 $BTC 跌至 15,000 美元時的情況類似。 階段 2 - 衝動 在這裏,價格上漲、修正並再次上漲。興奮感不斷增長,持有者興奮不已,FOMO 開始,山寨幣價值上漲。 階段 3 - 欣快 貪婪佔據上風,價格每日攀升,市場引起所有人的關注,並出現不尋常的行爲。小心騙局!當比特幣恐懼和貪婪指數達到 90 時,新手應該謹慎。 階段 4 - 崩盤 市場變紅。$BTC #notcoin#BinanceLaunchpool#BTC#bitcoinhalving $BTC
如果您是加密貨幣領域的新手,這對您來說至關重要。專家預測,新的看漲趨勢將在 2025 年底達到頂峯,即今年減半後約 12-18 個月。可悲的是,許多人仍然會犯錯誤。讓我們來分析一下心理階段:
階段 1 - 積累
在此階段,加密貨幣鯨魚和早期採用者以低價購買。新項目出現,但懷疑仍然存在。這與去年 $BTC 跌至 15,000 美元時的情況類似。
階段 2 - 衝動
在這裏,價格上漲、修正並再次上漲。興奮感不斷增長,持有者興奮不已,FOMO 開始,山寨幣價值上漲。
階段 3 - 欣快
貪婪佔據上風,價格每日攀升,市場引起所有人的關注,並出現不尋常的行爲。小心騙局!當比特幣恐懼和貪婪指數達到 90 時,新手應該謹慎。
階段 4 - 崩盤
市場變紅。$BTC #notcoin#BinanceLaunchpool#BTC#bitcoinhalving $BTC
Do you think USDT will continue to fall? Facing this trend, Hey, there might be a rate cut this year. With this rate cut, USDT might have to fall to 6.5. Facing this trend, you have two choices: either you firmly believe that Bitcoin halving can create a big bull market, and then invest all your assets in it, leaving no US dollar stablecoins; Or, you can quickly withdraw and seize the initiative. #BTC走势分析 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Do you think USDT will continue to fall?
Facing this trend,
Hey, there might be a rate cut this year. With this rate cut, USDT might have to fall to 6.5.
Facing this trend, you have two choices: either you firmly believe that Bitcoin halving can create a big bull market, and then invest all your assets in it, leaving no US dollar stablecoins;
Or, you can quickly withdraw and seize the initiative. #BTC走势分析 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
How much ADA do you need to become a millionaire if Cardano hit $1, $5, $10 , $50 and $100 in 2024 to 2025 bull market ADA at $1 and $5 One Cardano (ADA) price forecast suggests a rise to $1. This prediction, made by industry analysts, is based on the Cardano (ADA) strong fundamentals and ongoing development projects. To achieve a $1 million investment at a $1 Cardano (ADA) price, an investor would need 1,000,000 Cardano (ADA) tokens. With Cardano (ADA) current price hovering around $0.4651 these 1,000,000 tokens could be could potentially yield $1 million if Cardano (ADA) reaches $1. Regarding Cardano (ADA) potential to hit $5, several factors, including increased adoption and technological advancements, support this target. To amass $1 million at this price, an investor would need 200,000 Cardano (ADA) tokens. ADA at $10, $50, and $100 A notable market analyst, bullish on Cardano (ADA), predicts a potential surge to $10, citing Cardano (ADA) advancements and potential 40x growth. To reach a $1 million investment at this price, one would need 100,000 Cardano (ADA) tokens. Furthermore, the possibility of Cardano (ADA) reaching $50 has been discussed, with experts pointing to various factors that could drive such growth. At a $50 price point, 20,000 Cardano (ADA) tokens would be equivalent to $1 million. The most ambitious prediction comes with the speculation of Cardano (ADA) reaching $100. While this is a highly optimistic scenario, it’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility. To have $1 million at this price, an investor would need 10,000 Cardano (ADA)tokens Remember to like ,share and follow $ADA
How much ADA do you need to become a millionaire if Cardano hit $1, $5, $10 , $50 and $100 in 2024 to 2025 bull market

ADA at $1 and $5
One Cardano (ADA) price forecast suggests a rise to $1. This prediction, made by industry analysts, is based on the Cardano (ADA) strong fundamentals and ongoing development projects.
To achieve a $1 million investment at a $1 Cardano (ADA) price, an investor would need 1,000,000 Cardano (ADA) tokens. With Cardano (ADA) current price hovering around $0.4651 these 1,000,000 tokens could be could potentially yield $1 million if Cardano (ADA) reaches $1.
Regarding Cardano (ADA) potential to hit $5, several factors, including increased adoption and technological advancements, support this target. To amass $1 million at this price, an investor would need 200,000 Cardano (ADA) tokens.
ADA at $10, $50, and $100
A notable market analyst, bullish on Cardano (ADA), predicts a potential surge to $10, citing Cardano (ADA) advancements and potential 40x growth. To reach a $1 million investment at this price, one would need 100,000 Cardano (ADA) tokens.
Furthermore, the possibility of Cardano (ADA) reaching $50 has been discussed, with experts pointing to various factors that could drive such growth. At a $50 price point, 20,000 Cardano (ADA) tokens would be equivalent to $1 million.
The most ambitious prediction comes with the speculation of Cardano (ADA) reaching $100. While this is a highly optimistic scenario, it’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility. To have $1 million at this price, an investor would need 10,000 Cardano (ADA)tokens
Remember to like ,share and follow
Iran helicopter crash: Information coming from crash site concerning A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his foreign minister crashed on Sunday as it was crossing mountain terrain in heavy fog on the way back from a visit to the border with Azerbaijan, an Iranian official told Reuters.
Iran helicopter crash: Information coming from crash site concerning
A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his foreign minister crashed on Sunday as it was crossing mountain terrain in heavy fog on the way back from a visit to the border with Azerbaijan, an Iranian official told Reuters.
🚀TONX, Asia's pioneering TON Venture studio, has launched a $5M Accelerator Program to boost the Telegram ecosystem! This exciting initiative invites Asia's top developers to build Wallets, DeFi, Bots, and dApps on Telegram's thriving platform. The program, backed by TON Foundation, TonFura, and TonBit, offers world-class mentorship and potential investment from TON Ventures, TONX, and VC partners. Participants also get marketing, tech, and business support from TON project founders and the TON team. Applications are open from May 20th to June 3rd, 2024. So, developers, are you ready to scale globally and revolutionize the Telegram ecosystem? Comment below and let us know your thoughts! 🌐
🚀TONX, Asia's pioneering TON Venture studio, has launched a $5M Accelerator Program to boost the Telegram ecosystem! This exciting initiative invites Asia's top developers to build Wallets, DeFi, Bots, and dApps on Telegram's thriving platform.
The program, backed by TON Foundation, TonFura, and TonBit, offers world-class mentorship and potential investment from TON Ventures, TONX, and VC partners. Participants also get marketing, tech, and business support from TON project founders and the TON team.
Applications are open from May 20th to June 3rd, 2024. So, developers, are you ready to scale globally and revolutionize the Telegram ecosystem? Comment below and let us know your thoughts! 🌐
NOTCOIN IS IMPORTANT! I see many people claiming that Notcoin is a scam. Some bought it at launch and are now facing losses, but that's how the market works, and there are many reasons for this. I personally farmed Notcoin from day one and interacted with the community doing the same. Believe me, 80% of these people knew nothing about crypto, but they earned from it, sold it, and continue to sell it. That's a good thing. The price isn't rising because major players are waiting for everyone to sell their tokens. Once that happens, big investors will enter the market and launch Notcoin "to the moon." This coin is not a scam or a hoax. Doesn't it tell you something that it was added to all top exchanges for free? Or that the founder of Telegram praised this coin? Now, you can buy various items in other games using Notcoin. Doesn't that indicate something? Notcoin will be integrated into all projects within the TON ecosystem. Just think: if you were an investor, would you buy the coin on the first day of trading, knowing that all the coins are in the hands of kids who got them for free and will sell immediately? I think not. You would wait until everyone sells. You say that Notcoin represents nothing. But do Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, or Pepe represent anything? Of course not. The difference is that Notcoin has many applications and will continue to interact within the TON ecosystem. $NOT
I see many people claiming that Notcoin is a scam. Some bought it at launch and are now facing losses, but that's how the market works, and there are many reasons for this. I personally farmed Notcoin from day one and interacted with the community doing the same. Believe me, 80% of these people knew nothing about crypto, but they earned from it, sold it, and continue to sell it. That's a good thing.
The price isn't rising because major players are waiting for everyone to sell their tokens. Once that happens, big investors will enter the market and launch Notcoin "to the moon." This coin is not a scam or a hoax. Doesn't it tell you something that it was added to all top exchanges for free? Or that the founder of Telegram praised this coin? Now, you can buy various items in other games using Notcoin. Doesn't that indicate something?
Notcoin will be integrated into all projects within the TON ecosystem. Just think: if you were an investor, would you buy the coin on the first day of trading, knowing that all the coins are in the hands of kids who got them for free and will sell immediately? I think not. You would wait until everyone sells.
You say that Notcoin represents nothing. But do Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, or Pepe represent anything? Of course not. The difference is that Notcoin has many applications and will continue to interact within the TON ecosystem.
$RONIN is finally moving up after confirming its support at 2.5$. Eyeing the next milestone at $4.46 if it keeps the upward groove. Crossing our fingers for $BTC to get back on its bullish track. Before, we've recorded a 10x profit growth.
$RONIN is finally moving up after confirming its support at 2.5$. Eyeing the next milestone at $4.46 if it keeps the upward groove. Crossing our fingers for $BTC to get back on its bullish track.
Before, we've recorded a 10x profit growth.
According to multiple institutions and SEC insiders, the Ethereum ETF will not be approved on May 23, and Sun Ge said it will not be approved in May. The current scenario is becoming more and more similar to the original Bitcoin ETF. Take advantage of the lowest exchange rate of Ethereum to Bitcoin on May 23 to absorb more chips. The longer the delay, the longer the hype time. The final approval deadline for the Ethereum ETF is August 7. Hong Kong has approved the Ethereum spot ETF. If the United States approves the Ethereum ETF in August, there will be a huge influx of funds. ETH is expected to usher in a violent rebound and return to above 4,000. Please cherish the 3,000 or so Ethereum. Once Ethereum stabilizes, the altcoin will usher in a comprehensive rebound. #以太坊ETF批准预期 #机构积极投资比特币ETF $BTC $ETH
According to multiple institutions and SEC insiders, the Ethereum ETF will not be approved on May 23, and Sun Ge said it will not be approved in May. The current scenario is becoming more and more similar to the original Bitcoin ETF. Take advantage of the lowest exchange rate of Ethereum to Bitcoin on May 23 to absorb more chips. The longer the delay, the longer the hype time. The final approval deadline for the Ethereum ETF is August 7. Hong Kong has approved the Ethereum spot ETF. If the United States approves the Ethereum ETF in August, there will be a huge influx of funds. ETH is expected to usher in a violent rebound and return to above 4,000. Please cherish the 3,000 or so Ethereum. Once Ethereum stabilizes, the altcoin will usher in a comprehensive rebound.
#以太坊ETF批准预期 #机构积极投资比特币ETF $BTC $ETH
Here’s How Much Your $100 Investment in PEPE Will Be Worth If It Reaches $1🔥🔥🔥 $100 Investment at the time of launch Pepe Coin was trading at around $0.00000005685 at the time of its launch. With a $100 investment, you could get 1,759,014,951.63 PEPE tokens. If PEPE reaches $1, your $100 investment in PEPE at the time of launch would be worth a whopping $1.76 billion. When the token reached an all-time high value of $0.00001035, this investment would be $7,658.75, recording a 7,558,75% return. The same $100 investment would be worth $10,659.45, if we consider the price, $0.00000941 at the time of writing. $100 investment today Let’s imagine you have invested $100 in PEPE today. The current price is $0.00000941, as of May 20 , so you will get 10,626,992 Pepe tokens. Your $100 investment in PEPE would be worth over $10.6 million if PEPE reaches $1. The same way, if you have invested $200 in PEPE today, your investment would be worth $20 million when PEPE reaches $1. Even though it seems impossible for PEPE to reach $1, the crypto market has witnessed several of such unbelievable incidents. The Pepe Coin itself broke the record by becoming the quickest cryptocurrency to reach a $1 billion market cap. However, there is no guarantee that PEPE reaches $1. This is just a hypothetical analysis demonstrating the potential of cryptocurrencies to turn small investment into huge profits. Always do your own research when making any crypto investment and only invest what you can afford to lose Remember to follow, like and share $PEPE
Here’s How Much Your $100 Investment in PEPE Will Be Worth If It Reaches $1🔥🔥🔥
$100 Investment at the time of launch
Pepe Coin was trading at around $0.00000005685 at the time of its launch. With a $100 investment, you could get 1,759,014,951.63 PEPE tokens. If PEPE reaches $1, your $100 investment in PEPE at the time of launch would be worth a whopping $1.76 billion.
When the token reached an all-time high value of $0.00001035, this investment would be $7,658.75, recording a 7,558,75% return. The same $100 investment would be worth $10,659.45, if we consider the price, $0.00000941 at the time of writing.
$100 investment today
Let’s imagine you have invested $100 in PEPE today. The current price is $0.00000941, as of May 20
, so you will get 10,626,992 Pepe tokens. Your $100 investment in PEPE would be worth over $10.6 million if PEPE reaches $1.
The same way, if you have invested $200 in PEPE today, your investment would be worth $20 million when PEPE reaches $1. Even though it seems impossible for PEPE to reach $1, the crypto market has witnessed several of such unbelievable incidents. The Pepe Coin itself broke the record by becoming the quickest cryptocurrency to reach a $1 billion market cap.
However, there is no guarantee that PEPE reaches $1. This is just a hypothetical analysis demonstrating the potential of cryptocurrencies to turn small investment into huge profits. Always do your own research when making any crypto investment and only invest what you can afford to lose
Remember to follow, like and share
Ethereum Altcoins Outperforming Bitcoin Today 📈 Today, the global cryptocurrency market is facing a slight decline, however, certain Ethereum-based altcoins are standing out with impressive performance compared to Bitcoin amid volatility. While Bitcoin has seen fluctuations between $65,937.18 and $67,694.30, with a slight 0.02% rise in the last day and a 10.12% increase in the past week, some cryptocurrencies are making notable progress. Pendle (PENDLE) is gaining attention for its distinctive method of tokenizing yield. Pendle is now priced at $5.26, showing a 6.55% increase in the last 24 hours and a remarkable 31.39% rise in the past week. This event increased its market value to $809.1 million, with a strong trading volume of $108.2 million in the past 24 hours. Gnosis (GNO) is also one of Ethereum altcoins showing notable gains. Trading at $307.83, the token has appreciated by 2.11% in the past 24 hours and 9.65% over the past week. This growth brings its market cap to $797.16 million with a trading volume of $18.9 million in the last 24 hours. Chainlink (LINK) is surpassing Bitcoin in performance with a price of $16.94 at the moment. The token has experienced a 2.10% growth in the last 24 hours and 28.86% gains in the previous week. Chainlink has a market capitalization of $9.9 billion and an 24-hour trading volume of $738.9 million. While Bitcoin’s performance remains steady, Ethereum altcoins like Pendle, Gnosis, and Chainlink are capturing the spotlight with their impressive gains. These tokens exemplify the dynamic and rapidly evolving nature of the cryptocurrency market, offering investors diversified opportunities beyond Bitcoin. #ETHETFS #altcoins #BTC $PENDLE $LINK $GNO
Ethereum Altcoins Outperforming Bitcoin Today 📈
Today, the global cryptocurrency market is facing a slight decline, however, certain Ethereum-based altcoins are standing out with impressive performance compared to Bitcoin amid volatility. While Bitcoin has seen fluctuations between $65,937.18 and $67,694.30, with a slight 0.02% rise in the last day and a 10.12% increase in the past week, some cryptocurrencies are making notable progress.
Pendle (PENDLE) is gaining attention for its distinctive method of tokenizing yield. Pendle is now priced at $5.26, showing a 6.55% increase in the last 24 hours and a remarkable 31.39% rise in the past week. This event increased its market value to $809.1 million, with a strong trading volume of $108.2 million in the past 24 hours.
Gnosis (GNO) is also one of Ethereum altcoins showing notable gains. Trading at $307.83, the token has appreciated by 2.11% in the past 24 hours and 9.65% over the past week. This growth brings its market cap to $797.16 million with a trading volume of $18.9 million in the last 24 hours.
Chainlink (LINK) is surpassing Bitcoin in performance with a price of $16.94 at the moment. The token has experienced a 2.10% growth in the last 24 hours and 28.86% gains in the previous week. Chainlink has a market capitalization of $9.9 billion and an 24-hour trading volume of $738.9 million.
While Bitcoin’s performance remains steady, Ethereum altcoins like Pendle, Gnosis, and Chainlink are capturing the spotlight with their impressive gains. These tokens exemplify the dynamic and rapidly evolving nature of the cryptocurrency market, offering investors diversified opportunities beyond Bitcoin.
$BTC $BNB $ETH 🛑🛑🛑 Urgent update breaking news 🚨 The US Securities Commission (SEC) will vote this week on the introduction of #Ethereum trading funds 🛑🛑🛑 Any news or information issued by me is not advice, so do not forget to use DYOR ♥️ Thank you for Watching my Post ♥️ ♥️You can support me with tips to provide better content♥️ #BTC #ETH #BNB #XRP #LINK
🛑🛑🛑 Urgent update breaking news
🚨 The US Securities Commission (SEC) will vote this week on the introduction of #Ethereum trading funds
🛑🛑🛑 Any news or information issued by me is not advice, so do not forget to use DYOR

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