Binance Square
3 月份加密貨幣交易所的網絡流量激增 📈🌐 加密貨幣世界一片繁忙,3 月份各交易所的網絡流量激增就是明證。 幣安以驚人的 1.01 億次訪問量領先,較 2 月份增長了 40%。 緊隨其後的是 Coinbase,流量大幅增加,訪問量達到 6300 萬次,增長了 56%,表明人們對加密貨幣交易的興趣日益濃厚。 Bybit 和 MEXC 的流量也分別大幅增長了 57% 和 52%,而 Bitget 和 BingX 的流量分別增長了 23%。Whitebit 的網絡流量增長了 22%,使用率穩步上升。 然而,並非所有平臺都實現了增長;HTX 的訪問量下降了 7%。 ©️ cryptocrunchnews #WebTraffic  #Binance #Coinbase  #WhiteBit  #Bybit
3 月份加密貨幣交易所的網絡流量激增 📈🌐

加密貨幣世界一片繁忙,3 月份各交易所的網絡流量激增就是明證。

幣安以驚人的 1.01 億次訪問量領先,較 2 月份增長了 40%。

緊隨其後的是 Coinbase,流量大幅增加,訪問量達到 6300 萬次,增長了 56%,表明人們對加密貨幣交易的興趣日益濃厚。

Bybit 和 MEXC 的流量也分別大幅增長了 57% 和 52%,而 Bitget 和 BingX 的流量分別增長了 23%。Whitebit 的網絡流量增長了 22%,使用率穩步上升。

然而,並非所有平臺都實現了增長;HTX 的訪問量下降了 7%。

©️ cryptocrunchnews
#WebTraffic  #Binance #Coinbase  #WhiteBit  #Bybit
📈 3 月份的就業報告爲美國經濟帶來了好消息!非農就業人數激增 30.3 萬人。 這一數字是由醫療保健、政府和建築業的增長推動的。 儘管如此,失業率仍穩定在 3.8%,自 2023 年 8 月以來一直維持在窄幅區間。醫療保健以 7.2 萬個新職位引領就業增長,而政府和建築業也出現了顯着增長。 💵 平均每小時收入增加 0.12 美元至 34.69 美元,每週工作時間略微延長至 34.4 小時。然而,不同人口統計數據之間的失業率各不相同,黑人上升至 6.4%,而亞裔和西班牙裔分別下降至 2.5% 和 4.5%。 長期失業者保持穩定在 120 萬。 #Finance #usa #USEconomy
📈 3 月份的就業報告爲美國經濟帶來了好消息!非農就業人數激增 30.3 萬人。


儘管如此,失業率仍穩定在 3.8%,自 2023 年 8 月以來一直維持在窄幅區間。醫療保健以 7.2 萬個新職位引領就業增長,而政府和建築業也出現了顯着增長。

💵 平均每小時收入增加 0.12 美元至 34.69 美元,每週工作時間略微延長至 34.4 小時。然而,不同人口統計數據之間的失業率各不相同,黑人上升至 6.4%,而亞裔和西班牙裔分別下降至 2.5% 和 4.5%。

長期失業者保持穩定在 120 萬。

#Finance #usa #USEconomy
引入新的加密貨幣 🐼 熊貓掉期價格在主要交易所上市後引發 FOMO #PANDA 是Solana上的DEX兌換平臺,旨在通過快速兌換、流動性池和項目啓動等高級功能重新定義交易體驗; 🚀 自加入 CoinMarketCap 以來,Panda Swap 價格飆升了 520%,令人印象深刻。 📈 激動人心的消息源於 4 月 3 日 PANDA 登陸 BitMart 交易所的消息。 交易者們急切地加入了害怕錯過(FOMO)的狂潮。 🔜 該團隊暗示在 BitMart 之後將有更多交易所上市 “目前已有多家交易所聯繫我們,第三至第四期CEX上市工作已經在進行中!” 根據各種社交媒體出版物,提到的 CEX 包括 Bybit 和 WhiteBIT。 📊 由於全部供應已在流通,且當前市值約爲 1500 萬美元,PANDA 有潛力在未來幾周內成爲明星。 我希望我們很快就能在幣安上看到它! 這不是財務建議。迪奧! #PandaSwap #fomo #listing

🐼 熊貓掉期價格在主要交易所上市後引發 FOMO

#PANDA 是Solana上的DEX兌換平臺,旨在通過快速兌換、流動性池和項目啓動等高級功能重新定義交易體驗;

🚀 自加入 CoinMarketCap 以來,Panda Swap 價格飆升了 520%,令人印象深刻。

📈 激動人心的消息源於 4 月 3 日 PANDA 登陸 BitMart 交易所的消息。

🔜 該團隊暗示在 BitMart 之後將有更多交易所上市

根據各種社交媒體出版物,提到的 CEX 包括 Bybit 和 WhiteBIT。

📊 由於全部供應已在流通,且當前市值約爲 1500 萬美元,PANDA 有潛力在未來幾周內成爲明星。



#PandaSwap #fomo #listing
主要交易所代幣/代幣三月份的表現如何: CEX 上漲者:上漲📈 🟢 $GT( 🔵 $MX(墨西哥):53.5% 🟡$BNB (幣安):45.4% 🔵 $CRO(加密貨幣com):33.7% 🟡 $LEO(Bitfinex):27.5% ⚪️$OKB(OKX):15.1% ⚫️$WBT(WhiteBIT):10.1% 🔵 $BGB(Bitget):8.5% 失敗者:下降📉 🟢 $KCS(庫幣):4.9% 去中心化交易所 上漲者:上漲 📈 🪐$JUP (@JupiterExchange):203.5%🔥 ®️ $RUNE (@THORChain):47.8% 🧁 $CAKE(@PancakeSwap):43.1% 📐$LRC(@loopringorg):20.7% 🍣 $壽司(@SushiSwap):14.6% 🎠 1 英寸(@1 英寸):6.9% 🗼$XLM(@StellarOrg):4.1% 🦄$UNI(@Uniswap):0.9% 失敗者: 🍵 $OSMO (@osmosiszone ):下降 14.8% 本月冠軍——Jupiter 這些數字是根據 CoinMarketCap 給出的 #DEXs #CEXs #Jupiter🪐 #BNB"

🟢 $GT(
🔵 $MX(墨西哥):53.5%
🟡$BNB (幣安):45.4%
🔵 $CRO(加密貨幣com):33.7%
🟡 $LEO(Bitfinex):27.5%
🔵 $BGB(Bitget):8.5%

🟢 $KCS(庫幣):4.9%


🪐$JUP (@JupiterExchange):203.5%🔥
®️ $RUNE (@THORChain):47.8%
🧁 $CAKE (@PancakeSwap):43.1%
🍣 $壽司(@SushiSwap):14.6%
🎠 1 英寸(@1 英寸):6.9%
🗼$XLM (@StellarOrg):4.1%

🍵 $OSMO (@osmosiszone ):下降 14.8%

這些數字是根據 CoinMarketCap 給出的
#DEXs #CEXs #Jupiter🪐 #BNB"
📈 根據喬治亞國家統計局 2024 年 2 月的數據: 預估實質GDP成長9.5% 🟩 2024年1月至2月平均實質GDP成長率 7.7%… #EconomyUpdate" #Georgia
📈 根據喬治亞國家統計局 2024 年 2 月的數據:

2024年1月至2月平均實質GDP成長率 7.7%…

#EconomyUpdate" #Georgia
「我想說,市場主要是由不同的敘述驅動的,加密貨幣空間還沒有成熟到證明其殺手級用例的程度。(除了有其殺手級用例的 BTC)」 - 您同意這一點嗎? 🤔
「我想說,市場主要是由不同的敘述驅動的,加密貨幣空間還沒有成熟到證明其殺手級用例的程度。(除了有其殺手級用例的 BTC)」 - 您同意這一點嗎? 🤔
Leading On-Chain Analyst Explains The New Age of Crypto Market: Interview
Mikołaj Zakrzowski – a former CryptoQuant analyst – on the industry’s evolution, Bitcoin, and memecoins.
The crypto market stands on the verge of a radical transformation. This becomes more salient seeing that the industry is set for significant changes – with new technological trends coming up, and with strengthened role of crypto in the global economy. 
What alterations are brought up to the industry, and how do they impact the market? To solve this puzzle, I spoke to Mikołaj Zakrzowski – a Global Traders on-chain analyst with experience at CryptoQuant, who shared his insights on the new age of crypto industry.  

Introduction: about the finer points of the on-chain analyst profession 
– Mikołaj, you’re an on-chain analyst. For the newbies, could you explain what the on-chain analysts do? Do they monitor technical data, interpret it, or all together?
– What all on-chain analysts have in common is using publicly available data from various blockchains, though goals of different analysis may differ. On-chain data may be used to: 
- explain what is currently happening under the hood based on concrete data points, as at the end of the day an opinion is worth as much as data that backs it up;
- perform wallet investigations (sometimes with the aim of tracing illicit funds);
- gain market advantage, in various ways. For instance, on-chain analysts may look at cyclical transaction patterns to identify suitable buying and selling opportunities.
It is a very broad and diverse field.

– Apart from investment and security purposes, why on-chain analysts are vital for the industry? 
Aside from using on-chain analysis for trading, on-chain analysts such as @zachxbt are vital for the crypto industry as they make the industry more transparent and safe. For instance zach is known for publicly revealing many complex scams that took place in the crypto space. Such investigations are useful as crypto space is getting rid of bad actors + bad actors are properly punished.

About market, utility, and memecoins
– Do new technological advancements really influence the market from the technical point of view, or do they mainly impact the investment behaviour?
– I'd say the market is mainly driven by different narratives and crypto space hasn't matured to the point of proving its killer use cases. (aside from BTC which has its killer use case).

– We see that the smaller Web3 ecosystems surpass large networks in developer quantity. While Ethereum and Solana remain leaders in TVL, many investors cast their eyes on Celestia, Whitechain, and other networks. What do you think, why is such a tendency taking place?
– Apparently Solana and Ethereum are shipping products that are deemed as more valuable by a broad range of investors. Developers count doesn't matter as the price increase or growth is TVL is dependent on the perceived utility of the project.

– Seeing that Web3-solutions’ tokens become even more popular, would you say that investors turned to prioritising asset’s utility within tokenomics/market analysis as a sort of fundamental factor?
– Crypto space definitely has not matured enough to really care about tokenomics and other fundamental factors. Most price action is heavily narrative based.

– Which market would you personally like to see: the one with diverse token’s leadership, or monopolistic/oligopolistic market with dominance of a few large assets? Why?
– I'd like to see a more diverse market as it makes the whole crypto space less volatile. On the other hand, when we have coins such as USDT dominating the stablecoin market, if something goes wrong then the whole crypto market will face severe consequences.

– Amidst ecosystem rally, memecoins have also been receiving a great deal of attention to them, which can be indicated by their market capitalization. What is your attitude to memecoins – can they be perceived as safe, full-fledged assets?
– Major meme coins are safe in the sense that there are no smart contract risks involved and so on. On the other hand, they are risky in the sense of their volatility.  

– Do memecoins actually provide liquidity for the blockchains they are developed on?
– Yes, a good example is meme coin mania on Solana which drove a lot of traction and liquidity to Solana blockchain.   

– The reason behind memecoins’ solid market positions is often explained to be the community-driven nature of the tokens. Why do you think memecoins are heavily invested in? 
– Crypto people love gambling and socializing through gambling makes the case for meme coins even more compelling.

About Bitcoin and Web3-technologies’ impact on it
– Let’s go back to the Web3-ecosystems’-based cryptocurrencies. Seeing that technological utility seems to play a crucial role as an investment criteria, is there any chance Bitcoin will be overtaken by Ethereum in terms of value and market capitalization?
– I don't see it coming, the value propositions of ETH and BTC vastly differ. 

– Has Bitcoin become to rely more on the fundamentals, but not the technical factors?
– Bitcoin is mainly driven by liquidity cycles within macroeconomy.

– Amidst upcoming halving, can scarcity be reviewed as an important factor of Bitcoin price?
– I wouldn't say so, halvings only coincide with increases in Bitcoin price, they do not create price surges. As I mentioned earlier, Bitcoin is mainly driven by global liquidity cycles

Closing remarks
– What is the future of Web3 and crypto intersection?
– The future of web3 is probably Bitcoin constantly increasing its market cap while other projects are facing dynamic battles for the best value proposition and product market fit.

🟣我想告訴你 Solana 上的新項目 @SolMailOfficial 在 24 小時內增長了 361%; 考慮到 @SolChatCoin 的成功,SolMail 也可以做到同樣的事情; 🙊 在此處閱讀更多信息 #Solana🚀 #SolMail
🟣我想告訴你 Solana 上的新項目 @SolMailOfficial 在 24 小時內增長了 361%;
考慮到 @SolChatCoin 的成功,SolMail 也可以做到同樣的事情;

#Solana🚀 #SolMail
英國一名女子因非法獲得的比特幣洗錢而被定罪,價值高達 25 億美元 🫨$BTC #laundering #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥
英國一名女子因非法獲得的比特幣洗錢而被定罪,價值高達 25 億美元
#laundering #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥
$SOL 生態系統顯示出令人印象深刻的阻力,根據我的預測,它將成爲本次牛市的明星🔥
$SOL 生態系統顯示出令人印象深刻的阻力,根據我的預測,它將成爲本次牛市的明星🔥
Solana Defies Market Trend With Impressive Gains, Receives Scam Accusations
Meme tokens’ scores drive SOL to the milestone – contrary to the correction sentiment in the market. Solving the puzzle of Solana and its surge.
The native cryptocurrency of the Solana layer one (L1) blockchain network, SOL, crossed $200 for the first time since November 2021. 
Solana is now 22% away from its all-time-high of $260, but its market capitalization has already broke the record, totalling over $81 billion, CoinMarketCap data shows.
As of reporting time, Solana (SOL) followed the downturn by 10% in the recent 24 hours.  
SOL/USDT 1-day chart. Source: WhiteBIT Trading View
On March 19, 2024, Solana also commands the sixth-largest trading volume among all cryptocurrencies, indicating $11.8 billion over the past day. By overcoming Binance Smart Chain (BNB) coin, SOL is now the fourth largest cryptocurrency in the market, facing only Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Tether US (USDT) ahead. 
On-chain data indicates that various metrics, such as total value locked (TVL), active wallets, and network volumes crossed life-time peaks over the weekend amidst the surge in a pre-sale activity. 
Solana TVL and volume metrics. Source: DefiLlama
The network racked over $3.2 million in fees over a 24-hour period, while on-chain volumes topped over $3.2 billion, flipping a November 2022 record of $300 million. 
Significantly, on-chain activity showed negative inflows over the past week, proving the lack of fund influx into the ecosystem. 
Solana ecosystem net inflows. Source: DefiLlama
Solana-based Memecoins Rally
Potentially, Solana's latest surge was fuelled by market participant’s interest in memecoins, which were launched upon the network. For at least three months, different meme-inspired currencies took the centre stage, bursting out with gains amid the Bitcoin price upsoar. 
Namely, Solana-based memecoin Bonk (BONK) has seen the market capitalization of $2.25 billion at its peak on March 5, while Dogwifhat (WIF) climbed up to 48th position in the market for its three-month existence. 
This tendency has been proven by Santiment data, claiming that Solana and SOL-based memecoins took a leadership position in the market. 
The story went further with SLERF – a new Solana-based meme asset that amassed more than $1.8 billion in trading volume over the past days, surpassing all Ethereum-based exchanges in trading volume within its first day of existence. However, its smooth sailing did not appear to keep on. 
SLERF Bungled Launch and Scam Accusations
On March 18, Ki Young Zhu, CEO at CryptoQuant on-chain analytics service, expressed a critical attitude towards memecoins. 
“Meme coins harm the crypto industry. It's frustrating to see billion-dollar-cap memecoins overshadow hardworking teams building legit products to advance this industry. Easy money can't drive industry-wide progress, as shown by the 2018 ICO burst,” – wrote Ki Young Zhu in his post for X. 
Referring to the popular Web3 ecosystem projects with lower volume compared to memecoins (i.e. Whitechain, NEAR Protocol, Celestia etc.), the statement came as a reaction to the SLERF incident. 
Specifically, the project’s developer lost all the funds received after accidentally sending the $10 million-worth tokens to a burn address, which is an address not under anyone’s control.
“I initially tried to burn the LP using solana tools vercel and it wouldn't go through. So I went to sol incen and was clearing out the shitcoins people sent to the wallet and accidently burned them with the pile of other coins,” – says the official statement by SLERF anonymous developer. 
Responding swiftly to the market surge following the burn, an undisclosed Solana trader exchanged 9,894 SOL tokens, valued at around $1.98 million, according to data by Lookonchain. Promptly taking advantage of the intensified market activity, the investor sold SLERF holdings for an impressive 25,001 SOL. 
The incident has sparked speculation about the potential involvement of the Ponzi scheme amidst ZachXBT’s investigation, claiming that crypto enthusiasts have lost 655K SOL tokens valued at over $122.5 million to fraudulent presales.
A reputable analyst believes that malicious actors have capitalised on the Solana-based memecoins trend to defraud unsuspecting market participants seeking to profit from the frenzy. ZachXBT identified at least 27 presale scams related to Solana memecoins. 
It is possible that the scammers are able to amass the stolen crypto by implementing a wallet drain function. Before the memecoin scheme disclosure, ZachXBT unveiled the case of a fraudster who raised over $2.6 million within a day, following the aforementioned strategy. 
The latest Solana-involved scam accusations heated the concerns in the crypto community, which extrapolated on the DeFi space overall. 
“Not to have a bear take here, but I don't see how this won't end up having severe consequences on the DeFi space as a whole. All of these raises were in relatively short time too, there's no way SEC just sits back and allows it to continue,” – commented Pennski, a crypto analyst, on his X page. 
#sol #HotTrends
$BNB 等CEX幣上漲! 🔥 當前加密貨幣市場的看漲趨勢見證了幣安幣 $BNB 取得了重大進展。最近觸及 632.8 美元的峯值,勉強低於歷史最高點 (ATH)。 然而,在過去的三天裏,幣安的原生代幣經歷了價格調整,反映了整個加密貨幣市場的行爲,價格暴跌至約 508 美元。 儘管經濟低迷,但作爲多個國家的主要交易平臺並按市值排名第四大加密貨幣,幣安幣已經鞏固了其在加密貨幣領域的地位。 隨着市場反彈,BNB 有望繼續邁向 ATH 紀錄。 BNB 的未來看起來充滿希望,加密貨幣鯨魚押注其能夠在 2024 年突破 700 美元大關。 牛市爲 CEX 帶來了很多新人 - 除了 🟡 $BNB 我們可能還想關注 ⚪️ $OKB(OKX) ⚫️ $WBT (WhiteBIT) 🔵 $BGB (Bitget) 🔵 $CRO (Crypto,com #BNBToTheMoon! #Binance​ #CEX
$BNB 等CEX幣上漲! 🔥

當前加密貨幣市場的看漲趨勢見證了幣安幣 $BNB 取得了重大進展。最近觸及 632.8 美元的峯值,勉強低於歷史最高點 (ATH)。

然而,在過去的三天裏,幣安的原生代幣經歷了價格調整,反映了整個加密貨幣市場的行爲,價格暴跌至約 508 美元。


隨着市場反彈,BNB 有望繼續邁向 ATH 紀錄。 BNB 的未來看起來充滿希望,加密貨幣鯨魚押注其能夠在 2024 年突破 700 美元大關。

牛市爲 CEX 帶來了很多新人 -
除了 🟡 $BNB  我們可能還想關注 ⚪️ $OKB(OKX) ⚫️ $WBT (WhiteBIT) 🔵 $BGB (Bitget) 🔵 $CRO (Crypto,com

#BNBToTheMoon! #Binance​ #CEX
🟣 Solana 生態系統正在崛起 📈 上週$SOL 飆升超過200美元,市值超過880億美元。根據 Coingecko 數據,Solana 市值創下 903.55 億美元的歷史新高(此前歷史高點爲 2021 年 11 月的 63.47 美元) 🟢 Solana 抵制了本週的第一次調整,與大盤和 BTC 相反,其價格上漲。即使經過今天的令人震驚的調整(SOL 下跌了 12%),本週其價格仍然上漲了 22%(目前爲 184 美元)。 🐶 市場新人 BOOK OF MEME(基於 Solana 的 memecoin),$BOME 在上週獲得了很多關注。推出後不久,其價格就上漲了 20 倍以上,市值達到 10 億美元。 🪐 Solana 的 DEX,Jupiter $JUP 繼續給人留下深刻的印象。儘管流通量僅爲 13.5%,但代幣的價格仍在持續上漲。即使經過最近的調整(今天下跌 19%),JUP 在過去一週仍上漲了 52%。 2024.12.03-19.03 #Solana🚀 #Jupiter🪐 #BOME.
🟣 Solana 生態系統正在崛起

📈 上週$SOL 飆升超過200美元,市值超過880億美元。根據 Coingecko 數據,Solana 市值創下 903.55 億美元的歷史新高(此前歷史高點爲 2021 年 11 月的 63.47 美元)

🟢 Solana 抵制了本週的第一次調整,與大盤和 BTC 相反,其價格上漲。即使經過今天的令人震驚的調整(SOL 下跌了 12%),本週其價格仍然上漲了 22%(目前爲 184 美元)。

🐶 市場新人 BOOK OF MEME(基於 Solana 的 memecoin),$BOME 在上週獲得了很多關注。推出後不久,其價格就上漲了 20 倍以上,市值達到 10 億美元。

🪐 Solana 的 DEX,Jupiter $JUP 繼續給人留下深刻的印象。儘管流通量僅爲 13.5%,但代幣的價格仍在持續上漲。即使經過最近的調整(今天下跌 19%),JUP 在過去一週仍上漲了 52%。


#Solana🚀 #Jupiter🪐 #BOME.
Telegram 上推出 HOT-$NEAR 錢包。這是一個完全鏈上的非託管錢包。 📲 $HOT 是這個新的 Telegram 錢包生態系統的主要代幣。最好的部分?對於像我們這樣的早期採用者來說,賺取和挖掘 $HOT 非常簡單 – 只需創建一個帳戶即可加入! ⛏️ 通過 HOT,您可以支付交易費用、在 dApp 中購買資產等等。另外,它是可轉讓和可交換的。 🔥 昨天,加密貨幣歷史上首次在 WhiteBIT 上創建了 $HOT-$PERP 貨幣對,目前其交易價格約爲 3 美元。 💰 如果您熱衷於加密貨幣並正在尋找安全且易於使用的錢包,HOT-Near Wallet 可能正是您所需要的。再加上考慮$HOT潛力。 您可以使用我的推薦 -…🫂 #HOT #NEARBlockchain. #NEARProtocol
Telegram 上推出 HOT-$NEAR 錢包。這是一個完全鏈上的非託管錢包。 📲

$HOT 是這個新的 Telegram 錢包生態系統的主要代幣。最好的部分?對於像我們這樣的早期採用者來說,賺取和挖掘 $HOT 非常簡單 – 只需創建一個帳戶即可加入! ⛏️

通過 HOT,您可以支付交易費用、在 dApp 中購買資產等等。另外,它是可轉讓和可交換的。 🔥

昨天,加密貨幣歷史上首次在 WhiteBIT 上創建了 $HOT-$PERP 貨幣對,目前其交易價格約爲 3 美元。 💰

如果您熱衷於加密貨幣並正在尋找安全且易於使用的錢包,HOT-Near Wallet 可能正是您所需要的。再加上考慮$HOT潛力。

您可以使用我的推薦 -…🫂
#HOT #NEARBlockchain. #NEARProtocol
🏄‍♂️ 比特幣超越白銀,成爲第八大資產。 ⛓️ $BTC 超越白銀是加密貨幣旅程中的一個重要里程碑。現在它正在慢慢接近谷歌母公司Alphabet,後者的市值高達1.688萬億美元 #BTC.😉. #Bitcoin(BTC) #HotTrends
🏄‍♂️ 比特幣超越白銀,成爲第八大資產。

⛓️ $BTC 超越白銀是加密貨幣旅程中的一個重要里程碑。現在它正在慢慢接近谷歌母公司Alphabet,後者的市值高達1.688萬億美元
#BTC.😉. #Bitcoin(BTC) #HotTrends
$BNB $CRO $WBT $OKB $LEO 3月前11天均上漲20%以上
👇How the major CEX coins performed in February:

Gainers: Up by 📈
🔵 $BGB (Bitget): 59.3%
🔵 $CRO (Crypto,com): 38.2%
🟡 $BNB (Binance): 36%
⚫️ $WBT (WhiteBIT): 22.2%
🟡 $LEO (Bitfinex): 20.5%
🟢 $KCS (KuCoin): 19.6%
⚪️ $OKB (OKX): 7.7%

Losers: Down by 📉
🟣 $HT (Huobi): 59.7%

Vladislav Hryniv
Meta and AI: How Does The Company Plan To Fight Disinformation?
The rapid development of artificial intelligence has long been a cause for concern in various fields. The film and animation industry has been on strike for a year now due to the uncertainty of the impact of artificial intelligence on their work and safety. While the entertainment industry is the most concerned about the possible impact of AI on their work, other sectors, such as politics, have also begun to voice their concerns.
Due to fears that artificial intelligence could be used to disrupt elections, Meta will create a team to combat disinformation and misuse of AI during the EU elections.
Meta And Their Disinformation Plan
Meta has unveiled a plan to create a special team to combat disinformation and harm caused by artificial intelligence (AI) ahead of the European Parliament elections.
The company believes that due to the rapid development of the technology and its ability to generate text, images, and videos in seconds in response to requests, AI can interfere in elections by creating misleading content.
Marco Pancini, Head of EU Affairs at Meta, said that the “EU Election Operations Center” will bring together experts from across the company to focus on combating disinformation, influence operations, and the risks associated with the misuse of artificial intelligence.
“Ahead of the elections period, we will make it easier for all our fact-checking partners across the EU to find and rate content related to the elections because we recognize that speed is especially important during breaking news events. We’ll use keyword detection to group related content in one place, making it easy for fact-checkers to find.” — said Pancini.
The head emphasized that the company’s efforts to eliminate risks will also include the addition of a feature for labeling AI-generated content. People will add a special mark to show that audio or video is generated by artificial intelligence. In case of non-compliance with this rule, Meta will impose fines.
Earlier in February, Meta teamed up with other tech companies to sign an agreement to combat AI interference in elections.
“Since AI-generated content appears across the internet, we’ve also been working with other companies in our industry on common standards and guidelines. We’re a member of the Partnership on AI, for example, and we recently signed on to the tech accord designed to combat the spread of deceptive AI content in the 2024 elections. This work is bigger than any one company & will require a huge effort across industry, government, & civil society.” he remarked.
The influence of AI has already been the subject of attention during several elections.
Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan used AI to deliver a victory speech in prison. With the help of this technology, Khan created a stand-in to deliver the message to his supporters.
And in January, a fake automated call imitating Joe Biden’s voice urged voters not to participate in early voting.
Controversial Position Of Influential People
Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla Inc, has long been known for his open support of the neural network. The investor believes that AI will increase efficiency in various spheres of life, minimize human errors, and automate routine tasks, allowing people to focus on more complex tasks. In addition, Musk has been involved in the development of artificial intelligence through his companies and launched his own AI startup called xAI. He has also repeatedly financially supported projects that use artificial intelligence.
However, even such an ardent supporter of artificial intelligence technology expresses concerns about its impact on society. Musk advocates the need to regulate artificial intelligence. He has expressed concern about the risks that artificial intelligence poses to humanity, suggesting that AI could be more dangerous than nuclear weapons.
Recently, an investor even filed a lawsuit against OpenAI and its CEO Sam Altman. He believes that they are allegedly developing general artificial intelligence (AGI) technology to increase Microsoft’s profits, not for the benefit of humanity. Musk calls on the company to return to open-source AGI and prohibit OpenAI from making money on this technology.
Elon Musk is not the only one who is concerned about artificial intelligence technologies. Vitalik Buterin, the founder of the Ethereum blockchain, believes that the combination of artificial intelligence and cryptocurrencies has several advantages.
In January, he published an article on the prospects and problems of such a combination, referring to the intersection of technologies and adding all the pros and cons of each area. Moreover, Buterin recently shared his experience of using AI. He described the successful integration of AI into the Ethereum blockchain to fix technical errors in the code base.
Although the expert is optimistic about the combination of AI and blockchain, he also warns of potential problems with the balance between cryptographic transparency and the vulnerability of AI systems.
“In cryptography, open source is the only way to make something truly secure, but in AI, a model (or even its training data) being open greatly increases its vulnerability to adversarial machine learning attacks.”, said Buterin.
AI In The Modern World
Although most people still have a negative attitude toward artificial intelligence, AI technologies have been used in various fields for quite some time. Here are some of the most well-known applications of AI:
AI technologies, such as machine learning and visual perception systems, are used in autonomous cars to recognize and navigate the environment;Used in manufacturing for quality control, logistics process optimization, and robotics;It plays an important role in medicine, helping to make diagnoses, personalize treatment plans, find medicines, and much more;Used in finance for fraud detection, algorithmic trading, and risk assessment;Artificial intelligence technologies are an integral part of robotics for tasks such as object recognition, route guidance, and autonomous navigation.
Artificial intelligence technologies make people’s lives easier by allowing them to perform repetitive tasks in the manufacturing sector. This allows employees to focus on more complex tasks. In addition, artificial intelligence makes it possible to personalize product recommendations. AI helps businesses in marketing and commerce by providing personalized recommendations that can improve the customer experience.
How Do Crypto Exchanges Integrate AI Technologies?
Numerous companies are using artificial intelligence (AI) in various areas of their industry. For example:
WhiteBIT, one of the largest crypto exchanges in Europe, as an innovative company, actively uses and integrates artificial intelligence into all areas of their business. They are also constantly actively collaborating with AI blockchains.
For example, they recently announced that on their exchange, $USDT and $USDC are now available on NEARProtocol. WhiteBIT added that thanks to this integration, withdrawing stablecoins via Near Protocol has become free.
Kraken is using artificial intelligence in various ways to improve its operations in the crypto industry. Their new CTO Vishnu Pathankar emphasizes the growing importance of artificial intelligence (AI) in the crypto industry. In addition, the exchange offers OTC trading services for (FET) through its OTC service and provides a trading API for algorithmic trading of orders.
Coinbase uses artificial intelligence technology in a variety of ways to improve its operations and security measures in the cryptocurrency sector. They use AI, specifically Amazon Web Services (AWS) tools, to effectively fight fraud on their platform. In addition, the exchange has partnered with Coinrule, a platform that offers automated strategies for the digital asset market. This collaboration offers advanced trading tools and strategies to expand investment portfolios
Artificial intelligence has become an important aspect that can fundamentally change the industry and help solve complex problems. Modern technologies make AI not only a tool for improving algorithms but also a part of human life. It is only a matter of time before AI technologies become a mandatory requirement for businesses and other industries. So it’s time to start learning more about artificial intelligence and how to use it in your area of life.
#News #MetaAIRevolution #ArtificialInteligence #NEARProtocol $NEAR
2月份主要DEX代幣表現如何 他們都是贏家:上升 📈 🦄 $UNI(Uniswap):80.4% 🎠 $1INCH(1英寸網絡):42.2% 🍣 $SUSHI(SushiSwap):41.4% ®️ $RUNE(索鏈):24.9% 🧁 $CAKE(煎餅交換):24.7% 🗼$XLM(恆星幣):11.5% 🪐$JUP(木星):10.3% #uniswap #1InchNetwork #SUSHISWAP #PancakeSwap #Jupiter(JUP)


🦄 $UNI (Uniswap):80.4%

🎠 $1INCH(1英寸網絡):42.2%

🍣 $SUSHI (SushiSwap):41.4%

®️ $RUNE(索鏈):24.9%

🧁 $CAKE (煎餅交換):24.7%


#uniswap #1InchNetwork #SUSHISWAP #PancakeSwap #Jupiter(JUP)
👇2月份CEX主要幣種表現如何: 上漲者:上漲📈 🔵 $BGB(Bitget):59.3% 🔵 $CRO(加密貨幣,com):38.2% 🟡 $BNB(幣安):36% ⚫️$WBT(WhiteBIT):22.2% 🟡 $LEO(Bitfinex):20.5% 🟢 $KCS(庫幣):19.6% ⚪️ $OKB (OKX): 7.7% 失敗者:下降📉 🟣 $HT(火幣):59.7% #CEXs #BNB‬

🔵 $BGB(Bitget):59.3%
🔵 $CRO(加密貨幣,com):38.2%
🟡 $BNB (幣安):36%
🟡 $LEO(Bitfinex):20.5%
🟢 $KCS(庫幣):19.6%
⚪️ $OKB (OKX): 7.7%

🟣 $HT(火幣):59.7%

我很欣賞它,因爲它給這個行業帶來了更多的信任,否則我們不應該關心華爾街的操縱者 #ETFsApproval
How Crypto Is Winning Over Wall Street
The post "How Crypto Is Winning Over Wall Street" first appeared on News.
For quite a period, #cryptocurrency had remained a “no-go zone” for traditional investors, seeing security risks and volatility as the core hurdles. Now, things have changed: Bitcoin is adopted by investing giants, and banks seek crypto’s place in their financial systems. 
To find out “behind the scenes” details of cryptocurrency's rapid adoption, Sarah Holder spoke with Olga Kharif – Bloomberg Senior Reporter – as part of the Big Take Podcast. Below – is an excerpt from it on how the traditional financial institutions have gotten behind the technology that underpins digital assets – and what that means for the rest of the industry.
“The baseball caps have turned into suits”
Over the years of crypto’s existence, the industry has evolved, and so have the adepts of it. Erstwhile, the participants of the industry mainly envisaged the “passionate nerds who believed in the power of cryptocurrency as a way to manage their money beyond government oversight, but who didn’t know a ton about business”, as per Olga Kharif. 
“…there was Charlie Shrem who started BitInstant in his early 20s. It was a way to use Bitcoin for payments at merchant locations, and eventually, he ended up going to prison because he didn't register it as a money transmission business.”
Now, the crypto payments have advanced. A lot of commodities and services can be purchased for it: real estate, phones, and even football tickets. Indeed, many crypto exchanges i.e. Kraken, Coinbase, and WhiteBIT are entering sports, while the latter one is participating in Sport Tomorrow Congress by Barcelona FC and offering to purchase football tickets for buying by crypto.
Still, the landscape only altered while crypto has become more adopted by institutional investors and traditional financial companies. Kharif noticed the tendency, saying:
"Where, you know, in the early days you saw all those people in t-shirts and baseball caps, you know, true believers in Bitcoin's potential to change the world. Whereas now you see people in business suits, people who used to work at Goldman, people who used to work at JP Morgan, and they're either leading these efforts at those same firms, or they went into some crypto companies and they're leading charge there."
But the landscape did not alter in one fell swoop. The financial companies have been dabbling in blockchain or crypto for years. For instance, Franklin Templeton has been pushing crypto-based services for over seven years. 
The trend has now been boosted, as a lot of fiat-money companies study or integrate cryptocurrency and blockchain-based facilities. Thus, JP Morgan is exploring deposit tokens that would represent customer deposits on blockchains, and many financial companies are involved in stablecoins, which represent fiat. Among the ones are BlackRock, BNY Mellon, Cantor Fitzgerald, and others. 
According to Kharif, it is FTX collapse that serves as one of the drivers for crypto institutional adoption. Even though Sam Bankman-Fried’s case is considered to be a harsh catastrophe for the crypto industry’s reputation, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. The collapse proved that a long-standing financial institution indicates more credibility than a Web3 company. 
“…what FTX did change for a lot of retail investors is their belief that a crypto native new company is maybe less trustworthy or less stable than somebody like, you know, BlackRock or Goldman or somebody with experience in the traditional financial world. Somebody who adheres to regulation, somebody who's been around for many, many years.”
What ETF Means For Crypto, and How It Reshapes the Industry
After 10 years of attempts and rejects, Bitcoin exchange-traded funds have been approved by the US Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC). It was followed by the application of BlackRock last summer that kick-started the action by Fidelity, VanEck, and other large institutions. 
As a result, Bitcoin ETF approval generates billions of dollars of inflows, positively impacting the Bitcoin price and signaling mainstream adoption of it. But more pivotally, it leveled the obstacles for traditional investors and everyday users. 
As Kharif says, Bitcoin came with “a lot of the hassle” – registration on exchange, completing KYC, and finding out about how to purchase Bitcoin yourself. 
“…now you can invest in this Bitcoin ETF through your brokerage, and it's as easy as buying shares in a company. And so this essentially opens up crypto to your typical, not tech savvy, you know, just everyday user.”
Thus, the Bitcoin ETF also unlocked investment opportunities for those who saw #crypto companies as untrustworthy – and considered the financial institutions only as credible. 
Banking Adoption and Future of Crypto
Even though banks and financial institutions are starting to enter crypto, it’s hard to call it an adoption. According to Kharif, “It’s fair to say a lot of them are dabbling and experimenting with this”. The main hurdle for crypto’s full implementation remains to be the absence of regulations. 
The matter of crypto legislation comes with enforcement actions from the SEC, the CFTC, and the Department of Justice. As per Khalif, “this goes completely against the grain of what the early adopters believed and wanted”
Nevertheless, the attention of state bodies brings the adoption closer. 
 “...I think at the same time, with this technology and these coins, they would have been very niche if that continued to be the case. There wouldn't be the same kind of mass adoption that we are starting to see now.”
加密貨幣有可能解決所有官僚主義的廢話和費用。經濟的未來屬於加密貨幣 🤠
Can Crypto Kick-Start a Slowing Economy?
The post "Can Crypto Kick-Start a Slowing Economy?" first appeared on News.
As #crypto is infusing into the global economy, governments are heeding the decentralized finances on the basis. But is this a paradox, or a grounded solution?
While cryptocurrency adoption fluctuates, its factual evidence is pictured in the diversity of services, technological solutions, and number of operators. But it is government-based integration that matters.
This becomes more visible as authorities around the world are processing the regulation basis for crypto as it’s being tackled by law enforcement. Not to mention the SEC taking over the status of decentralized currencies and approving Bitcoin exchange-traded funds.
But while some governments seem to comply with the tendency, others utilize it to become a driving force for the macro economy. The states that were set for this path are labeled as crypto hubs – the powerhouses of Web3 development and integration, met with taxation incentives, legislation interest, and banking access.
The list of crypto hubs mainly covers the states with highly-developed economies, including Switzerland, South Korea, UAE, and other prominent countries. Still, the instances of El Salvador, Ukraine, and Thailand demonstrate that cryptocurrency state adoption may serve as a kick-start to a sluggish economy. 
But what secret powers does crypto obtain for it? In today’s article, we’ll unveil them.
Banking, or de-banking?
The first and foremost effect, and at the same time another paradox – cryptocurrency boosts banking. Far better – this sector is among many macroeconomic branches dominantly influenced by cryptocurrency. The distributed money unlocked new solutions for optimizing financial processes, facilitating cross-border transactions, and advancing security. 
All the factors combined played a pivotal role in leveling one of the foremost today’s challenges – de-banking. While over 1.4 billion adults still have no access to banking services both in low-income and high-income countries, cryptocurrency transactions with less paperwork and thriving fintech may manage to cover the unbanked population, given the integrations with licensed services.
Still, in terms of risk management, crypto has been being “de-banked”. De-banking stands for the phenomenon involving traditional banks and financial institutions severing ties, or limiting relationships, with new or existing cryptoasset businesses and, in some cases, preventing individuals from being able to transact in cryptoassets.
Banks distancing from crypto mainly takes place owing to the global regulatory crackdown, bringing into action the state-integrated crypto paradox. 
While crypto de-banking and de-risking have their utilities and, in particular, can be a useful and effective method in addressing, for example, money laundering concerns, the benefits need to be carefully considered against the potential drawbacks of stifling the cryptoasset industry’s development. 
Nevertheless, many crypto hub governments across the globe seem to level these very issues by killing two birds with one stone – tax policy. 
Why Taxes Is The Most Realistic Solution
Seeing crypto’s community and its vital role in sustaining this technology, fostering the Web3 business sector seems to be the most effective way to utilize blockchain contribution to the economy. What is more, owing to circumventing regulation obstacles that the strategy includes, it remains the most popular. 
The latest instance is reported to take place in Thailand. For it to become a digital asset hub, the country’s Finance Ministry has announced the exemption of value-added tax (VAT) on digital asset trading.
A 7% VAT was previously levied on earnings from cryptocurrency and digital token trading. The new waived VAT rules came into effect on 1 January 2024.
Transferring digital investment tokens to a third party was already VAT-exempt but this has now been extended to brokers and dealers supervised by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
As Thailand has emerged as a leading jurisdiction for offshore digital asset investors, these new tax measures could potentially stimulate further growth in the country’s digital asset market.
However, Mr. Paopoom emphasized the government’s responsibility to ensure the stability of the financial system while harnessing its developmental potential.
In Asia, Thailand is not the only candidate for consolidating crypto facilities through reforming tax policy. South Korea is also considering similar initiatives. 
Jeong Jung-hoon, deputy minister of the tax and customs office for South Korea’s Ministry of Economy and Finance, said that the National Assembly is weighing up abolishing crypto asset gains from income tax for financial investments.
President Yoon Suk-yeol’s administration intends to eliminate taxes on financial investments like stocks and funds to bolster its citizens’ wealth-building and financial planning efforts.
The new tax regime will start on 1 January 2025. Citizens with more than 2.5 million Korean won ($1,865) in crypto asset gains will be subject to a 22% tax. The government plans to submit an amendment later this month.
A similar solution is being processed in Ukraine as well. The Ministry of Digital Transformation in collaboration with law enforcement and financial bodies is on its way to introduce the tax and legal framework in answer to the fast-growing local Web3-sector and crypto usage. 
Being rated globally fifth among the top crypto-adopting countries, Ukraine is also home to a great number of top-notch Web3 projects, including Hacken, Whitechain (WB Network before the rebranding), KUNA, etc. 
Presumptions, Not Factual Impact
As of the time of the report, the expediency of crypto integration into the global economy is a matter of heated debate, moderately transformed into action. Still, despite the struggles and regulation complicities, a vast majority of macroeconomic actors converge into one point: crypto sees potential.
Thus, the 2022 World Economic Forum highlighted that cryptocurrency may serve as a boost for financial security. According to CipherTrace analysis, less than 1% of transactions with crypto are nefarious – even though 98% of ransomware uses crypto. 
These statistics bring us back to the regulative issues, as security risks serve as the core basis for them. Despite this fact, the potential of crypto is certainly on the face. What’s remaining to do is the introduction of a proper government-based legal framework. But is this a paradox, or a grounded solution?





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