Binance Square
Waves delisting! Life after Binance?
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Wow... I truly believe in web3 SocialFI. Believe me, one day we will see a really good new social network. But I think if these cool projects with bakers and foundations are not user-focused, no one will use them! I think Instagram, X, Youtube and TikTok will quickly launch their own coin on some chain and create some kind of program for creators with rewards.  Since I have already explained the main problems of this social network, there are no users here, or you need to share your links to this social network everywhere on Web2 social networks so that your friends will just follow you in yet another but useless application. Like Lens. Or like friend tech when people being active only for potential airdrop or trade keys... And today I was surprised twice! With DeBank! Debank is a really cool portfolio tracker, but not a social app! And here is why.. 1. With a free account, you have a trial mode of publishing to Stream. Okay, you can pay and mint web3 nft handle, and post without any restrictions. But a few weeks ago this option was removed, and now everyone who spent $100 on this nft was limited to 1 post per hour. 👍 2. They are launching a new super feature (channels) but imagine, to create a channel where you and people can just share posts you have to pay $480 a year!! Now tell me why people should stop using Reddit or even X (community)! And join this social.. Social networks are primarily about content!! And you need to create a good algorithm for the feed, tags, and videos. This way you can connect with other people of similar interests! People used MySpace, even without any monetization, because they liked it... and that's how social fiction should work. Hopefully we'll finally see a good product from the Deso app - Focus in July! If not, i think SocialFi will die just like an experiment and utopia about web3 social networks #DeBank #socialfi




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