


Chiliz 與 K 聯賽合作

領先的體育區塊鏈網絡 Chiliz 宣佈與韓國領先的職業足球聯賽 K 聯賽建立合作伙伴關係。

This partnership will see the integration of K-League Fantasy into the Chiliz platform and marks a significant expansion of digital engagement opportunities for football fans.

As part of this agreement, Chiliz will add the K-League Fantasy feature, which allows football fans to immerse themselves in an interactive and immersive fantasy football experience.

The aim of the integration is to increase fan engagement and interaction in the Chiliz ecosystem, as well as provide users with innovative ways to connect with their favorite teams and players. 

Chiliz 首席執行官亞歷山大·德雷福斯 (Alexandre Dreyfus) 和 K 聯賽祕書長 Yeonsang Cho

Chiliz 創始人兼首席執行官 Alexander Dreyfus 對此次合作改變韓國足球球迷體驗的潛力表示興奮。德雷福斯強調了整合區塊鏈等創新技術爲世界各地體育迷創造引人入勝且有益的體驗的重要性。

Yeonsang Cho, General Secretary of the K League, said: “We are delighted to be partnering with the pioneers and leaders in this space, and look forward to working together to enhance the experience of our fans and grow our brand globally.”

Crypto.com 與一級方程式賽車合作

南佛羅里達賽車運動 (SFM) 宣佈 Crypto.com 成爲邁阿密大獎賽一級方程式賽車的官方合作伙伴。

該協議將使 Crypto.com 成爲一級方程式賽事不可或缺的一部分,該公司的品牌將包含在賽事的官方名稱和徽標中,並放置在邁阿密國際賽車場上。

“我們對與 Crypto.com 的長期合作伙伴關係感到非常興奮。我們與他們一樣致力於創新,並將把這些高標準應用到 Formula 1 Crypto.com 邁阿密大獎賽的車迷體驗中。”Hard Rock Stadium 和 Formula 1 Crypto.com 邁阿密大獎賽高級副總裁 Jeremy Walls 說道。 “這將是一次國際盛會,我們期待在全球範圍內共同成長。”

This is not the first time that Formula 1 fans will see the Crypto.com logo, as the cryptocurrency platform sponsored a sprint race in 2021.

Ferrari, which has been participating in the competition for a long time, recently announced the acceptance of Dogecoin as a means of payment for the purchase of its cars in the United States. 

法拉利首席營銷和商務官 Enrico Galliera 表示,此舉是由於客戶需求增加而促成的,這表明市場對加密貨幣的興趣增加。法拉利決定將狗狗幣與比特幣、以太坊和 USDC 一起整合到其支付方式中,強調了對數字資產的認可。

Galliera also assures that thanks to their partner Bitpay, a leading cryptocurrency payment provider, they can ensure a seamless transaction process for their customers who choose to pay with Dogecoin.


長期以來一直是巴塞羅那足球俱樂部官方合作伙伴的加密貨幣交易所 WhiteBIT 將參加由巴塞羅那創新中心組織的名爲“明日體育大會”的活動。

Sports Tomorrow Congress is a sports congress aimed at industry professionals seeking to develop their skills and knowledge, as well as those who want to connect and communicate with like-minded professionals. This year's conference will take place on February 26 and 27.

WhiteBIT will be one of the conference's keynote speakers and will present a speech titled "Decoding the future of fan engagement with personalized digital products."

該公司參加此次活動強調了其將創新技術融入體育領域的承諾。 WhiteBIT 多次表明了其將足球世界與加密貨幣世界結合起來的承諾:與巴塞羅那足球俱樂部建立官方合作伙伴關係,參與體育賽事,並定期爲球迷提供票務促銷活動。近日,他們再次發佈了3月26日弗羅茨瓦夫足球比賽門票的公告,可以用加密貨幣購買。

OKX 與邁凱倫達成交易

加密貨幣交易所 OKX 擴大了與一級方程式車隊邁凱倫賽車的合作關係,在 2024 年一級方程式賽季的跑車上獲得了 OKX 徽標的一席之地。

OKX 徽標將在下一賽季 24 場比賽中的 20 場比賽中放置在邁凱倫 F1 賽車的側架上。 2024 款賽車的主要象徵意義源自 2023 年新加坡和日本大獎賽的 OKX-邁凱輪“隱形模式”設計。

Haider Rafique, OKX Chief Marketing Officer, has told Cointelegraph that extending the sponsorship agreement with McLaren was a logical next step given the increased brand awareness it has gained through the partnership. “The results have been impressive. Our partnership with the McLaren F1 team has helped build OKX’s brand awareness and recognition through impressions (over three billion) via TV and online exposure, in addition to in-market exposure leveraging F1’s global footprint,” Rafique said.

該交易還幫助 OKX 通過由一級方程式車隊車手參加的獨家活動吸引了邁凱倫的粉絲羣。拉菲克表示,2023 年新加坡大獎賽上的 OKX 活動之一,車手蘭多·諾里斯 (Lando Norris) 與車迷會面,吸引了 7000 多名參觀者。


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