Binance Square
Binance Web3 錢包通過 24 個新 dApp 增強用戶體驗! 作爲加密貨幣交易領域的開拓者,幣安採取了動態舉措,通過無縫集成 24 個尖端去中心化應用程序 (dApp) 來擴展其 Web3 錢包。截至 2024 年 2 月,用戶可以深入研究滿足不同興趣的多種產品。 🔹EthsMarket:沉浸在以太坊的 NFT 領域,數字藝術創作、購買和銷售佔據中心舞臺。 🔹Avascriptions:通過這個基於訂閱的平臺,通過最喜愛的創作者提供的獨家內容和服務提升您的體驗。 🔹EVM Ink:通過在這個獨特的平臺上創建和交易數字紋身,在 NFT 領域開闢新天地。 12 月,幣安 Web3 錢包無縫集成了比特幣、比特幣現金、萊特幣、狗狗幣和 Sei 網絡。用戶可以直接通過錢包輕鬆地將代幣轉移到這些網絡或從這些網絡轉移代幣。 1 月份見證了另一波整合浪潮,新增 19 個 dApp 加入其中。值得注意的新增公司包括 1inch、Alpaca、Compound、Sushi 和 Yearn Finance。 Binance Web3 錢包是一個遊戲規則改變者,通過集中用戶與不同 dApp 的交互來增強用戶的能力。告別平臺切換的麻煩和處理多個錢包的麻煩; Binance Web3 錢包將所有內容方便地整合到一處。 不斷髮展的去中心化金融世界中令人興奮的發展正在等待着——敬請期待! #BinanceWallet #BinanceSqaure #Web3Wallet #Dapps #wallet

Binance Web3 錢包通過 24 個新 dApp 增強用戶體驗!

作爲加密貨幣交易領域的開拓者,幣安採取了動態舉措,通過無縫集成 24 個尖端去中心化應用程序 (dApp) 來擴展其 Web3 錢包。截至 2024 年 2 月,用戶可以深入研究滿足不同興趣的多種產品。

🔹EthsMarket:沉浸在以太坊的 NFT 領域,數字藝術創作、購買和銷售佔據中心舞臺。


🔹EVM Ink:通過在這個獨特的平臺上創建和交易數字紋身,在 NFT 領域開闢新天地。

12 月,幣安 Web3 錢包無縫集成了比特幣、比特幣現金、萊特幣、狗狗幣和 Sei 網絡。用戶可以直接通過錢包輕鬆地將代幣轉移到這些網絡或從這些網絡轉移代幣。

1 月份見證了另一波整合浪潮,新增 19 個 dApp 加入其中。值得注意的新增公司包括 1inch、Alpaca、Compound、Sushi 和 Yearn Finance。

Binance Web3 錢包是一個遊戲規則改變者,通過集中用戶與不同 dApp 的交互來增強用戶的能力。告別平臺切換的麻煩和處理多個錢包的麻煩; Binance Web3 錢包將所有內容方便地整合到一處。


#BinanceWallet #BinanceSqaure #Web3Wallet #Dapps #wallet

免責聲明:包含來自第三方的見解。非財務建議。 請參閱條款。
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立即註冊就有機會獲得價值高達 100 USDT 獎勵!


RWA Inc. Joins Forces with MANTRA for Enhanced Tokenized Economy. 🤝🌐 In a significant move towards bolstering the tokenized economy, RWA Inc. has partnered with MANTRA, a collaboration set to revolutionize the landscape of digital asset tokenization. This strategic alliance brings together two stalwarts in the field, each renowned for their commitment to regulatory compliance and innovation. Highlights of the Partnership: The collaboration between RWA Inc. and MANTRA marks the convergence of esteemed tokenization protocols, underscoring a shared vision for the future of market legislation. Both entities prioritize regulatory adherence, laying the groundwork for a more secure and legally compliant tokenized economy. Regulated Tokenized Assets: RWA Inc. stands at the forefront of ensuring legal protection and compliance, essential components for the tokenization of real-world assets. With multiple licenses and comprehensive regulation from the EUA, RWA Inc. provides enterprise-level tokenization solutions that prioritize security and regulatory conformity. RWA Innovation: The user-friendly interface developed by RWA Inc. streamlines the processes of minting, monitoring, and trading tokenized assets, fostering accessibility and ease of use. Additionally, the simplified onboarding process serves to attract a steady influx of new users, further expanding the reach of tokenized assets. RWA Launchpad: RWA Inc.'s launchpad fosters startups with funding through tokenization projects, vital for their growth and diversifying the tokenized economy. MANTRA Features: MANTRA, powered by Cosmos SDK, offers stable tokenization services, emphasizing legal compliance. Teaming up with RWA Inc., they've already tokenized billions in assets, showcasing their impact. This partnership aims to boost adoption and foster a more inclusive tokenized economy, backed by regulatory compliance and innovation. #RWAInc #RWAs #Mantra #MantraChain #RWAProjects


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