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根據巴塞爾銀行監管委員會 (BCBS) 的最新調查結果,19 家北美和歐洲銀行報告稱對加密貨幣進行了大量投資,總額達 94 億歐元(102.7 億美元)。這些披露是監控金融系統內加密資產風險的監管舉措的一部分。 BCBS 在過去五年實施了新的加密貨幣數據收集模板後,揭示了其成員銀行之間加密貨幣參與的程度。北美銀行領先,有 10 家實體披露了其投資情況,而 7 家歐洲銀行也報告了其風險敞口。 這些投資涵蓋各種數字貨幣,其中比特幣和以太坊在這些投資組合中最爲突出,分別佔31%和22%。值得注意的是,比特幣和以太坊的相關投資工具分別佔25%和10%。另一種主要加密貨幣 XRP 代表 1.88 億歐元,佔總投資的 2%,其中兩家銀行持有一半以上,另外四家銀行持有近 40%。 銀行的投資組合多元化,涵蓋其他幾種加密貨幣,包括 Polkadot (DOT)、Cardano (ADA)、Solana (SOL)、Litecoin (LTC) 和 Stellar Lumens (XLM)。穩定幣和代幣化資產也很突出,佔這些機構報告的風險敞口的近 90%。 作爲傳統銀行系統採用加密貨幣的重大發展,桑坦德銀行(BME:SAN)已開始爲瑞士客戶提供比特幣和以太坊交易便利。此舉標誌着成熟金融實體越來越多地接受數字貨幣作爲合法金融工具。

根據巴塞爾銀行監管委員會 (BCBS) 的最新調查結果,19 家北美和歐洲銀行報告稱對加密貨幣進行了大量投資,總額達 94 億歐元(102.7 億美元)。這些披露是監控金融系統內加密資產風險的監管舉措的一部分。

BCBS 在過去五年實施了新的加密貨幣數據收集模板後,揭示了其成員銀行之間加密貨幣參與的程度。北美銀行領先,有 10 家實體披露了其投資情況,而 7 家歐洲銀行也報告了其風險敞口。

這些投資涵蓋各種數字貨幣,其中比特幣和以太坊在這些投資組合中最爲突出,分別佔31%和22%。值得注意的是,比特幣和以太坊的相關投資工具分別佔25%和10%。另一種主要加密貨幣 XRP 代表 1.88 億歐元,佔總投資的 2%,其中兩家銀行持有一半以上,另外四家銀行持有近 40%。

銀行的投資組合多元化,涵蓋其他幾種加密貨幣,包括 Polkadot (DOT)、Cardano (ADA)、Solana (SOL)、Litecoin (LTC) 和 Stellar Lumens (XLM)。穩定幣和代幣化資產也很突出,佔這些機構報告的風險敞口的近 90%。


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Banks Have $9 Billion in Cryptocurrency Exposure Equating to Roughly 0.01% of Total Risk Exposure A recent study published by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) explains that the world’s top banks are exposed to around $9 billion worth of cryptocurrencies. The BCBS is a global organization made up of members tied to the world’s central banks and financial institutions from a myriad of jurisdictions. The study, called “Banks’ exposures to cryptoassets – a novel dataset,” was written by secretariat Renzo Corrias. The research aims to create a primary global standard on the “prudential treatment of banks’ [crypto asset] exposures.” “Total [crypto asset] exposures reported by banks amount to approximately €9.4 billion. In relative terms, these exposures make up only 0.14% of total exposures on a weighted average basis across the sample of banks reporting [crypto asset] exposures,” the report written by Corrias details. “When considering the whole sample of banks included in the Basel III monitoring exercise (ie also those that do not report [crypto asset] exposures), the amount shrinks to 0.01% of total exposures.” The BCBS shows that 19 banks worldwide submitted data for the research, and approximately ten financial institutions derived from the Americas. Seven banks stemmed from Europe, and two banks came from the rest of the world. Corrias notes that the banks represent a small group of financial institutions out of the collective 182 banks the BCBS considered for its Basel III monitoring exercise. The crypto asset exposure the banks reported mostly consisted of bitcoin (BTC) which was around 31% of exposures, and ethereum (ETH) which accounted for 22% of exposures. In addition to exposure to USD-backed stablecoins, banks are also associated with crypto assets like xrp (XRP), cardano (ADA), solana (SOL), litecoin (LTC), and stellar (XLM). Corrias explains that the banks’ exposure to crypto is comprised of three different categories which include crypto holdings


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