現在有很多關於 XPR 的猜測。目前有兩個因素對硬幣產生干擾: 1. 硬幣的品質不斷增加; 2. BTC 美元局勢不穩定。
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Attention on SHIB The four-hour chart indicates that SHIB will move here and only then will it be able to start climbing... This is not my recommendation, these are your possible risks.
Hello, dear future cryptomillionaires! It's very funny to read posts about the super growth of a particular coin, the key question arises, where do people get these numbers and prices from? Every now and then they shout BTC is about to break through 100k USD, the SOL has gathered at 140-160, and who is bigger and higher... now the approval of the ETF will happen and everything will fly up. My friends, this is all speculation on rumors and hype. Here are perhaps a few examples, if anyone remembers such a token as GAS, at one time it made a lot of noise. He walked steadily in the corridor from 6-8 US dollars, and felt fine, until one day he flew uphill and reached 28 US dollars, attention, all the oracles said that now GAS has only the way up and he is about to storm 50 US dollars. But as soon as a sufficient number of people were recruited, they simply merged it and it returned back to its legitimate 6-8 US dollars. The same thing is TRB, the same thing is shouted about SHIB, do you really think that the community will burn 759 trillion tokens so that SHIB becomes worth $ 1? Forget about it! This is not true, no one in their right mind will do this, otherwise the SHIB architecture itself will be at risk. Thу same thing was said about LYNC, LUNA and USTC. You understand one thing, the big players earn on the small ones. Let's take the ORDI token, a wonderful coin, according to the schedule it goes like a twin brother of bitcoin, but I'm not a whale, I had 2000-3000 of these coins in my portfolio at one time, and one day I accidentally threw the entire volume on sale, do you know what happened? The token turned around from the growth and flew down with such force that I was shocked. And it's only 2000 tokens, but what do we say if a whale does this, who has 100,000 tokens in his wallet. Everything is much more complicated here, there is only one step away from accidents and patterns. The market is overheated right now. They have been growing for too long, now liquidity is gathering, at the same time, it is going synchronously, BTC is down, everything flew down.
Hello everybody! I wanted to share my experience with futures. At first, everything went very successfully and it turned out to earn money. The technical analysis worked as expected and everything was fine, follow the news and move up and down. But as usual, sometimes we take risks, and when I saw the incredible growth of the coin TRB, I looked at it cautiously at first, because I couldn't understand what was behind such a frenzied growth. Apparently, like many, I succumbed to temptation and decided that this was a new rising star and so it should be, the horror came in the morning when I walked in and saw that first I became a millionaire, and then I became a beggar. That's the reality, but there's nothing you can do. Since I am very purposeful, I still had capital in spot positions and I decided to recover and eventually believed in the restoration of SOL, since it worked out clearly according to the schedules, stayed at the support level and another morning comes, after 3 sleepless days, when I waited for everything to go up and so it was in fact, but the miracle did not happen, when I woke up in the morning, I realized that I had nothing left to eat... SOL fell below all reasonable supports and stops, as bitcoin demonstrated a phenomenal drop to 40k USD. I need help, if I may say so, I have only a few NFT tokens left. This will probably be a good lesson for me and will save you from the horror that I have experienced. Technical analysis and forecasts are not all that can make you insanely rich or terribly poor, any news can turn everything around very quickly, work short, long only on SPOT, futures are a wave story, and it is better not to adhere to one paradigm: either you are a bear and work in short, or you are a bull and earn on growth. The wave will allow you to do both, but you better take care of yourself and don't repeat my mistakes. Best regards... PS I need your help...
BTC 跌破 82,000 USDT,24 小时跌幅1.98%
分析:BTC 卖方比率降至 0.086%,或预示价格反弹
突发新闻:中国刚刚将$BTC和加密货币所有权合法化! 🇨🇳 全球最大的市场正在苏醒……您准备好了吗?
#BSC链热浪来袭 妈呀,币安这个活动也太火爆了吧,为了十块钱猪脚饭大家都拼了啊?刚过了12点,我兑换了两次都失败了,
通过与全球5个地方的币圈精英沟通, 对于ETH的抄底观点 重点锁定2个位置。 对于现在持有杠杆倍数的玩家非常不友好,
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