Binance Square
🚀 #CryptoUpdate:#GROK 代幣的快速崛起!受到 Elon Musk 的 Grok AI 的啟發,GROK 代幣的市值在短短 8 天內就達到了驚人的 1.6 億美元。 📈 🤖 GROK 是什麼?它與 Grok AI 相關,Grok AI 是馬斯克社交應用 X 的服務,該應用以其未經審查且幽默的人工智慧聊天機器人而聞名。這種新穎的因素很快就贏得了狂熱的追隨者。 💹 暴漲:24 小時內,GROK 的價格上漲了一倍多,一週內上漲了 13,000%。想像一下在短短 7 天內將 100 美元變成 1,300 美元! 👥 社群:GROK 在過去一天擁有 11,000 名持有者和 2,500 萬美元的交易量,正在掀起波瀾。但謹慎是關鍵——流動性低至 350 萬美元,因此大量拋售可能會極大地改變市場。 🔍幕後花絮:GROK 是受 Grok AI 啟發的各種區塊鏈上的眾多代幣中的第一個。然而,值得注意的是,這些代幣並未與 Grok AI 服務正式關聯。 💭 想法:這體現了加密貨幣市場的投機性質。雖然令人興奮,但它提醒人們明智地進行研究和投資。 #GROKToken #ElonMusk

🚀 #CryptoUpdate:#GROK 代幣的快速崛起!受到 Elon Musk 的 Grok AI 的啟發,GROK 代幣的市值在短短 8 天內就達到了驚人的 1.6 億美元。 📈

🤖 GROK 是什麼?它與 Grok AI 相關,Grok AI 是馬斯克社交應用 X 的服務,該應用以其未經審查且幽默的人工智慧聊天機器人而聞名。這種新穎的因素很快就贏得了狂熱的追隨者。

💹 暴漲:24 小時內,GROK 的價格上漲了一倍多,一週內上漲了 13,000%。想像一下在短短 7 天內將 100 美元變成 1,300 美元!

👥 社群:GROK 在過去一天擁有 11,000 名持有者和 2,500 萬美元的交易量,正在掀起波瀾。但謹慎是關鍵——流動性低至 350 萬美元,因此大量拋售可能會極大地改變市場。

🔍幕後花絮:GROK 是受 Grok AI 啟發的各種區塊鏈上的眾多代幣中的第一個。然而,值得注意的是,這些代幣並未與 Grok AI 服務正式關聯。

💭 想法:這體現了加密貨幣市場的投機性質。雖然令人興奮,但它提醒人們明智地進行研究和投資。

#GROKToken #ElonMusk

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⚠️Market update: The current sentiment among KOLs remains bullish in the market, consistently advocating for the altcoin season. Personally, I have divested from all altcoins and only hold Bitcoin. In my perspective, the market requires a significant correction before the bull run, truly ushering in the altcoin season. Here are a few reasons supporting my viewpoint: 1⃣While Bitcoin has experienced growth, altcoins have seen relatively limited gains, with a majority experiencing declines. 2⃣Binance continues to list projects in which they have invested, leading to a dumping of these assets. Simultaneously, other projects listed lack discerning criteria and trend creation, merely relying on financial resources and relationships. 3⃣Jump, representing funds and market makers, has shifted a significant portion of their portfolio to Binance, exerting pressure and initiating sell-offs. 4⃣The market anticipates a gamefi trend with projects like #Pixel and #Ron. However, in reality, this is merely a ploy to facilitate the dumping of Ron by #Binance  , as they have significant investments and holdings in it. 5⃣The #AI group faces challenges in creating trends, as it is difficult to elevate the ecosystem and other coins along with it. 6⃣The continuous token issuance and listing of major projects on Binance have resulted in an oversaturation of new capital that cannot be fully absorbed. Particularly, the upcoming listing of #Pixel and #STRK next week is expected to draw resources and attention away from other projects.#PIXEL #shakeout #BTC‬




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