In order to conceal the trace, the North Korean entity responsible for the WazirX compromise transferred 10,000 stolen ETH to Tornado Cash within 24 hours.

In the past 24 hours, the criminal who perpetrated the WazirX security compromise has transferred more than $23 million in stolen Ethereum (ETH).

This occurs in the context of the exchange’s restructuring initiatives, which may result in the return of 55-57% of the misappropriated assets to users.

In accordance with Cyvers Alerts, the intruder transmitted 5,000 ETH, which is estimated to be worth $11.7 million, to a new address on September 10. This transaction is an extension of a comparable one that occurred on September 9, during which an additional 5,000 ETH, valued at $11.5 million, was transferred to an alternative address.

The exploiter has transferred approximately $23 million in the past 24 hours. Tornado Cash, a sanctioned service that enables users to conceal wallet addresses on a variety of blockchains, is also considered to be the destination of both transactions.

Cryptocriminals frequently employ the mixer to conceal the trace of stolen assets, despite the fact that it is illegal in the United States.

Arkham data indicates that this action is in response to the hacker’s recent transfer of approximately $4 million in Ethereum network ETH to the crypto aggregator. The associated address contains more than $109 million in a variety of tokens, with $103 million in ETH.

Following the security incident in July, which resulted in the seizure of over $230 million in user assets, this sequence of transactions pertains to WazirX’s multisig wallet.

Affected clients will not be able to recover their entire funds as a result of the incident, as the exchange has announced. The company is presently in the process of restructuring, and it is possible that users will receive 55-57% of the misappropriated assets.

At a virtual press conference, Jason Kardachi, Kroll’s managing director of restructuring, stated, “This is what consumers can expect to receive as a result of this restructuring.”

The endeavour encompasses the development of revenue-generating products and mechanisms to distribute profits to users, the tracking and recovery of misappropriated crypto assets, and the facilitation of the withdrawal of assets by those who require urgent liquidity in order to depart the restructuring process.

The company anticipates that individuals who remain throughout the procedure will receive greater recoveries.

WazirX is also in the process of actively seeking a “white knight” investor to provide capital and investigate potential partnerships and collaborations. Furthermore, the organisation intends to allocate the remaining assets to consumers on a pro-rata basis.