
✅ 聯合國在週二的簡報會上,對逮捕和指控Telegram消息應用創始人帕維爾·杜羅夫表示了嚴重的人權關切。

✅ 聯合國發言人呼籲遵守國際人權標準,強調在監管社交媒體平臺時需要合法性和比例性。



The United Nations Raises Human Rights Concerns Over the Case of Telegram Founder Pavel Durov

✅ In a briefing on Tuesday, the United Nations expressed serious human rights concerns regarding the arrest and charges against Pavel Durov, the founder of the messaging app Telegram. 

✅ A UN spokesperson called for adherence to international human rights standards, emphasizing the need for legality and proportionality when regulating social media platforms.

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