• Decentralized attacks on Cardano blockchain

The rise of blockchain-based applications has led to the emergence of a new type of denial of service attack known as #blockchain denial of service (BDoS) attacks. These attacks target blockchains based on proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanisms, such as #bitcoin .

The main way to defend against them is to ensure that nodes have sufficient memory, processing power, and network bandwidth, as well as code fault tolerance. As a general rule, the more decentralized a blockchain network is, the more secure it is against DDOS attacks.

Recently, the official X account of heavy metal band Metallica was hacked. The attackers ended up using the hacked account to promote #solana tokens with the ticker METAL. The Metallica team subsequently regained control of the account and deleted all messages related to the tokens.

The hacked account first wrote about the tokens on June 26, falsely claiming that they were created in partnership with Ticketmaster and launched on the Solana-based token deployment device pump. fun. However, Ticketmaster has not announced any partnership with METAL.

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