Moonbeam 價格 (GLMR)

1 Moonbeam 等於 C$ 0.468878 CAD-1.81%1 天
頁面最近更新時間:2024-12-13 02:47 (UTC+0)
您今天對 Moonbeam 有什麼看法?

今日 GLMR 價格

Moonbeam 的即時價格為每 (GLMR / CAD) C$ 0.468878,目前的市值為 C$ 436.22M CAD。24 小時交易量為 C$ 36.36M CAD。 GLMR 兌換 CAD 價格為即時更新。 Moonbeam 的價格變動過去 24 小時為 -1.81%,流通量為 930.35M。
日期比較金額變動% 漲跌
今天C$ -0.008651-1.81%
30 天C$ 0.211431+82.13%
60 天C$ 0.237731+102.85%
90 天C$ 0.223888+91.39%

GLMR 市場資訊

24 小時的高低變動
低: C$ 0.457019
高: C$ 0.494123
在 24 小時內購買此資產支付的最高和最低價格。
C$ 42.37
價格變化 (1 小時)
此資產與 1 小時前相比的價格變動百分比。
價格變化 (24 小時)
此資產與 24 小時前相比的價格變動百分比。
價格變化 (7 天)
此資產與 7 天前相比的價格變動百分比。

GLMR 市場資訊

C$ 436.22M
交易量 (24 小時)
C$ 36.36M
過去 24 小時內此資產所有交易的美元總價值。
將為加密貨幣創建的代幣總數,類似於股市中完全稀釋的股票。如果 CoinMarketCap 未提供或驗證此資料,則最大供應量顯示為「--」。
C$ 539.16M
將為加密貨幣創建的代幣總數,類似於股市中完全稀釋的股票。如果 CoinMarketCap 未提供或驗證此資料,則最大供應量顯示為「--」。

您可以使用 Moonbeam (GLMR) 做什麼?


About Moonbeam (GLMR)

Moonbeam is an Ethereum-compatible smart contract parachain on Polkadot. Moonbeam makes it easy to use popular Ethereum developer tools to build or redeploy Solidity projects in a Substrate-based environment. Moonbeam is much more than just an EVM implementation: it’s a highly specialized parachain that mirrors Ethereum’s Web3 RPC, accounts, keys, subscriptions, logs, and more. The Moonbeam platform extends the base Ethereum feature set with additional features, such as on-chain governance, staking, and cross-chain integrations.

People Also Ask: Other Questions About Moonbeam GLMR

  1. What is Moonbeam and Moonriver?

    Moonbeam is an Ethereum-compatible smart contract parachain on Polkadot. Moonbeam makes it easy to use popular Ethereum developer tools to build or redeploy Solidity projects in a Substrate-based environment.  Moonbeam is much more than just an EVM implementation: it’s a highly specialized parachain that mirrors Ethereum’s Web3 RPC, accounts, keys, subscriptions, logs, and more. The Moonbeam platform extends the base Ethereum feature set with additional features such as on-chain governance, staking, and cross-chain integrations. 

    Moonriver is an Ethereum-compatible smart contract parachain on Kusama. As a sister network to Moonbeam, new code ships here first, which means it always has the latest builds. Moonriver is also community-led, which means the vast majority of tokens are distributed to the community (and zero have been distributed to founders or early backers). This gives developers and token holders power over the future of the network early on. Like Moonbeam, Moonriver has complete Ethereum compatibility but is built on Substrate and connects natively to the Kusama network. With this architecture, Solidity-based smart contracts can be deployed to Moonriver with minimal changes, while gaining access to the assets built on Moonriver, Kusama, other parachains on Kusama, and any assets bridged into this interoperable ecosystem.

  2. What does Moonbeam Crypto do?

    As a decentralized smart contract platform, Moonbeam requires the Glimmer token to function. The GLMR token is central to the design of Moonbeam and cannot be removed without sacrificing essential functionalities. Some of the uses of the Glimmer token on Moonbeam include:

    Supporting the gas metering of smart contract execution

    • Incentivizing collators and powering the mechanics around the creation of a decentralized node infrastructure on which the platform can run

    • Facilitating the on-chain governance mechanism including proposing referenda, electing council members, voting, etc

    • Paying for transaction fees on the network

  3. Where to buy GLMR?

    You can buy GLMR in several cryptocurrency exchanges. To buy GLMR on Binance, register for an account now. 

GLMR 兌換為本地貨幣

以 1 GLMR 兌換為 USD$ 0.330196
以 1 GLMR 兌換為 TRY$ 0.330196
以 1 GLMR 兌換為 RUB$ 0.330196
以 1 GLMR 兌換為 EUR$ 0.330196
以 1 GLMR 兌換為 AED$ 0.330196
以 1 GLMR 兌換為 AUD$ 0.330196
以 1 GLMR 兌換為 BRL$ 0.330196
以 1 GLMR 兌換為 VND$ 0.330196
以 1 GLMR 兌換為 IDR$ 0.330196
最近更新時間: 2024/12/13 02:47 (UTC)


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