Gitcoin 價格 (GTC)

1 Gitcoin 等於 € 0.780578 EUR+0.51%1 天
頁面最近更新時間:2025-01-07 09:39 (UTC+0)
您今天對 Gitcoin 有什麼看法?

今日 GTC 價格

Gitcoin 的即時價格為每 (GTC / EUR) € 0.780578,目前的市值為 € 67.06M EUR。24 小時交易量為 € 9.46M EUR。 GTC 兌換 EUR 價格為即時更新。 Gitcoin 的價格變動過去 24 小時為 +0.51%,流通量為 85.90M。
GTC 歷史價格 EUR
日期比較金額變動% 漲跌
今天€ 0.003953+0.51%
30 天€ -0.44058-36.08%
60 天€ 0.18687+31.48%
90 天€ 0.149541+23.70%

GTC 市場資訊

24 小時的高低變動
低: € 0.774566
高: € 0.812296
在 24 小時內購買此資產支付的最高和最低價格。
€ 27.84
價格變化 (1 小時)
此資產與 1 小時前相比的價格變動百分比。
價格變化 (24 小時)
此資產與 24 小時前相比的價格變動百分比。
價格變化 (7 天)
此資產與 7 天前相比的價格變動百分比。

GTC 市場資訊

€ 67.06M
交易量 (24 小時)
€ 9.46M
過去 24 小時內此資產所有交易的美元總價值。
將為加密貨幣創建的代幣總數,類似於股市中完全稀釋的股票。如果 CoinMarketCap 未提供或驗證此資料,則最大供應量顯示為「--」。
€ 78.06M
將為加密貨幣創建的代幣總數,類似於股市中完全稀釋的股票。如果 CoinMarketCap 未提供或驗證此資料,則最大供應量顯示為「--」。

您可以使用 Gitcoin (GTC) 做什麼?


關於 Gitcoin (GTC)

Gitcoin is a platform that connects developers with open-source projects needing funding and support. Launched in 2017, Gitcoin aims to grow and sustain the open-source ecosystem by incentivizing developers to contribute to projects through bounties, grants, hackathons, and other initiatives.

Gitcoin has established a community that seeks to directly support developers and coders with products such as grants, bounties provided by networks and entities needing developer resources, work assignments, extended contracts, and more.

Gitcoin is associated with the GitHub development community and therefore built atop the protocol to not reinvent the wheel, as referenced by the platform. Instead, Gitcoin is described as more of the incentivization layer to Github, the underlying collaboration layer. To date, information published on the Gitcoin website establishes that Gitcoin, a DAO community, has been responsible for over $72 million in funds dedicated to open-source development across all products and channels.

Kevin Owocki and Scott Moore co-founded Gitcoin and ultimately launched it in November 2017 to concentrate support around developers contributing to the continued building of the Web3 environment and the development of the space itself. Gitcoin hosts a network that sees hundreds of thousands of developers leverage its platform to exercise-associated support and interact with one another regularly. Developers on the Gitcoin network are rewarded for their contributions on the platform and are positioned to land various types and lengths of assignments with platforms such as MetaMask and Ethereum.

The Gitcoin network is developed and supported on the Ethereum blockchain network and fundamentally exists as an Ethereum network asset. The Gitcoin DAO governance token also has liquidity on the Near blockchain network. Gitcoin is known by its token ticker $GTC. The live price of Gitcoin is updated and available in real-time on Binance.

其他問題:關於 Gitcoin 的更多問題

  1. Gitcoin 代表什麼意思?

    Gitcoin is the network that enables developers and coders on the underlying Github collaborative layer with the potential to “get coin” or financial support for their work.

  2. Gitcoin (GTC) 有何用途?

    GTC is mainly used as a governance token and is staked by users, who can then vote on decisions affecting the future of the community and platform.

    <H3>Gitcoin 上的網路共識與驗證如何運作?</H3>

    Gitcoin leverages the Ethereum blockchain network and its consensus layer, which operates by Proof-of-Stake (PoS) implementation since The Merge in September 2022.

  3. Gitcoin 的創始人是誰?

    Gitcoin was founded in 2017 by Kevin Owocki and Scott Moore. The platform was successfully launched in November of the same year.

  4. GTC 的最大代幣供應量是多少

    Gitcoin 社群治理代幣並沒有最大代幣供應量的限制。在撰寫本文當下,GTC 的總流通量供應為 59,913,342 枚。

  5. Gitcoin 與其他代幣有何不同?

    One of the main ways the Gitcoin community directly supports its network of developers is by acquiring public goods, which are then made available to them. This mechanism is referenced as one of the primary methods to connect developers with paid work, job assignments, and grants made available on the platform.

  6. 如何購買 Gitcoin (GTC)?

    您可使用簽帳卡或信用卡直接在幣安購買 Gitcoin (GTC)。亦可在幣安交易所交易 Gitcoin (GTC) 與其他加密貨幣。幣安會即時更新 Gitcoin 的目前價格。此外,如需幣安提供的 GTC 價格與購買資訊,請閱讀我們的如何購買 Gitcoin (GTC) 指南。



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