Flare 價格 (FLR)

Flare 價格 (FLR)

1 Flare 等於 $ 0.029878 USD-1.04%1 天
頁面最近更新時間:2024-12-18 04:39 (UTC+0)
您今天對 Flare 有什麼看法?

今日 FLR 價格

Flare 的即時價格為每 (FLR / USD) $ 0.029878,目前的市值為 $ 1.64B USD。24 小時交易量為 $ 27.59M USD。 FLR 兌換 USD 價格為即時更新。 Flare 的價格變動過去 24 小時為 -1.04%,流通量為 54.77B。
FLR 歷史價格 USD
日期比較金額變動% 漲跌
今天$ -0.000314-1.04%
30 天$ 0.009567+47.10%
60 天$ 0.014985+100.62%
90 天$ 0.015059+101.62%

FLR 市場資訊

24 小時的高低變動
低: $ 0.029873
高: $ 0.03236
在 24 小時內購買此資產支付的最高和最低價格。
$ 0.0797
價格變化 (1 小時)
此資產與 1 小時前相比的價格變動百分比。
價格變化 (24 小時)
此資產與 24 小時前相比的價格變動百分比。
價格變化 (7 天)
此資產與 7 天前相比的價格變動百分比。

FLR 市場資訊

$ 1.64B
交易量 (24 小時)
$ 27.59M
過去 24 小時內此資產所有交易的美元總價值。
將為加密貨幣創建的代幣總數,類似於股市中完全稀釋的股票。如果 CoinMarketCap 未提供或驗證此資料,則最大供應量顯示為「--」。
$ 3.07B
將為加密貨幣創建的代幣總數,類似於股市中完全稀釋的股票。如果 CoinMarketCap 未提供或驗證此資料,則最大供應量顯示為「--」。

About Spark

Flare is a decentralized project with the primary goal of acting as a bridge between cryptocurrency ecosystems such as XRP and Ethereum. In its network implementation, Flare enhances the XRP capabilities by enabling the distributed ledger network to leverage the highly interoperable ERC-20 smart protocol, utilizing smart contracts even though typically lacks the functionality to do so.

Spark (FLR) is one of two cryptocurrency coins that support and power the Flare network. Songbird (SGB), the other crypto, is used on the project’s dedicated Canary testnet prior to live implementations on Flare’s mainnet. FLR price is updated and available in real-time on Binance.

People Also Ask: Other Questions About Spark

  1. What is FLR Used For?

    FLR is the token ticker for the Spark cryptocurrency native to Flare. FLR is used to power Flare’s bridge operations and ensure seamless interaction and integration for XRP and other cryptocurrencies. FLR price is affected by supply, demand, transaction volume, and other factors.

  2. How Do Network Consensus and Validation Work on FLR?

    The Flare consensus protocol implemented within the decentralized ecosystem is known as the Avalanche consensus model and has been adapted to work with the Federated Byzantine Agreement (FBA) consensus mechanism used by networks like the XRPL and Stellar.

  3. Who is the Spark Founder?

    Spark Lab’s co-founder is Hugo Philion, a seasoned figure in the crypto trading and investing sector. Prior to developing and launching Spark Lab, he worked as a commodity derivatives portfolio manager responsible for overseeing two hedge funds each worth a billion dollars.

  4. What is the Maximum Token Supply of FLR?

    The total maximum supply of FLR will be 100,000,000,000 once the cryptocurrency is available for trade and use as a digital payment method.

  5. What Makes Spark Different From Others?

    A unique feature of Flare is its ability to provide cross-chain interoperability without compromising Spark’s network security, regardless of its own native validation or consensus mechanism. Another unique feature of Flare is its use of its a testnet, as well as its other cryptocurrency, Songbird, to test network features prior to implementation on the mainnet. XRP is also represented in the Flare ecosystem in the form of FXRP.

  6. How To Buy FLR?

    FLR price is updated in real time on Binance. This coin is not listed on Binance for trade or service.

FLR 兌換為本地貨幣

以 1 FLR 兌換為 USD$ 0.029878
以 1 FLR 兌換為 TRY$ 0.029878
以 1 FLR 兌換為 RUB$ 0.029878
以 1 FLR 兌換為 EUR$ 0.029878
以 1 FLR 兌換為 AED$ 0.029878
以 1 FLR 兌換為 AUD$ 0.029878
以 1 FLR 兌換為 BRL$ 0.029878
以 1 FLR 兌換為 VND$ 0.029878
以 1 FLR 兌換為 IDR$ 0.029878
最近更新時間: 2024/12/18 04:39 (UTC)


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