Binance Live
AMA Session w/Zombie Zebras🔮 #Solana
2024-05-08 15:00
TD;LR :The Zombie Zebras ($ZOMZEB) are a new meme coin with a bit of a bite. Here's the rundown: Theme: Undead equines with a hunger for gains. They're not your average plains grazers; these zebras are out for revenge (and maybe a little brains). Origin Story: The lore varies, but some say the zebras were experimented on in a secret lab, others that a mysterious (zebra emoji) virus turned them. Either way, they're back from the dead and ready to stampede the crypto market. Community: The Zombie Zebra herd is strong. The AMA session will consist of 2 segments : -Segment 1: Introduction -Segment 2: Community Question -Submit on tg About Zombie Zebras • Website : • tg : @zomzebportal • CA : HJH57E2XUYWjnkEUKxMwEnJUdmJHoVgYaHt3sHkEiYK9 #dyooor #solanaplay
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