NEVER CONVERT CRYPTOCURRENCIES! When converting, you receive the market value, and this is the type of situation that only the most inexperienced do. Conversion is only viable if you have, for example, small amounts that cannot be traded on the spot market. Converting crypto on an exchange is the equivalent of buying cryptocurrency on Fintechs like #NuBank , for example, places where you don't actually buy crypto. You always need to trade with cryptocurrency. If you bought at price “A”, place a sell order at price “B”. You can even use a Trailing Stop to improve your profits. In short: you should always want to buy as cheaply as possible, to sell as expensively as possible. This is only possible when you create your own sell order, whether at a limit or through Trailing to follow the price trend. (Converting is not the same thing, and anyone who thinks there is no fee is mistaken, since the value is already included in your transaction. There is no free lunch). In the#Spotmarket, you can afford to get stuck in a crypto, unlike futures. In other words, if you bought a crypto and got stuck at the top because it started to fall, you just need to be patient and wait for it to recover to sell at a profit (There are cryptos and cryptos! Getting stuck in a BTC is not the same as in a **DEX bitcoin that has a short lifespan). Remember, you only sell at a loss if you want to, no one is forcing you to do so. The market is completely psychological. In the Spot trading classes, I gave the example of someone who bought $BTC Bitcoin at the top of November 2021, it took years for the person to get out of the loss and sell the position at a profit. The idea of this post is simply to inform the new audience that they can create more advanced sell orders than simply converting, whether at limit or market.
The narrative that FDV/Market Cap doesn't matter because XRP has "utility" is MISLEADING. It's a trap to keep you holding while others use you as exit liquidity! 🏃♂️💨
Don't be fooled by those who don't understand simple math. They're making you delusional with FOMO, while they quietly sell their bags! 🤥📉
Let's break down why the idea of XRP reaching $1,000 is unrealistic: