The second day of the Lunar New Year, also known as "the day of the dogs" or "welcome son-in-law day," is rich in tradition and customs in China and some countries in East and Southeast Asia. The traditions and activities of this day are diverse, reflecting profound cultural significance and family ties. The main traditions include: 1.Daughters and their husbands visiting the maternal home: Traditionally, the second day of the Lunar New Year is when married women, along with their husbands and children, visit their maternal homes to celebrate the new year. This act is a gesture of filial piety and respect, as well as a moment for family reunion. Daughters returning home often bring gifts, and parents prepare red envelopes and presents for their daughters-in-law and grandchildren. 2.Ancestor worship: In some regions, people perform ancestor worship rituals on this day to honor and respect their ancestors, praying for family safety and business prosperity in the new year. 3、重新开业:对于商家来说,初二往往被认为是“开门营业”的吉日。许多店主和商家选择这一天恢复营业,希望新的一年生意兴隆、财源广进。