Binance Square
Hi, I'm skym0re and I am passionate about crypto.
Renzo (REZ) 登陆币安新币池:流动性重质押协议的变革者 领先的加密货币交易所币安在币安新币池上推出了第 53 个项目:Renzo (REZ),这是一种创新的流动性重质押协议。新币池将于 2024 年 4 月 24 日开始上线,用户受邀在六天内质押 $BNB 和 $FDUSD 个代币来挖矿 REZ 代币。 Renzo (REZ) 的最大代币供应量为 100 亿 REZ,其中 2.5% 分配给新币池代币奖励。初始流通供应量为最大代币供应量的 10.50%,确保从一开始就实现健康分配。 Renzo (REZ) 在以太坊区块链上运行,为安全性和可靠性设定了高标准。 每位用户每小时有硬上限,参与者最多可以在 BNB 池中质押 147,569.44 REZ,在 FDUSD 池中质押 26,041.67 REZ。这确保了公平参与,并防止了奖励集中。 奖励总额为 2.5 亿 REZ,参与者可以获得丰厚的奖励,其中 85% 分配给 BNB 池,15% 分配给 FDUSD 池。这激励用户参与这两个池,增强流动性和稳定性。 耕作期从 4 月 24 日持续到 4 月 29 日,为用户积累 REZ 代币提供了充足的机会。每日奖励分布在两个池中,每天共有 41,666,666.67 REZ 可供争夺。 耕作期结束后,币安将于 2024 年 4 月 30 日上线 REZ,标志着交易正式开始。 REZ 将与 BTC、USDT、BNB、FDUSD 和 TRY 配对,为用户提供多种交易选择。 不要错过这个激动人心的机会,成为币安 Launchpool 上 Renzo (REZ) 的一员! #BinanceLaunchpool #Renzo #REZ
Renzo (REZ) 登陆币安新币池:流动性重质押协议的变革者

领先的加密货币交易所币安在币安新币池上推出了第 53 个项目:Renzo (REZ),这是一种创新的流动性重质押协议。新币池将于 2024 年 4 月 24 日开始上线,用户受邀在六天内质押 $BNB $FDUSD 个代币来挖矿 REZ 代币。

Renzo (REZ) 的最大代币供应量为 100 亿 REZ,其中 2.5% 分配给新币池代币奖励。初始流通供应量为最大代币供应量的 10.50%,确保从一开始就实现健康分配。 Renzo (REZ) 在以太坊区块链上运行,为安全性和可靠性设定了高标准。

每位用户每小时有硬上限,参与者最多可以在 BNB 池中质押 147,569.44 REZ,在 FDUSD 池中质押 26,041.67 REZ。这确保了公平参与,并防止了奖励集中。

奖励总额为 2.5 亿 REZ,参与者可以获得丰厚的奖励,其中 85% 分配给 BNB 池,15% 分配给 FDUSD 池。这激励用户参与这两个池,增强流动性和稳定性。

耕作期从 4 月 24 日持续到 4 月 29 日,为用户积累 REZ 代币提供了充足的机会。每日奖励分布在两个池中,每天共有 41,666,666.67 REZ 可供争夺。

耕作期结束后,币安将于 2024 年 4 月 30 日上线 REZ,标志着交易正式开始。 REZ 将与 BTC、USDT、BNB、FDUSD 和 TRY 配对,为用户提供多种交易选择。

不要错过这个激动人心的机会,成为币安 Launchpool 上 Renzo (REZ) 的一员!

#BinanceLaunchpool #Renzo #REZ
币安新币池发布! 币安公布了币安新币池的第 52 个项目:Omni Network (OMNI),这是一个第 1 层区块链,将以太坊的汇总生态系统合并为一个有凝聚力的系统。 该网页将在 5 小时后上线,就在新币池开始之前。从 4 月 13 日开始的四天内,用户可以分别质押 BNB 和 FDUSD 来赚取 OMNI 代币。 OMNI 将于 4 月 17 日 12:00 (UTC) 上市,交易对包括 OMNI/BTC、OMNI/USDT、OMNI/BNB、OMNI/FDUSD 和 OMNI/TRY。种子标签将应用于 OMNI。 以下是启动池的详细信息: 代币名称:Omni Network (OMNI) 最大代币供应量:100,000,000 OMNI 启动池代币奖励:3,500,000 OMNI(最大代币供应量的 3.5%) 初始流通供应量:10,391,492 OMNI(最大代币供应量的 10.39%) 智能合约详细信息:以太坊 每位用户每小时硬上限:BNB 池中 3,098.95 OMNI,FDUSD 池中 546.87 OMNI 支持的池: BNB 池:2,975,000 OMNI 奖励(85%) FDUSD 池:525,000 OMNI 奖励(15%) 耕作期:4 月 13 日 00:00(UTC)至 4 月 16 日 23:59 (UTC)。 #BinanceLaunchpool #OMNI $BNB $FDUSD

币安公布了币安新币池的第 52 个项目:Omni Network (OMNI),这是一个第 1 层区块链,将以太坊的汇总生态系统合并为一个有凝聚力的系统。

该网页将在 5 小时后上线,就在新币池开始之前。从 4 月 13 日开始的四天内,用户可以分别质押 BNB 和 FDUSD 来赚取 OMNI 代币。

OMNI 将于 4 月 17 日 12:00 (UTC) 上市,交易对包括 OMNI/BTC、OMNI/USDT、OMNI/BNB、OMNI/FDUSD 和 OMNI/TRY。种子标签将应用于 OMNI。

代币名称:Omni Network (OMNI)
最大代币供应量:100,000,000 OMNI
启动池代币奖励:3,500,000 OMNI(最大代币供应量的 3.5%)
初始流通供应量:10,391,492 OMNI(最大代币供应量的 10.39%)
每位用户每小时硬上限:BNB 池中 3,098.95 OMNI,FDUSD 池中 546.87 OMNI

BNB 池:2,975,000 OMNI 奖励(85%)
FDUSD 池:525,000 OMNI 奖励(15%)

耕作期:4 月 13 日 00:00(UTC)至 4 月 16 日 23:59 (UTC)。

#BinanceLaunchpool #OMNI

Launchpool:质押 BNB 和 FDUSD 来农场 SAGA 代币! 不要错过这个参与 Saga 开创性旅程的黄金机会。标记您的日历,准备您的赌注,并准备好以前所未有的方式种植 SAGA 代币。欢迎来到币安 Launchpool 上的 Saga 革命! 币安已推出 Saga (SAGA),作为币安 Launchpool 上的第 51 个项目。 Saga 作为推出其他 L1 的 L1 解决方案脱颖而出,预示着去中心化可能性的新时代。 币安将成为第一个上市 Saga 代币的平台,交易将于 2024 年 4 月 9 日 14:00(世界标准时间)开始。 什么是佐贺(SAGA)? Saga (SAGA) 代表了加密领域的一项突破性举措,为用户提供了将 BNB 和 FDUSD 放入不同池中的机会,以便在四天内种植 SAGA 代币。疯狂农场将于 2024 年 4 月 5 日 00:00(世界标准时间)拉开帷幕,参与者将获得丰厚奖励。 挖矿期结束后,币安将于 2024 年 4 月 9 日 14:00(UTC)上线 Saga(SAGA)。 Saga Launchpool 要点: - 代币名称:Saga (SAGA) - 代币最大供应量:1,000,000,000 SAGA - Launchpool 代币奖励:45,000,000 SAGA(最大代币供应量的 4.5%) - 初始流通供应量:90,000,000 SAGA(最大代币供应量的 9%) 提出您的主张: 通过质押您的 BNB 和 FDUSD 来参与 Saga 的 Launchpool,以赚取 SAGA 代币。以下是您需要了解的内容: 每个用户每小时的硬上限: - BNB池中有37,500 SAGA - FDUSD 池中有 9,375 SAGA 支持的池: - 质押BNB:奖励36,000,000 SAGA(80%) - 质押 FDUSD:奖励 9,000,000 SAGA (20%) 挖矿期间:2024年4月5日00:00(UTC)至2024年4月8日23:59(UTC) 佐贺农业分布: 在挖矿期间,参与者每天可以获得总计 11,250,000 SAGA 的丰厚奖励,并针对 BNB 和 FDUSD 池进行特定分配。 加入传奇吧! #BinanceLaunchpool #SAGA #Launchpool #BullorBear $BNB $FDUSD
Launchpool:质押 BNB 和 FDUSD 来农场 SAGA 代币!

不要错过这个参与 Saga 开创性旅程的黄金机会。标记您的日历,准备您的赌注,并准备好以前所未有的方式种植 SAGA 代币。欢迎来到币安 Launchpool 上的 Saga 革命!

币安已推出 Saga (SAGA),作为币安 Launchpool 上的第 51 个项目。 Saga 作为推出其他 L1 的 L1 解决方案脱颖而出,预示着去中心化可能性的新时代。

币安将成为第一个上市 Saga 代币的平台,交易将于 2024 年 4 月 9 日 14:00(世界标准时间)开始。


Saga (SAGA) 代表了加密领域的一项突破性举措,为用户提供了将 BNB 和 FDUSD 放入不同池中的机会,以便在四天内种植 SAGA 代币。疯狂农场将于 2024 年 4 月 5 日 00:00(世界标准时间)拉开帷幕,参与者将获得丰厚奖励。

挖矿期结束后,币安将于 2024 年 4 月 9 日 14:00(UTC)上线 Saga(SAGA)。

Saga Launchpool 要点:

- 代币名称:Saga (SAGA)
- 代币最大供应量:1,000,000,000 SAGA
- Launchpool 代币奖励:45,000,000 SAGA(最大代币供应量的 4.5%)
- 初始流通供应量:90,000,000 SAGA(最大代币供应量的 9%)


通过质押您的 BNB 和 FDUSD 来参与 Saga 的 Launchpool,以赚取 SAGA 代币。以下是您需要了解的内容:

- BNB池中有37,500 SAGA
- FDUSD 池中有 9,375 SAGA
- 质押BNB:奖励36,000,000 SAGA(80%)
- 质押 FDUSD:奖励 9,000,000 SAGA (20%)


在挖矿期间,参与者每天可以获得总计 11,250,000 SAGA 的丰厚奖励,并针对 BNB 和 FDUSD 池进行特定分配。


#BinanceLaunchpool #SAGA #Launchpool #BullorBear

BTC 已达到 66,000 美元的上升支撑位。 如果它抵抗该支撑位,它可能会反弹至 ATH / 73,700 美元。📈 如果它跌破支撑位,它可能会回落至 61,000 美元,然后进一步跌至 51,000 美元。📉 $BTC
BTC 已达到 66,000 美元的上升支撑位。

如果它抵抗该支撑位,它可能会反弹至 ATH / 73,700 美元。📈
如果它跌破支撑位,它可能会回落至 61,000 美元,然后进一步跌至 51,000 美元。📉

不要错过!在 Binance Launchpool 上发现 Ethena (ENA):质押 BNB 和 FDUSD 以赚取 ENA 代币 币安推出其第 50 个项目 Ethena (ENA),这是一种尖端的合成美元协议,让我们一起兴奋不已。质押您的 BNB 和 FDUSD,在为期三天的令人兴奋的农场活动中收获 ENA 代币。 关键点: - 上市和交易首发:为 2024 年 4 月 2 日做好准备,届时 ENA 交易将在币安上以多个货币对上线,这标志著去中心化金融的重大飞跃。 - ENA Launchpool亮点: 参与Launchpool即可获得ENA奖励: - 质押BNB:赚取高达240,000,000 ENA - 质押 FDUSD:赚取高达 60,000,000 ENA - 挖矿期间及分配:2024年3月30日至4月1日,把握机会,每天赚取总计100,000,000 ENA的奖励,分配在BNB和FDUSD池中。 - 使用者福利:享有 APY 的即时更新,直接向您的现货帐户领取奖励,并透过即时取消质押探索新的机会。 - 全球参与:虽然 ENA 农业欢迎许多人,但某些地区可能有参与限制。在 Launchpool 页面上检查资格以获得无缝体验。 - 加入金融的未来:让我们一起塑造合成美元的未来并彻底改变去中心化金融。您的支持推动金融界的创新和包容性。 不要错过这个令人兴奋的机会,参与 ENA 之旅! #Ethena #ENA #Launchpool $BNB $FDUSD
不要错过!在 Binance Launchpool 上发现 Ethena (ENA):质押 BNB 和 FDUSD 以赚取 ENA 代币

币安推出其第 50 个项目 Ethena (ENA),这是一种尖端的合成美元协议,让我们一起兴奋不已。质押您的 BNB 和 FDUSD,在为期三天的令人兴奋的农场活动中收获 ENA 代币。


- 上市和交易首发:为 2024 年 4 月 2 日做好准备,届时 ENA 交易将在币安上以多个货币对上线,这标志著去中心化金融的重大飞跃。

- ENA Launchpool亮点: 参与Launchpool即可获得ENA奖励:
- 质押BNB:赚取高达240,000,000 ENA
- 质押 FDUSD:赚取高达 60,000,000 ENA

- 挖矿期间及分配:2024年3月30日至4月1日,把握机会,每天赚取总计100,000,000 ENA的奖励,分配在BNB和FDUSD池中。

- 使用者福利:享有 APY 的即时更新,直接向您的现货帐户领取奖励,并透过即时取消质押探索新的机会。

- 全球参与:虽然 ENA 农业欢迎许多人,但某些地区可能有参与限制。在 Launchpool 页面上检查资格以获得无缝体验。

- 加入金融的未来:让我们一起塑造合成美元的未来并彻底改变去中心化金融。您的支持推动金融界的创新和包容性。

不要错过这个令人兴奋的机会,参与 ENA 之旅!

#Ethena #ENA #Launchpool

如何在加密货币低迷时期生存:来自业余投资者的建议 嗨,加密货币朋友们!当市场暴跌时,你会感到害怕。以下是我处理它的方法: 1. 保持冷静:情绪会把你搞得一团糟,所以要深呼吸,要思考。 2. 分散风险:不要把所有东西都押在一个硬币上。 3. 先研究:了解你投资的是什么。 4. 低买高卖:抢便宜货,但要坚持你的预算。 5. 保持耐心:加密货币是过山车,而不是火箭。 6. 保持冷静:恐慌性抛售很少会有好结果。 7. 慢慢来:随着时间的推移,逐渐增加你的投资。 8. 随时了解情况:关注加密货币新闻和更新。 9. 保证你的加密货币安全:使用安全钱包并保持警惕。 10. 寻求帮助:迷路时寻求建议是可以的。 保持坚强,坚持下去,让我们一起渡过难关! #HotTrends #BTC #ETH $BTC $ETH $BNB


1. 保持冷静:情绪会把你搞得一团糟,所以要深呼吸,要思考。
2. 分散风险:不要把所有东西都押在一个硬币上。
3. 先研究:了解你投资的是什么。
4. 低买高卖:抢便宜货,但要坚持你的预算。
5. 保持耐心:加密货币是过山车,而不是火箭。
6. 保持冷静:恐慌性抛售很少会有好结果。
7. 慢慢来:随着时间的推移,逐渐增加你的投资。
8. 随时了解情况:关注加密货币新闻和更新。
9. 保证你的加密货币安全:使用安全钱包并保持警惕。
10. 寻求帮助:迷路时寻求建议是可以的。


#HotTrends #BTC #ETH

驾驭高低:期货交易新手指南 在加密货币交易领域,期货交易提供了一场诱人的刺激之旅,承诺令人振奋的高点和令人心跳停止的低点。但在表面之下,隐藏着一段经常被新手忽视的危险旅程。让我们来探索一下为什么期货交易更适合经验丰富的老手。 1. 做好波动准备: 加密货币市场以剧烈波动而闻名,期货交易中这种波动被放大了。价格飙升或暴跌,让新手在混乱中寻求稳定。 2. 杠杆: 杠杆赋予以最小资本控制大量头寸的能力。然而,它可以迅速放大损失,诱使新手交易者陷入高风险赌博。 3. 追加保证金: 维持保证金账户就像走钢丝。误判会触发追加保证金,要求额外的资金,这往往会导致财务困境。 4. 市场操纵: 期货交易为市场操纵提供了肥沃的土壤。新手交易者可能会成为精心策划的骗局的受害者,眼睁睁地看着自己的投资组合遭受损失。 5. 缺乏经验: 初学者最大的危险是缺乏经验。如果不了解市场动态,进行期货交易就像蒙着眼在迷宫中徘徊。 初学者应谨慎行事的原因: 对于新手来说,期货交易的风险远远超过回报。耐心、教育和谨慎对于加密货币交易的成功至关重要。 总之,期货交易可能承诺快速获利,但它是一项高风险的事业,最好谨慎对待。对于初学者来说,谦逊和学习的承诺是关键。所以系好安全带,脚踏实地,记住:在加密货币中,智慧胜过速度。 $BTC $ETH $BNB


1. 做好波动准备:


2. 杠杆:


3. 追加保证金:


4. 市场操纵:


5. 缺乏经验:





BOOK OF MEME (BOME) Listing on Binance: An In-Depth Analysis The recent unveiling of BOOK OF MEME (BOME) on Binance has sparked significant discord within the cryptocurrency realm, prompting a meticulous scrutiny of its inherent risks and potential drawbacks. The Gambit of BOME BOME portrays itself as a revolutionary memecoin operating on the Solana network, pledging to encapsulate the dynamic meme culture within a digital repository. Yet, beneath its glossy exterior lies a venture fraught with peril and uncertainty. Dubious Fundamentals Despite its claims of innovation, BOME's foundation appears shaky at best. As a nascent token, it lacks the credibility and stability requisite to instill confidence among investors. Furthermore, its reliance on meme culture as a cornerstone raises doubts about its long-term sustainability and viability. Unstable Terrain of Volatility The intrinsic volatility and unpredictability of BOME cannot be overstated. Being a memecoin, it is susceptible to rapid price swings and speculative trading practices, posing considerable risks to investors, particularly those unacquainted with the idiosyncrasies of meme-driven markets. Exercise Prudence Given these apprehensions, investors are strongly urged to exercise utmost caution when considering BOME as an investment avenue. Thorough research and meticulous risk management practices are imperative to navigate the treacherous waters of meme-centric markets. Always bear in mind that the promise of swift profits often accompanies commensurate risks and potential losses.
BOOK OF MEME (BOME) Listing on Binance: An In-Depth Analysis

The recent unveiling of BOOK OF MEME (BOME) on Binance has sparked significant discord within the cryptocurrency realm, prompting a meticulous scrutiny of its inherent risks and potential drawbacks.

The Gambit of BOME

BOME portrays itself as a revolutionary memecoin operating on the Solana network, pledging to encapsulate the dynamic meme culture within a digital repository. Yet, beneath its glossy exterior lies a venture fraught with peril and uncertainty.

Dubious Fundamentals

Despite its claims of innovation, BOME's foundation appears shaky at best. As a nascent token, it lacks the credibility and stability requisite to instill confidence among investors. Furthermore, its reliance on meme culture as a cornerstone raises doubts about its long-term sustainability and viability.

Unstable Terrain of Volatility

The intrinsic volatility and unpredictability of BOME cannot be overstated. Being a memecoin, it is susceptible to rapid price swings and speculative trading practices, posing considerable risks to investors, particularly those unacquainted with the idiosyncrasies of meme-driven markets.

Exercise Prudence

Given these apprehensions, investors are strongly urged to exercise utmost caution when considering BOME as an investment avenue. Thorough research and meticulous risk management practices are imperative to navigate the treacherous waters of meme-centric markets. Always bear in mind that the promise of swift profits often accompanies commensurate risks and potential losses.
Beware the Bitcoin Frenzy: A Cautionary Tale as It Hits All-Time Highs As Bitcoin reaches dizzying heights, soaring to unprecedented levels of value, it's essential to pause and reflect on the risks amidst the euphoria. The Temptation of All-Time Highs With Bitcoin smashing through previous records, it's easy to get swept up in the allure of quick profits and exponential growth. However, history has taught us that such euphoria often precedes a harsh reality check. The temptation to buy into the hype at peak prices can lead to significant losses. Volatility Reigns Supreme Bitcoin's journey to the top has been anything but smooth. Its notorious volatility has left many reeling from sudden price swings and unpredictable market movements. While volatility can present opportunities for savvy traders, it also amplifies the risks for those unprepared to weather the storm. Regulatory Uncertainty Looms Adding to the uncertainty is the specter of regulatory scrutiny. As governments around the world grapple with the rise of cryptocurrencies, the regulatory landscape remains in flux. New regulations and crackdowns could send shockwaves through the market, destabilizing prices and eroding investor confidence. Prudent Investment Strategies In light of these factors, investors are wise to approach Bitcoin with a healthy dose of skepticism and a sound investment strategy. Diversification, risk management, and a long-term perspective are essential tools for navigating the volatile waters of cryptocurrency markets. While Bitcoin may hold promise as a disruptive force in the financial world, prudent caution is the key to protecting your investments in the face of uncertainty. The Bottom Line As Bitcoin basks in the glow of its all-time highs, now is not the time for blind optimism or reckless speculation. Instead, it's a sobering reminder to tread carefully and remain vigilant in the face of market exuberance. Only by approaching Bitcoin with caution and foresight can investors hope to navigate the complexities of this ever-evolving digital asset. #BTC $BTC
Beware the Bitcoin Frenzy: A Cautionary Tale as It Hits All-Time Highs

As Bitcoin reaches dizzying heights, soaring to unprecedented levels of value, it's essential to pause and reflect on the risks amidst the euphoria.

The Temptation of All-Time Highs

With Bitcoin smashing through previous records, it's easy to get swept up in the allure of quick profits and exponential growth. However, history has taught us that such euphoria often precedes a harsh reality check. The temptation to buy into the hype at peak prices can lead to significant losses.

Volatility Reigns Supreme

Bitcoin's journey to the top has been anything but smooth. Its notorious volatility has left many reeling from sudden price swings and unpredictable market movements. While volatility can present opportunities for savvy traders, it also amplifies the risks for those unprepared to weather the storm.

Regulatory Uncertainty Looms

Adding to the uncertainty is the specter of regulatory scrutiny. As governments around the world grapple with the rise of cryptocurrencies, the regulatory landscape remains in flux. New regulations and crackdowns could send shockwaves through the market, destabilizing prices and eroding investor confidence.

Prudent Investment Strategies

In light of these factors, investors are wise to approach Bitcoin with a healthy dose of skepticism and a sound investment strategy. Diversification, risk management, and a long-term perspective are essential tools for navigating the volatile waters of cryptocurrency markets. While Bitcoin may hold promise as a disruptive force in the financial world, prudent caution is the key to protecting your investments in the face of uncertainty.

The Bottom Line

As Bitcoin basks in the glow of its all-time highs, now is not the time for blind optimism or reckless speculation. Instead, it's a sobering reminder to tread carefully and remain vigilant in the face of market exuberance. Only by approaching Bitcoin with caution and foresight can investors hope to navigate the complexities of this ever-evolving digital asset.

Discover (ETHFI) on Binance Launchpool: Stake and Earn! Gear up, crypto enthusiasts! Binance introduces the 49th project on its Launchpool, (ETHFI), a groundbreaking decentralized, non-custodial delegated staking protocol that's about to change the game. Starting from March 14, 2024, you can stake your $BNB and $FDUSD to farm ETHFI tokens for four days, leading up to its official trading kick-off on March 18, 2024. Why You Should Pay Attention: • Exclusive Listing: Be among the first to trade ETHFI on Binance with ETHFI/BTC, ETHFI/USDT, and more pairs. • Earn ETHFI: Stake BNB or FDUSD in dedicated pools to earn your share of 20 million ETHFI tokens. • Flexible Staking: Dive into staking with no delay, and enjoy the flexibility of withdrawing at any time. What Makes ETHFI Stand Out: • Tokenomics: A maximum supply of 1 billion ETHFI tokens ensures scarcity and value. • Rewarding: Grab a piece of the 20 million ETHFI allocated for Launchpool rewards. • Decentralized Finance Reimagined: With, experience a new layer of decentralized staking protocols, designed for the community. Getting Involved Is Easy: 1. Stake Your Tokens: From March 14, allocate your BNB and FDUSD to start farming ETHFI. 2. Claim Your Rewards: Watch your rewards accumulate and claim them directly to your spot account. 3. Stay Informed: Don't miss out on real-time updates on pool balances and APYs to make the most of your staking. Mark Your Calendars: This is your chance to be part of a pioneering decentralized finance protocol. Start staking on March 14, and prepare to trade ETHFI starting March 18. With and Binance, the future of DeFi is here. #ETHFI
Discover (ETHFI) on Binance Launchpool: Stake and Earn!

Gear up, crypto enthusiasts! Binance introduces the 49th project on its Launchpool, (ETHFI), a groundbreaking decentralized, non-custodial delegated staking protocol that's about to change the game. Starting from March 14, 2024, you can stake your $BNB and $FDUSD to farm ETHFI tokens for four days, leading up to its official trading kick-off on March 18, 2024.

Why You Should Pay Attention:

• Exclusive Listing: Be among the first to trade ETHFI on Binance with ETHFI/BTC, ETHFI/USDT, and more pairs.
• Earn ETHFI: Stake BNB or FDUSD in dedicated pools to earn your share of 20 million ETHFI tokens.
• Flexible Staking: Dive into staking with no delay, and enjoy the flexibility of withdrawing at any time.

What Makes ETHFI Stand Out:

• Tokenomics: A maximum supply of 1 billion ETHFI tokens ensures scarcity and value.
• Rewarding: Grab a piece of the 20 million ETHFI allocated for Launchpool rewards.
• Decentralized Finance Reimagined: With, experience a new layer of decentralized staking protocols, designed for the community.

Getting Involved Is Easy:

1. Stake Your Tokens: From March 14, allocate your BNB and FDUSD to start farming ETHFI.
2. Claim Your Rewards: Watch your rewards accumulate and claim them directly to your spot account.
3. Stay Informed: Don't miss out on real-time updates on pool balances and APYs to make the most of your staking.

Mark Your Calendars:
This is your chance to be part of a pioneering decentralized finance protocol. Start staking on March 14, and prepare to trade ETHFI starting March 18. With and Binance, the future of DeFi is here.

Binance Launches AEVO on Launchpool: A New Opportunity for Crypto Enthusiasts Binance has announced AEVO, its 48th project on the Launchpool platform, set to revolutionize the decentralized derivatives exchange market. AEVO promises to offer Binance users a unique opportunity to farm AEVO tokens by staking BNB and FDUSD. The project kicks off farming operations on March 8, 2024, and runs for five days, allowing users to actively engage in the early stages of AEVO's development. #Aevo #Launchpool Key Highlights: • Token Farming: Users can stake BNB and FDUSD in separate pools to earn AEVO tokens. • Launchpool Farming Period: From March 8, 2024, to March 12, 2024. • Token Listing: AEVO will be listed on Binance on March 13, 2024, with multiple trading pairs, including AEVO/BTC and AEVO/USDT. • Tokenomics: AEVO has a max supply of 1 billion tokens, with 4.5% allocated for Launchpool rewards and an initial circulating supply of 11%. • Staking Details: Requires KYC, with hourly caps for individual contributions. • Distribution: The rewards are predominantly allocated to the BNB pool (80%) and the rest to the FDUSD pool (20%). How to Participate: Interested participants must stake their tokens in the specified pools, with the ability to claim rewards hourly and manage their stakes flexibly. Binance's platform updates, including APY and pool balances, will be provided in real time to keep users informed. Project and Rewards: AEVO's introduction through Binance's Launchpool represents an exciting phase for traders and crypto enthusiasts, offering a new asset to diversify portfolios. By staking BNB or FDUSD, users can contribute to and benefit from AEVO's ecosystem growth. $BNB $FDUSD
Binance Launches AEVO on Launchpool: A New Opportunity for Crypto Enthusiasts

Binance has announced AEVO, its 48th project on the Launchpool platform, set to revolutionize the decentralized derivatives exchange market. AEVO promises to offer Binance users a unique opportunity to farm AEVO tokens by staking BNB and FDUSD. The project kicks off farming operations on March 8, 2024, and runs for five days, allowing users to actively engage in the early stages of AEVO's development.


Key Highlights:

• Token Farming: Users can stake BNB and FDUSD in separate pools to earn AEVO tokens.
• Launchpool Farming Period: From March 8, 2024, to March 12, 2024.
• Token Listing: AEVO will be listed on Binance on March 13, 2024, with multiple trading pairs, including AEVO/BTC and AEVO/USDT.
• Tokenomics: AEVO has a max supply of 1 billion tokens, with 4.5% allocated for Launchpool rewards and an initial circulating supply of 11%.
• Staking Details: Requires KYC, with hourly caps for individual contributions.
• Distribution: The rewards are predominantly allocated to the BNB pool (80%) and the rest to the FDUSD pool (20%).

How to Participate:

Interested participants must stake their tokens in the specified pools, with the ability to claim rewards hourly and manage their stakes flexibly. Binance's platform updates, including APY and pool balances, will be provided in real time to keep users informed.

Project and Rewards:

AEVO's introduction through Binance's Launchpool represents an exciting phase for traders and crypto enthusiasts, offering a new asset to diversify portfolios. By staking BNB or FDUSD, users can contribute to and benefit from AEVO's ecosystem growth.

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