Binance Square
$BTC {future}(BAKEUSDT) 每个人都对加密市场有同样的梦想 您购买一枚硬币,期望赢得 100 倍 因此,您几乎总是更喜欢在顶部买入而不是提前买入。 让我们回顾一下。 你们中的许多人都不敢购买,因为在 2021 年熊市开始后市场正走向底部。 我举一个我自己国家的例子 例如 ; 2021 年熊市开始时,USDT/TRY 平价为 8 土耳其里拉 1 美元。 今天,33.25 土耳其里拉等于 1 美元。 换句话说,他们用土耳其货币换取了四倍的利润。 我们跳过这个吧。 自 2021 年以来,无需担心下跌而积累商品的普通人现在已经赚取了 4x5x,这提供了最少的利润(当然,对于那些进行正确研究并选择正确硬币的人来说)。 简而言之,他们的利润是 8-9 倍。 此外,我们可以说山寨币的看涨趋势尚未开始。 几乎所有人都同意,当看涨趋势开始时,山寨币将至少上涨 10 倍。 他做了什么100x 所以,不幸的是,100 倍并不是那么容易赚到的。 这正是我们所说的耐心。 如果您是早期买家。 如果你能把它握在手里,那100倍就会来到你身边。 当然,这种收益对于比特币来说并不是很有效。 这种收益在山寨币中更有可能实现。 祝你日子愉快。 $JASMY {spot}(JASMYUSDT)

您购买一枚硬币,期望赢得 100 倍


你们中的许多人都不敢购买,因为在 2021 年熊市开始后市场正走向底部。

例如 ; 2021 年熊市开始时,USDT/TRY 平价为 8 土耳其里拉 1 美元。
今天,33.25 土耳其里拉等于 1 美元。

自 2021 年以来,无需担心下跌而积累商品的普通人现在已经赚取了 4x5x,这提供了最少的利润(当然,对于那些进行正确研究并选择正确硬币的人来说)。
简而言之,他们的利润是 8-9 倍。
几乎所有人都同意,当看涨趋势开始时,山寨币将至少上涨 10 倍。
所以,不幸的是,100 倍并不是那么容易赚到的。

每个人都听说过中本聪。 他拥有价值 700 亿美元的比特币。 那么为什么中本聪还没有宣布呢? 这是这个谜团背后的调查 2008 年 10 月 31 日 一份描述数字加密货币的白皮书发布在在线加密电子邮件列表上。 这份九页研究的标题是“ #Bitcoin: 点对点电子现金系统”。 2009 年 1 月 3 日 比特币网络是通过挖掘该链的初始区块(称为“创世区块”)而创建的。 该代码包含前 50 个 BTC 和一条消息: “《泰晤士报》2009 年 1 月 3 日财政大臣即将对银行进行第二次救助。” #JASMY/USDT 在这 64 天里,一个关于全新货币概念的新故事开始了。 但如果不是星期六的话... 我们永远不会听说过加密世界。 那么这背后的主使是谁呢? 根据采访我们知道的一件事是,他对这个系统进行了非常详细的思考。 核心开发人员 Jeff Garzik “他的编码非常规,”他写道。 他没有应用传统软件工程师所期望的严格测试。 尝试揭开 有很多人自称是中本聪或者是中本聪。 然而,这些说法或建议均未得到证实。 多里安·中本、哈尔·芬尼、尼克·萨博、克雷格·赖特、大卫·克莱曼等 净值 比特币和密码学专家 Sergio Lerner 的分析表明: — 中本聪开采了比特币第一个区块的大部分 — 他积累了大约100万未动用的财富$ BTC... 截至2024年3月8日,这些宝藏的价值将超过700亿美元。 一些人认为,如果中本聪的身份被揭露,比特币将无法有效运行。 支持这一立场的论据包括: — 去中心化/专注于技术 — 强化失信系统/社区
他拥有价值 700 亿美元的比特币。


2008 年 10 月 31 日 一份描述数字加密货币的白皮书发布在在线加密电子邮件列表上。 这份九页研究的标题是“
2009 年 1 月 3 日

该代码包含前 50 个 BTC 和一条消息:
“《泰晤士报》2009 年 1 月 3 日财政大臣即将对银行进行第二次救助。”
在这 64 天里,一个关于全新货币概念的新故事开始了。

核心开发人员 Jeff Garzik



比特币和密码学专家 Sergio Lerner 的分析表明:
— 中本聪开采了比特币第一个区块的大部分
— 他积累了大约100万未动用的财富$ BTC...



— 去中心化/专注于技术
— 强化失信系统/社区
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2 gmt o kızı elinde tutmak icin yetmez
Gamer Akvai21

#GMTUSDT 这个代币是一个很好的加密货币
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Bubble Bash
simple simon the profiler
🤣🤣 *每个人都在说*:“如果 BTC 的主导地位下降,那么山寨币的季节就开始了!” 🚀

但是等等……*你真的了解 BTC 的主导地位吗?* 🤔🤔

让我们来分析一下,这样我们就可以停止猜测并开始*理解*! 💡

*什么是 BTC 主导地位?* 🔑

BTC 主导地位是比特币占总*加密货币市值*的百分比。例如:

- 如果 BTC 的主导地位是 *50%*,则比特币占所有加密货币总市值的 *50%*。

- 如果 BTC 的主导地位上升,则意味着*与其他山寨币相比,比特币的市场份额正在增长*。 📈
- 如果 BTC 的主导地位下降,则表明*山寨币*正在获得更多市场份额或表现优于比特币。 📉

*为什么 BTC 主导地位很重要?* 🔍

- *BTC 主导地位和山寨币季:* 📊 BTC 主导地位的下降通常被视为山寨币表现更好的信号。理论上,当比特币稳定或放缓时,交易者会寻求山寨币以获得更好的回报,从而推高其价格。

- *这并不意味着什么:* 🚨 *BTC 主导地位*并不总是能保证山寨币季。有时,即使 BTC 主导地位下降,如果市场情绪疲软或 *BTC* 仍然是投资者关注的主导力量,山寨币也可能不会反弹。

*您需要了解的有关 BTC 主导地位的信息:*
- *BTC 主导地位 > 50%* = 比特币仍然是主要参与者。💪
- *BTC 主导地位 <span 🌟



BTC 主导地位是一个重要指标,但它*不是决定*山寨币表现*的唯一*因素。🚨

因此,当您听到人们说“一旦 BTC 主导地位下降,山寨币季就会开始”时,请记住*进行自己的研究*并*关注整个市场*。📊




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Bubble Bash
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🗣️ Update (Xenea)

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不要错过这个机会 🔥🔥🔥

Xenea 第二季正在进行。如果您错过了第一季,请不要错过第二季。🥳🥳
Xenea 第二季现在开始,如果没有加入,请迅速参与这个好项目。
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test nereye gidiyor dostum fiyat
#GMT/USDT is retesting a falling wedge pattern on the weekly chart🔍

A confirmed bounce could push price towards targets at $0.246, $0.444, and $1.222🎯
$GMT #Binance250Million #DYOR
türkiyede ilk defa boğa sezonu atlatan ve milyoner olan biri sistemden kazancini maliyeye takilmadan cikarabiliyormu sorun cikiyormu bilgin varmi dostum.vergi yok fakat sorgu var
türkiyede ilk defa boğa sezonu atlatan ve milyoner olan biri sistemden kazancini maliyeye takilmadan cikarabiliyormu sorun cikiyormu bilgin varmi dostum.vergi yok fakat sorgu var
Turkey's Minimum Wage Hike Falls Short of Workers' Expectations
As Turkey ushers in 2025, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's announcement of a 30% minimum wage increase has met with widespread disappointment rather than celebration. The new monthly wage of 22,104 Turkish lira, approximately $630, represents what many citizens view as an insufficient response to the nation's economic challenges.
The disconnect between the wage increase and economic reality becomes apparent when considering Turkey's inflation rate, which surpassed 40% in 2024. Social media platforms have become outlets for public frustration, with tens of thousands of Turkish citizens expressing their discontent. The sentiment was captured powerfully by one worker who noted that while inflation hovers at 44%, workers are expected to manage with a mere 30% wage adjustment.
Living costs in Turkey's major urban centers highlight the inadequacy of the new minimum wage. Istanbul's average monthly rent of $709 and Ankara's $567 paint a stark picture – in many cases, housing costs alone exceed or nearly match the entire minimum wage. This creates an impossible equation for the 42% of Turkey's workforce dependent on minimum wage earnings.
The impact resonates differently across Turkey's diverse regions. Urban workers face particularly severe challenges, as noted by Eda, who works at a government student hostel. She emphasizes the disproportionate burden on city dwellers, where living expenses significantly outpace those in rural areas.
Labor organizations have taken strong positions against the wage decision. The absence of the Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions from the final wage determination meeting and the Confederation of Revolutionary Trade Unions' declaration of invalidity underscore the contentious nature of the process. Their primary criticism centers on the lack of meaningful worker consultation and the rushed implementation.
The central bank's monetary policy adds another layer of complexity to the situation. Despite reducing the benchmark interest rate to 47.5% from 50%, inflation continues to pose significant challenges. While government officials present the modest wage increase as a strategic move to manage inflation expectations, workers face the immediate reality of diminished purchasing power.
Government supporters emphasize that the new rate represents the highest minimum wage in dollar terms in recent years. However, this provides little comfort to workers like Meltem, an administrative assistant, who watches essential expenses consume nearly all of her income, leaving virtually nothing for savings or discretionary spending.
The broader economic context reveals deeper systemic issues. As noted by Tolga, a banking professional, the high percentage of Turkish workers dependent on minimum wage creates a cascade effect – when the wage increase falls short, it drags a significant portion of the population toward poverty.
While government officials frame the below-inflation increase as a necessary measure for economic stability, the human cost becomes increasingly apparent. For the approximately nine million workers affected by this change, the "bitter pill" of economic reform carries a particularly sharp sting.
The Turkish government's balancing act between controlling inflation and maintaining living standards has left many citizens questioning the effectiveness of current economic policies. As the nation moves forward, the gap between wages and living costs continues to challenge the resilience of Turkish workers, leaving many to wonder about the true path to economic recovery.
The situation raises important questions about sustainable economic policy and social welfare in Turkey. As the effects of this wage decision unfold throughout 2025, the resilience of Turkish workers will be tested against the backdrop of ongoing economic challenges and rising living costs.

#Turkey #türkiye #MinimumWage #Inflation #bitcoin
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bize 32 den aldirtip sen 25 düşmesini bekleyeceksin
JASMY: Breakout Potential on the Horizon! 🚀

Hey Binance Fam,
Let's talk JASMY! 👀 The price action is looking interesting, and we're here to break it down for you.
What's the Buzz About?
JASMY is currently trading within a triangle pattern. This pattern often signals a period of consolidation before a potential breakout.
What Does This Mean for You?
A breakout from this triangle could lead to a significant price increase. Additionally, we have a strong trendline that, if followed, could push JASMY up to the 0.618 Fibonacci line.
But There's a Catch!
Currently, the market is experiencing low trading volume due to the holidays. This could make price movements less predictable.
What's the Plan?
We recommend considering a long position on JASMY at the current price of 0.032.
Risk Management:
* Stop-Loss: 0.025
Stay Tuned!
We'll continue to monitor JASMY's price action and provide you with the latest insights. So, keep an eye on our channel for more updates.
Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Please do your own research before making any investment decisions.
#JASMY #Binance #Cryptocurrency #TradingStrategy
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vallahi hiçbirşey anlamadım 😀
Flux Bro
💎Master Fibonacci : Unlock the Blueprint to Enter and Exit Trades Like a pro😍
Want to level up your trading game? Learn how Fibonacci Retracement and Extension can transform your strategy into a winning formula—whether you’re trading Bitcoin or any other asset. Let’s dive in:
Fibonacci Retracement: Enter Like a Pro! 🎯
Used to identify entry points during price pullbacks:
Start Point: Begin at a significant high.End Point: Mark the recent low in a downtrend (or reverse for an uptrend).Key Levels to Watch:38.2%: Minor pullback (good for conservative traders).50%: Critical zone where many trades happen.61.8%: The “Golden Ratio” where reversals often occur.
💡 Example: Bitcoin dropped from $40K to $35K, retracing to $37K. A 50% Fibonacci retracement level could signal the ideal point to enter.
Fibonacci Extension: Take Profits Like a Boss! 🤑
Used to find exit points or profit targets in a trending market:
Start Point: Use the recent low.End Point: Mark the peak before the pullback.Key Extension Levels:100%: First take-profit target.127.2%: Strong exit for trend continuation.161.8%: Maximum extension—ideal for major trends.
💡 Example: Bitcoin’s breakout at $35K surges to $40K. Based on Fibonacci Extension, the 127.2% level might be $43K—your cue to take profit!
Why Fibonacci Works 🧩
1️⃣ Psychological Anchors: Traders globally trust these levels, reinforcing price reactions.
2️⃣ Works Across Assets: Be it Bitcoin or traditional stocks, Fibonacci adapts universally.
3️⃣ Blends with RSI & Trendlines: Combine for high-confidence entries/exits.
Pro Tips to Dominate Fibonacci 💥
Always confirm retracement levels with RSI or Moving Averages.Don’t rely on a single level—look for confluences like trendlines or support zones.Bitcoin traders? Use Fibonacci in tandem with key psychological levels like $30K, $40K, etc.
💡 "Which level do you trust most—50%, 61.8%, or 127.2%? Share your Fibonacci success stories below! 📊👇"
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usdt neden listeden cikacakmis.nerden çikti bu saçma fikir
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Apparently, if you can see a hot air balloon, you're left-brained, and if you can see a jellyfish, you're right-brained. What do you see?
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Bear Whale xyz
Is JasmyCoin (JASMY) the Next Big Pump or at Risk of Delisting? 🚀📉

Often referred to as the "Japanese Bitcoin", #JASMY has a limited market cap and is currently under Binance's Monitoring Tag due to higher volatility and risks. While this raises concerns about a possible delisting, it also hints at the potential for massive growth if the project stabilizes.

Will JASMY pump and prove its worth—or face delisting? 🤔

If you believe it's ready to pump, click below to BUY NOW before it's too late!
hadi ordan
hadi ordan
Ãĺí Ă Ãľî
Here's my perspective on the cryptocurrency landscape in 2030:

- $SHIB : $4
- $PEPE : $25
- $XRP : $1500
- #LUNC : $1772
- #DOGE : $3505

You may have encountered some extravagant forecasts circulating on social media regarding these figures. However, these projections appear more like wishful thinking than reliable predictions, resembling something a child might conjure up.

To those entering the crypto realm, heed this advice: Approach these ambitious predictions with caution. Achieving these price points by 2030 is a considerable stretch. Conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions.

Many newcomers in the crypto space often begin by investing in inactive coins and seeking advice later. Yet, this isn't the wisest approach. Educate yourself first—I speak from experience.

I share this guidance to help you navigate common pitfalls. If you've encountered similar hype, let's discuss it.


🫂Remember: A lot of Hardwork goes into for providing you Best Investment Articles.Your Generous Tips would Empower our Mission and help us to work even Harder for you to give Best Investment Advice.

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