When you are beginners in crypto, you constantly need reassurance. You ask everywhere, "What should I do with this crypto?" "Should I sell this crypto?" and you get completely different answers from everywhere. Why? Because if everyone had the same opinion, everyone would win or lose. However, that's impossible: there are always winners and losers.

Stop asking these questions to people because it will only confuse you. Instead, what you need to do is learn: you must learn to analyze these cryptocurrencies

yourselves, knowing when to buy, when to sell, and when to hold. It's not others who should control your investments.

You will find a wealth of resources on the Internet, starting with all my posts. Then you can watch videos on YouTube, read articles online, buy books on cryptocurrencies... the ways to learn are plentiful, it's only you who are too lazy and decide not to learn. Be persistent, motivated, and be prepared to lose money because that's what will happen at the beginning, regardless. Invest small amounts at first to avoid losing too much.

I say it again and again: stop following the crowd, invest alone, and you will make much more money. It just takes work, but without work, you will achieve nothing.

Hoping that some will understand this and apply these tips.

This publication reflects only my opinion.

Thank you for reading.

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Thank you so much to those who will do it.