Galaxy Digital 执行长、加密货币大亨 Mike Novogratz 最近在CNBC 的Squawk Box 节目中对Ripple 进行了强有力的辩护,并猛烈抨击了SEC 主席加里·詹斯勒(Gary Gensler )。 Novogratz 赞扬了 Ripple 最近在针对 SEC 的法律诉讼中取得的胜利,并称赞这对公司和更广泛的加密货币社区来说都是重大胜利

It was a big, big win for Ripple and a big, big win for the crypto community," Novogratz stated, and then took aim at SEC Chair Gary Gensler's handling of the situation, stating, "Let's not let Gary Gensler put lipstick on a猪.他们输了,他们知道这一点。」诺沃格拉茨的评论强调了他的信念,即 SEC 对加密货币的态度不符合市场的实际需求和现实。
