Binance Square
币安在监管机构注册,正式重返 3000 亿美元印度市场 经过数月与印度当局的反复交涉,币安终于获得了金融情报部门的正式注册。 继 KuCoin 获准注册后,币安成为第二家受到反洗钱机构制裁的离岸加密货币交易所。 本周,BNB 的价值缩水了 1%。 据当地新闻网站 Moneycontrol 报道,加密货币交易所币安在印度金融情报机构正式注册后重返印度加密货币市场。周五,金融情报部门 (FIU) 负责人就该交易所首次注册发表了声明。 币安可能很快开始支持印度的加密货币交易者。 由于违反印度反洗钱法规,联邦调查部门 (FIU) 禁止了币安、KuCoin 和其他七家国际加密货币交易所。根据该机构的指示,这些加密货币交易所的移动应用程序已从印度版 Google Play 和 Apple 的 App Store 中删除。 据当地新闻网站 Moneycontrol 报道,币安准备在交易所正式向金融情报机构注册后恢复在印度的运营。据该机构负责人 Vivek Aggarwal 在新德里由 Bharat Web3 协会组织的培训上表示,在支付了 345 万印度卢比(41,303 美元)的罚款后,KuCoin 已完全注册并开始运营。 据 Aggarwal 称,罚款金额尚未确定,币安尚未恢复运营。该交易所已完成向金融情报机构注册的第一步,现在他们正在讨论可能的处罚和合规程序。 Chainalysis 在其 2023 年全球加密货币研究中将印度加密货币市场列为全球第二大市场。根据研究,2022 年 7 月至 2023 年 6 月期间,印度购买了价值 3000 亿美元的加密货币。 #BTC #Binance #BNB $BNB #altcoins

币安在监管机构注册,正式重返 3000 亿美元印度市场


继 KuCoin 获准注册后,币安成为第二家受到反洗钱机构制裁的离岸加密货币交易所。

本周,BNB 的价值缩水了 1%。

据当地新闻网站 Moneycontrol 报道,加密货币交易所币安在印度金融情报机构正式注册后重返印度加密货币市场。周五,金融情报部门 (FIU) 负责人就该交易所首次注册发表了声明。


由于违反印度反洗钱法规,联邦调查部门 (FIU) 禁止了币安、KuCoin 和其他七家国际加密货币交易所。根据该机构的指示,这些加密货币交易所的移动应用程序已从印度版 Google Play 和 Apple 的 App Store 中删除。

据当地新闻网站 Moneycontrol 报道,币安准备在交易所正式向金融情报机构注册后恢复在印度的运营。据该机构负责人 Vivek Aggarwal 在新德里由 Bharat Web3 协会组织的培训上表示,在支付了 345 万印度卢比(41,303 美元)的罚款后,KuCoin 已完全注册并开始运营。

据 Aggarwal 称,罚款金额尚未确定,币安尚未恢复运营。该交易所已完成向金融情报机构注册的第一步,现在他们正在讨论可能的处罚和合规程序。

Chainalysis 在其 2023 年全球加密货币研究中将印度加密货币市场列为全球第二大市场。根据研究,2022 年 7 月至 2023 年 6 月期间,印度购买了价值 3000 亿美元的加密货币。

#BTC #Binance #BNB $BNB #altcoins

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As Ripple backers accuse the SEC of allowing Ethereum a free ride XRP is stuck below $0.50 Following Ethereum's free pass, XRP is again below $0.50. XRP falls below $0.50 on Wednesday as Ripple (XRP) supporters including attorney Bill Morgan criticize the SEC for giving Ethereum a “second free pass” for Ethereum. On Wednesday, Ethereum creator Consensys stated via its official X account that the SEC is ending its inquiry of the second-largest cryptocurrency. Developer wrote to regulator to inquire about investigation progress and got a response. Since 2020, the US banking authority has sued Ripple for selling unregistered securities using the XRP coin. SEC asks court for $2 billion in Ripple fines. Ripple compared the fine to the SEC's action against Terraform Labs and its founders to lessen it. The regulator rejected this proposal, although it allowed a more modest $102 million penalty. For years, XRP holders have criticized the SEC for classification of Ripple as “unequal” to its counterparts. Community members have criticized the FTC for suing Ripple while giving Ethereum a “free pass.” History repeated when the SEC halted its Ether probe. While Ethereum holders celebrate the investigation's conclusion, Ripple proponent attorney Bill Morgan has criticized the SEC for treating Ethereum and Ripple differently for the second time in six years. Ethereum gets its second SEC waiver roughly six years after Hinman's remarks. Technical analysis: XRP falls below $0.50 again. Ripple has fallen since mid-March. The cryptocurrency closed over $0.50 for the first time in 10 days on Monday, but it fell below this level after the SEC dropped its Ethereum probe. If selling pressure continues, XRP may fall 5% to $0.4665, Ripple's crucial support level. XRP might overturn the bearish thesis with a daily candlestick close above $0.5330, the barrier and June 5 high. If this happens, the token might reach the Fair Value Gap between $0.5491 and $0.6029. #XRP #ETH $ETH $XRP
💰💰💰Increasing Numbers of Cryptocurrencies More over one million new crypto tokens have entered circulation since April 2024, with the Solana network accounting for the vast majority of these tokens. A significant portion, about 50%, are memecoins. Deutscher claims that the inflated token count is a result of the ease of deploying these tokens on-chain, which in turn draws attention to the more fundamental problem of market saturation and dilution. The quantity of crypto tokens we have currently is 5.7% more than we had at the top bull in 2021, according to Deutscher. Despite Bitcoin's record-breaking performance, this is a key reason why the cryptocurrency market has been underperforming this year. "The more tokens that launch, the more cumulative supply pressure on the market," he says, drawing a parallel between inflation and the mass production of new tokens. Noting that the crypto industry's greatest quarter for VC financing peaked at $12 billion in Q1 2022, just when the market started to turn negative, the analyst also provides insight into the characteristics of VC investments in the field. While venture capitalists' funding is crucial for project development, Deutscher argues that their timing and tactics can cause market imbalances. Similar to individual investors, venture capitalists seize opportunities when they arise. Deutscher says that investors' focus on short-term gains at the expense of long-term project growth causes market cyclical peaks and valleys. He elaborates on the ripple effects on the market, explaining how projects would postpone debuts when circumstances are unfavourable, then flood the market when mood changes, further diluting the original investment. Investor confidence, particularly among retail investors, is impacted by the continual introduction of new tokens, which strains market liquidity. with contrast to other markets, like as stocks and real estate, Deutscher argues that "the skew towards private markets is one of the biggest and most damaging issues in crypto." #BTC #altcoins $BTC




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