Get ready for Endgame's Launch Season.

The new version of the Endgame plan has been released by @RuneKek on the Maker Forum.

Endgame is detailed further, outlining the fundamental transformation of MakerDAO that improves growth, resilience, and accessibility.

Here is how Endgame will achieve its ultimate goal of scaling the DAI supply to 100 billion:

The final Endgame roadmap is described by 4 major phases.

1) Launch Season
2) Scaling Up
3) NewChain
4) Final Endgame

Phase 1: Launch Season

During the Launch Season, all of Endgame's major features will be released in rapid succession. This phase is planned to start by the summer of 2024, and the following launches are included:

New Brand Reveal:

The first release is the reveal of the new brand of MakerDAO.

The new brand is designed to communicate the core pillars of the project: Making saving with stablecoins fun and easy, and providing easy access to new tokens.

This new brand launch will be accompanied by a promo website, where early adopters will sign up to receive a bonus that will increase their yield when the new tokens are available.

New Token Launch:

A month after the New Brand Reveal, the two new tokens will become available: NewStable and NewGovToken (actual names will be revealed through the New Brand Reveal).

NewStable, the new version of Dai:

NewStable will be available for new users, and existing Dai users will be able to upgrade at will. NewStable users can also convert their NewStable to Dai freely.

NewStable will be able to farm NewGovToken from the moment it launches.

Farming will not be available to US residents and VPN users.

NewGovToken, the new version of MKR:

MKR holders will be able to upgrade their MKR to NewGovToken, and NewGovToken can also be converted back to MKR.

The supply of NewGovToken is redenominated: 1 MKR upgrades to 24,000 NewGovTokens. This means every MKR holder can choose to get 24,000 NewGovTokens for each MKR they upgrade.

Lockstake Engine Launch:

Following the new token introductions, the Lockstake Engine (LSE) will launch, designed to align stakeholder interests with the protocol's success and encourage long-term governance participation.

Through the LSE, MKR and NewGovToken holders will be able to lockstake their tokens interchangeably, with one MKR counting for 24,000 NewGovToken.

Users that have lockstaked their tokens can yield farm NewStable from protocol surplus and upcoming SubDAO tokens, including SPK.

A 15% exit fee on withdrawals from the LSE will encourage long-term commitment and governance participation

The LSE will not be available to US residents or VPN users.

NewGovToken Launch Airdrop:

Early adopters will have their NewGovTokens, acquired via the promotional website, unlocked during the Launch Airdrop when the LSE launches. This allows immediate access to the LSE's benefits.

NewBridge Launch:

After the LSE launches, NewBridge will be introduced, linking NewStable, NewGovToken, and additional tokens from the Maker Ecosystem from Ethereum to major L2. The official name of NewBridge will be announced during the Brand Reveal.

SparkDAO Launch:

The highlight of Launch Season is the long-awaited launch of SparkDAO, SPK token, and SPK farms.

Spark provides innovative lending and DeFi products that leverage the economic power of MakerDAO.

In this launch, the SPK token will be available to yield farm by NewStable users on Ethereum mainnet and a major L2. LSE users will also be able to yield farm SPK with this launch.

The SPK token will be able to farm NewGovToken immediately. This farming opportunity will be available on Ethereum mainnet and a major L2.

SPK yield farming will not be available to US residents and VPN users.

The pre-farmed SPK tokens will be available for claiming at the moment of SparkDAO’s launch.

Phase 2: Scaling up

Phase 2 centers on scaling up Endgame's basic primitives.

This means more SubDAOs, such as RWA-focused or gaming-focused SubDAOs, will be created. In total, 6 SubDAOs will launch during Phase 2.

Each SubDAO will cater to different market segments and community interests.

Finally, SubDAOs will have full autonomy over their own activities within boundaries set by MakerDAO.

The implementation of SubDAO governance will be complemented by effective user interfaces and AI-powered tools that facilitate and simplify governance decisions.

Phase 3: NewChain

In the third phase, NewChain will be launched as an independent L1 blockchain.

It will serve as a host for the core tokenomics and governance mechanics of Maker Core and the SubDAOs.

Additionally, it will function as a hub for RWA, DeFi, and inter-blockchain bridging through the NewBridge system.

NewChain is an expansion of the Maker ecosystem. Its launch does not indicate that Maker intends to leave Ethereum. All of the user-facing products that currently exist on Ethereum will remain, and new ones will be launched.

Once NewChain is up and running, the SubDAO ecosystem will be able to scale infinitely, with a greater number of SubDAOs being created at a faster pace.

Phase 4: Final Endgame

With the activation of Final Endgame, Maker Core's foundational governance mechanisms will be permanently locked in place.

This will achieve the ultimate vision of Endgame: Create a dynamic and ever-growing ecosystem based on a reliable and unchangeable financial infrastructure built to last for ages.

For more in-depth details on the latest Endgame update, we encourage you to read the full original post on the Maker Forum: