According to PANews, Immutable has announced the closure of its Immutable X market, with operations ceasing entirely by September 27. Initially launched to showcase the capabilities of the Immutable SDK, the company is now shifting its focus to supporting third-party markets rather than maintaining its own trading platform. The market will officially close on August 13.

Users of the Immutable market do not need to take any special actions regarding their assets. All NFTs and tokens are stored on the blockchain, linked to users' wallet addresses, and can be accessed across different markets using the Immutable global order book. This order book ensures that listings remain consistent across platforms, meaning users' collectible orders will still be valid on other markets without requiring additional steps. Immutable also encourages users to explore several third-party alternatives for trading NFTs on the Immutable X chain, recommending platforms such as TokenTrove, AtomicHub, and Sphere.