According to Odaily, Ethereum (ETH) has made a significant move in the cryptocurrency market. The digital currency has broken through the 3100 USDT mark, currently trading at 3110 USDT. This represents a notable development in the value of ETH, which is one of the leading cryptocurrencies in the world.

In the past 24 hours, the decline in ETH's value has narrowed to 0.05%. This indicates a stabilization in the currency's value after the breakthrough. The recent performance of ETH has been closely watched by investors and market analysts, as it is a key indicator of the overall health of the cryptocurrency market.

The breakthrough of the 3100 USDT mark is a significant milestone for ETH. It reflects the growing confidence of investors in the digital currency, and the increasing acceptance of cryptocurrencies in general. This development could potentially influence the future trajectory of the cryptocurrency market.